Moonshade : As We Set the Skies Ablaze

Melodic Death / Portugal
(2022 - Self-Released)
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All hail Homo diaboli

Gorging upon the entrails of the land
Sapience be damned, while we decay in glee
Our hordes on their knees as the whores of greed
Vomiting deranged creeds, screeching black symphonies

Waltzing to the sound of collapsing ecosystems
Singing anthems hysterical, spitting on your theorems
Through reptilian reasoning engraved
We condemned our cradle to an early grave

As the air itself becomes unbreathable
And the water stenches of rot
May the soil shatter beneath our feet
Through the fires of doom we have wrought

Hurdling towards extinction’s skeletal carrousel
In self-obsession’s cell, enthralled by our own spell
And the best we can take from our collective hells?
We dethroned all our gods before killing ourselves

Bleed to believe through the realm of unreason
In treasonous greed for structure through dogma
Rapture is upon us, dialectic demons
‘Tis abyssic season, stay blissfully dormant

As we drown in the tears of Gaea
Uncrowned by the smear in our hearts
Thus while Narcissus remains shiftless
Hell waits at the ramparts

Torn apart through scorn innate
Elysium implodes the North Star
The path of redemption leads to oblivion
As the pyres of doom engulf all that we are

Time erases Man
With History’s hand


Outstanding, the artistry of Death
In dire breaths of flame and brimstone
Fraught be the meagre fight we fought
Enthroned through dire needs of naught
Beneath the fallout, the lie of "self" lies
Bereft, soon to be gone

The radiance of a thousand suns
Burst at once into the sky
The splendor of the Mighty One
Towering above all gods
Inhumanity has won

Charon ferries in Humanity as one
Suffocating beneath Erebus' shroud
The failure to end all failures
Buried all memoirs and saviors
In the valley of dying stars

The hecatomb of compassion comes
Obliterating all benevolence shunned
Decaying flesh and ashen bone, undone
Amidst one thousand Armageddon's

Oppenheimer's premise
Impaled itself in Ockham's blade
The wolf we fed was pitch black
And by it we were enslaved


Born Kafkaesque, subjacent ad nauseam
Subordinate subhumans, slaves of idleness
Far beyond grotesque is the fear I possess
To be possessed to be far less
Than nothing at best

Alas, chaos unlocks my essence's seal
As one concedes to songs of soulless sirens
Should we conquer the Universe, or kneel?
Swallowing raisons d'être 'midst fading horizons?

Relinquish all things superfluous
Surrender to the serpent through us
Seize pantheonic thrones in seditious diaspora
From titan to demiurge, per aspera ad astra

Through barren skies set ablaze, scream
Echo throughout the mire of dreams
Banish all fear and lust
Fate's vassal, pray tell us

Are we Sisyphus or Prometheus?

Bless the winds with arias for the lost
Accosting inclinations long mantled in frost

Are we to court Infinity
Caressing the pale lips of Time?
'Till pyrrhic hearts come to halt
In stygian pantomimes?

Or to hold hope in abeyance,
Over the chasm of Orthodoxy?
Deeming splendour delusions of grandeur
And ceasing to yearn, to breathe

To be?

To all those of Vision unseen
Enslaved in the absence of dreams
Banish all fear and lust
Fate's vessels, pray tell us

Are we Sisyphus or Prometheus?


All of my twenty one grams guide these weary, blackened hands
And salvation’s corpse these hands will exhume
Alas, homo sum
Alas, homo sum

Unbound, of meaning absent
As mere son of Atlas ‘midst endless galaxies
With chaos and fury sweetening the absinth
Of logos, baptized in seas of deceased deities

I laid to rest all facades,
Sung a requiem for the gods,
Cut adrift from old moorings
Crowning kinsmen over kings

Each stroke of this pen aspires
To cypher the fall of crumbling empires
Of credence and creeds as a mire
Of choirs of naïves hailing reason’s pyre

Behold this testament
This contemptuous lament of moral attrition
The moment one screams to the deaf
Who, in fear of death
Devoted their lives to contradiction

Rise above the smoke and mirrors
Of nooses woven with feudalist strings
Only wisdom, benevolence and valor
Are worthy of worshipping

All of my twenty one grams guide these weary, blackened hands
And salvation’s corpse these hands will exhume
Alas, homo sum


Love begets love, and only love remains
Amidst thunderous storms of fury and blame
As betrayal, loneliness and shame
Forged an astounding aether of the life lust acclaimed

Thus passion's avatar traverses the dark
Caressing flashes of the heart's works of art
Oh consort most divine, from me ten worlds apart
Who are we but sorrows, which, entwined, depart?

Alas, I yearn thousandfold
Even if just to burn and fade once again
Or to live, to have and to hold
Enraptured ad aeternum, I will remain
As two souls terraform an eclipse
'Till the days of the dire adieu
And after, when the void caresses these lips
I'll turn ice to cinder through memories of you

Empress of the wild, magic and the moon
Subsiding all my tempests through starlight strewn

Will the weight of us turn all bliss to mire,
As choirs of maelstroms devour all desire
Or transfix requiems into gleaming sonatas,
While drinking from hands scarred by stigmata?

Alas, I yearn thousandfold
Even if just to burn and fade once again
Or to live, to have and to hold
Enraptured ad aeternum, I will remain

As two souls terraform an eclipse
'Till the day of the dire adieu
And after, when the void caresses these lips
I will turn ice to cinder through memories of you

Through memories of you


O serpentine void of hysteria
Of incestuous hunger untamed
Ushering notions of poisoned elation
With no connation of truth or shame

We are a dissonant harmony
Anathematized in antagonic creeds
Blind is your refusal to see
Deformities in conformity

It all comes down to belief
A fear of all apart from the norm
There is an art to your blindness, and its motif?
The scythe of faith in a different form

Who are we if not me versus you
Truth unhollowed be told, if only you knew
The ease in slaying the beasts of beliefs inhumane
When all four winds storm against the grain

We are a dissonant harmony
Anathematized in antagonic creeds
Blind is your refusal to see
Deformities in conformity

Critical surrealism
Tolerance unbound as the eye of the storm
In the sempiternal schism
Of autotocratic elitism and true reform

The heart wants what it wants,
Thus in mutual hatred, they waltz through the storm
Obscurantism and Renaissance
Dismembering Descartes in odium’s maelstrom

Let us determine, first and foremost
Which one of us can hate the most
As the nooses of both fear and nous, in fray,
Intertwine, misaligned, ‘midst bleak nights where no star shines

Beware of fantasizing in forevers,
For coups d'œil with ghosts induce tremors

Scaring empty oaths into shattered spines
So march on, towards oblivion if you must
I trust your absence is thoroughly unmissed
May all standard-bearers of totalitarian errors
March on, edging towards the abyss
‘Tis my endeavour
To offer you as tribute to bereavement’s kiss
In blissful terror

We are a dissonant harmony
Anathematized in antagonic creeds
Blind is your refusal to see
Deformities in conformity

It all comes down to belief
The heart wants what it wants
It all comes down to belief
Obscurantism and Renaissance

The heart wants what it wants,
Thus, in mutual hatred, we will waltz through the storm
Obscurantism and Renaissance
Dismembering Descartes in odium’s vile storm

Thus am well aware of possessing hate to spare
And just barely enough compassion championing reason over despair


Cadaverous pandaemonia of wraiths
Kneeling proud at the tomb of redemption
Corrupted through benighted faith
And myths of primeval conception

To those adrift in the aether of dreams
Every flickering shadow a deity seems
The grand scheme of things is a sham
So be damned, for to be damned is to live free

Heed the war drums’ crescendo
As heavenly bodies realign
Carving fear into each single breath
Of the blind who presume to lecture the blind

Withering us to mere traces of echoes
Capriciously humbled beneath barren shrines
Confined in dread of ideals of Death
Through clamorous cries speaking of grand design

Conquer the coming horizons
Oh Candide, blood of the titan
Rise above the chasm of these dire, dying days
Child of Man

Set the skies ablaze

In ever glimmering illuminist ways

For haunting is the thought of succumbing
To the lash of devotion towards divinity
The horizon of reason, most conniving treason
Herald of plague, slave of obscenity

Three cheers! Dare they to rise from the cave
Of credo quia absurdum, the irrational’s reign?
For such craven enclaves ever crave to enslave
Haunting consciousness as Humanity’s bane

As humanity’s bane

Conquer the coming horizons
Oh Candide, slayer of titans
Rise above the chasm of these dire, dying days
Child of Man, - set the skies ablaze

Let us declare as enemy
The realm of myth and falsity
And swear ourselves to perpetually dare
To dread untruth and hypocrisy

Gods never die
Gods never were

Gods never die
And what dies not may never live
Ignite the blackened sky
Alight with lies we cannot forgive
Gods never lived
And what dead may never die
Sever, undeceived,
All faith impure that I decry


Unfurl wings woven with Icarus' dreams
As the winds lull whispers of what grief has sown
Through years of sorrow enamoured with deliverance
Towards the Great Unknown

Ballades concerning horizons anew
Beneath you bless the breath of the vagrant wild
For Hope is the one true deity
Flawed as it may be, we remain its child

We dream to dare beyond the Misanthropocene

For all answers of meaning lie far beyond the Sun
As within the Mysteries of what one is and yearns to be
The path to be trod, from Ape to Man, Titan to God
Is the One and the All, Death or Destiny

Brew all the shadows we cast
With all that should be praised
And breathe, my son, at last
As Homo deus

On the shoulders of giants long past
Beholders of guidance in us engraved
Rise, my son, at last
As Homo deus

Seek to know,
To love, and to grow
Cherish cognition, compassion and wisdom
For somewhere between Hume and stoicism
Therein lies the one true path to freedom

So love most of the night, yet head South for the winter
Away from that wistful valley where Man ate his bones
'Cross groves lost in candlelight, through the mouth of the River
Stray 'midst the uncanny, land of the Great Unknown

In Everlasting Horizons

Brew all the shadows we cast
With all that should be praised
And breathe, my son, at last
As Homo deus

On the shoulders of giants long past
Beholders of guidance in us engraved
Rise, my son, at last
As Homo deus

Astride all tales of foreboding your forefathers told
Ride farther into the light as exploding supernovae
Know all wonders, wander far, wondering at what we are
And if these words resonate, keep them to memory

In Everlasting Horizons


Realize all is in vain
Humanity and its growing pains
Unless we rise above the Sun
All horizons come undone

Thus the sky was set ablaze
In the shadow of our dying days
May this light banish all sombre nights
And set you on your way

Of Mother Gaea heir apparent
Made of stardust, love, lust and pain
Protector, vassal and messiah
Of both yourself and her domain

Ride the winds that compassion proclaims
Caressed by the warmth of pantheons set aflame

Above the crumbling firmament lies the cosmos
The sword of the morrow for better days
True freedom opens at the close of seeking
The beacon of hope that dispels perdition’s haze

Thus the sky lies set ablaze
In the shadow of our dying days
May this light banish all sombre nights

And set you on your way

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