Mordecai : Divine Wintertime - Through the Woods, Towards the Dawn

Unblack / Finland
(1999 - Little Rose Productions)
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As I walk through the masses of snow at this frostbitten winter night.
Sighing forest at the moon flow sends me a taste of natures might.
Ahead mourns the eye of the snowstorm.
Divine appearance of the winter wind.
Snow, piles upon my soul, like Grace from above, Messenger of hope...

My heart beats in sync with the nature.
I wait for the coldest winter.
I am the Snow Soul...

I head my walk to the storm's eye more than complete to praise His name.
Natures mourning set my pulse to rise as I follow steps of His angel's way.
Ahead Kingdom of God in it's grandeur.
Awaiting my soul to enter its halls.
Snow, piles upon my soul, like Grace from above, Messenger of hope...

My heart beats in sync with the nature.
I wait for the coldest winter.
I am the Snow Soul...

Let it Snow... Upon my soul...
I see my troubles come and go.
Your given hope.. Grace from above...
My belief keeps strengthening...


I spread my minds wings and arise towards the sky.
I fulfil all my dreams and to the essence of winter I fly...

To finest of weathers my wings are taking me.
Caress of moon at frozen fields.
Snowflakes floating down, forest of snowbound.
Stars give everything a shine.

Now it's time to rest my mind at this Divine Wintertime.
It's time to rest your mind at this Divine Wintertime.
Into the nature's eyes I stare now and feel 'em staring back.
This unity sets me free.
My quest for divinity has lead me here and here I'll stay.
Loving embrace of God.

Now it's time to rest my mind at this Divine Wintertime.
It's time to rest your mind at this Divine Wintertime.

Winter.. Divine... Wintertime...
Divine... Wintertime...


Afraid to open my eyes.
Horror of facing the day.

Mist of the morning is fading,
while cancer burn in my bones.
Horror of facing the pain.

Years ago I had plans,
What to do with my life.
But now it all is so futile.

Oh.. again my fears come true
And painkillers are out of effect.
To the pain I must reconcile.

The color of my desperation,
If I wouldn't be heading to Christ.
Would even be darker than now.

My dream is to wake one morning
Without these tears of pain.
Oh.. why can't I just die?

The color of my desperation,
If I wouldn't be heading to Christ.
Would even be darker than now.

My dream is to wake one morning
Without these tears of pain.
Oh.. why can't I just die?


Through this silent night I've been watching the sky.
I've been following the brightest star with my eyes...
Saviour is born... Rejoice!

I thought this was another night ruled by penetrating darkness,
But the star I saw was a sign of something else.
The star had stopped above this place.
Following it here I found Him.

Holy night of the Saviour's birth, little child in manger.
We respect the spirit of Christmas as we celebrate the Christ Mass...

There He was; a little child, yet glowing with divinity,
I was allowed to kneel before and to worship Him.
With my mind and in my heart.
I could feel He is the Lord.

This was a night of joy but as well a night of grief.
Herod gave an order to kill 'cause his fear for this King..
Saviour is born.. Rejoice!

"For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared,
In the sight of all people, a light for revelation,
To the Gentiles and for Glory,
To Your people Israel." -Luke 2:30-32

Holy night of the Saviour's birth, little child in manger.
We respect the spirit of Christmas as we celebrate the Christ Mass...
Christ Mass...



Yours is the day and light,
Even dark and night,
Sun and the glimmering moon,
Every creature and living being

I walk in the nature,
Admiration fill me,
I see the creation,
I feel the spirit of God,
I see the day until sun sets behind the trees,
Now wind blows,
The oak leaves crustle,
Stars begin to shine,
The atmosphere overwhelms,
I start to praise His Holy Name

Thou art mighty,
O Lord my God,
You've created the earth and heaven,
Earth is full of Your creations

You make the sun arise,
To show us the days,
You made the moon to show seasons

You make even darkness & the night,
Where the nightly owl howls for Your glory,
Now I'll sing praise to our Infinite God,
Bless my soul O my Lord


Praise ye the Lord from the heavens
Praise Him in the heights
Praise ye Him all His angels
Praise ye Him all His hosts.
Praise ye Him sun and moon

Praise Him, all ye stars of light,
Praise Him ye heavens of heavens,
And ye waters that be above the heavens.

Let them praise the name of the Lord,
For He commanded and they were created,
He hath also stablished them for ever and ever,
He hath made a degree which shall not pass,
Praise the Lord from the earth,
Ye dragons, and all deeps

Fire and hail snow and vapour stormy wind fulfilling His word,

Mountains and all hills fruitful trees
And all cedars beasts and cattle,
Creeping things and flying fowl,
Kings of the earth and all people,
Praise ye the Lord

Let them praise the name of the Lord,
For His name alone is excellent,
His glory is above the earth and heaven,

He also exalteth the horn of His people,
To be praised by all His saints,
Praise ye the Lord.


Wake for the Coming,
Moon turned scarlet,
See the horror in sinful eyes,
The Dawn will rise,
Signs of the end will lead to that day,
The end of our wandering it will be,
The Dawn Eternal rises,
Our Saviour will return,
Everlasting joy will begin,
Through the infinity,
Beyond the stars,
Beyond this time,
To Heaven we'll fly,
The ones filled with hate and sin,
Realise the eternal grief,
Time is up,
Dawn has risen,
The Grace,
The Son,
We are immortal by the sacrifice on the Skull,
Give yourself to CHRIST,
Now, When the time still exists,
'Before Dawn Eternal


The snow silently lands on trees and ground,
Thoughts of staying here forever goes through your mind,
So beautiful, the breeze bites your face,
Still this nature draws you to stay

These paths I've wandered times and times again,
These paths lead to the edge of my mind

Wintry paths take me towards the One I love,
And now my mind flies me to the peace,
The salvation I have,
The guidance through these mazes of winter,
The everlasting time suddenly starts to fade in your eyes,
The coming of Jesus is near,
The Last Winter

Like your heart belongs to the winter,
My heart belongs to Christ,
See the nature for your final time,
You dream of winterscape,
Like centuries ago,
When God created it, to you,
The dream reflects coming eternity, like a withering flower,
The time silently fades away,
We are there...

In The Last Winter

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