Mortuary (UKR) : The Diary of a Victim

Death Doom / Ukraine
(2006 - Self-Released)
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1. Shrine

On The "Black Hills"
Stands Old Shrine,
At day when you walk near this building,
Look at this walls
They are remember
Old, old times.
Times when "Black Hills"
Was red by blood.

This times ware times
Of witches and demons.
And You can return
In this times.

You'll see the crucified angels
On the cross
And rivers full of blood
The roads of humans bones
On "Black Hills", and Lucifer
Still sitting on the throne.

The Bloody Sabbath by the moon,
And dancing witches in the forest.
This times ware times of clairvoyants
And mortal sins.

Time to begin!!!

2. Inside

Smell of death
Black candles burn slowly
Weak light falls on holy pictures
Pictures from a skin

Dry blood is everywhere
altar of white marble
make your choice
through this shrine
you can go in past

Under full moon
You must say
One of three sworrings
Soon will be darkness
You must make your choice
Obey your inner voice
Your little dirty soul
Wants to arrive to me

Dry blood is everywhere
altar of white marble
make your choice
through this shrine
you can go in past

Oh, father you are in hell
nightmare by thy name
In the name of Satan and unholy ghost
rm crying to you
Give me the power above the track of time
I want to see this Hell!

I always may rely on you.

3. The First Temptations

Trough my shrine he is going in past

Satanic sacrifice
You're standing before my eyes
The knife is in your hand
Black cross above your head

Look in your self
The venom that tears your vein
It's running through your brain
And you're going insane

The voices spilling in the forest
The spirits coming to your mess
And horsemen ride with headless children
They are your uninvited guests

The rites has done
And life has pass
Your eyes are burning
And soul rejoice!

Look in your self
The venom that tears your vein
It's running through your brain
And you're going insane

4. The Desert of Dreams

No fear, You in Egypt
You going deep in past
Tonight under the moonlight
You must be at the temple of Osiris

Follow me to the other side!

Through the stone pass
To the other side
In another world
Under another sun

Take my heart and my soul,
Osiris, Anubis!
Life without sense,
Without beginning,
Without end
I'm stranger for my self
I live in my dreams
Only in a dreams.
Check my heart on your scales!

Your name is in the Book of Deads
And Book of Life is silent
No turning back!

The sun gift a dawn
And rainbows on the fields
Where eagles fly
Above the purple clouds
Fire has burned down
Ashes has cooled down
The page is turned

Wake up!

5. The Way to Eternity

Only Death in the Holy sand
Will show you the way to eternity
Suicide in the tears of Nile

"I've got to the Northern City,
and step on the locust's field."

Who are you and what is your name?

"I am, who had grown in underbrush of reed
my name is - Oliveman"

Why you want to pass here?

"I want to avoid the city, which lies
to the north from olive village."

What do you want to see there?

"Leg with a hip."

What do you want to say there?

"I saw the joy in the enemy camp."

What do you want to receive there?

"Fire and table of faience."

What will you doing whit they?

"Will have buried them on the shore of the Lake of Truth,
like a evening sacrifice."

What will you find on a shore of the Lake of Truth?

"A Hammer of Flint, his name is - "Breath Giver."

What will you do with flame and table of faience
After buried them?

"I'll be crying for them, will dig out a table of faience
and will go out the fire. Then I'll have broke
a table of faience and throw it in to the lake."

Go far from there.
Will pass thought the Gates Of Chamber Of Both Truth,
Because you know Us!

"Anubis, take my hand,
I'll be follow you to the Chamber of Both Truth.
To the trial of Osiris."

-The feather of Maat is light -

"I'm clean!"
"I'm clean!"
"I'm clean!"
"I'm clean!"

-Enter in to my Kingdom !-

6. Shrine of Soul

Gates of eternity
Paths to temples of your soul
Darkness side of your consciousness
And the last moment of your life.

Reach this place
Make your choice
Through this shrine you can go in to the
Wanted palaces, in eternal kingdom.

Say the sworrings, make the rites
Or follow me to the other side
Don't be a slave of stupid rules
Immortal God will take you soon.

Reach this place
Make your choice
Through this shrine you can go in to the
Wanted palaces, in eternal kingdom.

The grief of soul
My inner world.
To many questions.
In own depression
I'll find the key
To gates of immortality!

7. Between Past and Present

Stones cold, Temple of Evil get inside
Scream, cry, die, sacrifice!
Darkness places, empty spaces in your heart.
Make me slaughter, give me your daughter, sacrifice!

Open your mind,
Open your soul,
Open your heart,
For my command.

Inside this Temple, when time stand still,
Empty spaces, darkness places.
Between past and present,
Between Hell and Heaven
You will make holy rites.

Pull out her heart
Cut out her head
Take off her skin
By my command.
Make sacrifice!

Between past and present,
Between Hell and Heaven
Altar of air, in stones cold,
Altar of sins, behind this walls.

You will make holy rites in the name of Satan!

8. No Name

My life like water under ice
I want be blind and want be deaf
That don't feel the pain and sorrow
The death is moving hazy harvest

But death is good
Emotions frozen in the lake
And I don't know when ice began to break

You must cry, my dear
Bleed and dry, my dear
I will catch your tears

My brain has burned by flame of Gods
The demons dwell under my skin
And worms of hypocrisy are eating my flesh
And only darkness before my eyes.

You must cry, my dear
Bleed and dry, my dear
I am know your fears.

lyrics added by Vinterdrom - Modify this lyrics