Moonfall : Midnight Crimson

Melodic Death / Canada
(2005 - Self-Released)
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Demoniacal storms coming from darkness
Are awakened by Death
Life falls to an evil wrath
Of blood and hatred
As I die, a frozen age begins
I die, and I am invoked by grim storms
I immurge from the shadows of darkness
Not from light... I immurge from evilness

Demoniacal storms coming from darkness
Are awakened by Death
Life falls to an evil wrath
Of blood and hatred
As I die, a frozen age begins
I die, and I am invoked by grim storms
Thus I feel the wind onto my flesh
A touch as cold as Death's heart

As I die, a frozen age begins
I die, and I am invoked by grim storms
I die, I immurge from evilness
I die, and I am invoked by grim storms
Demoniacal storms coming from darkness
Are awakened by Death
Life falls to an evil wrath
Of blood and hatred
As I die, a frozen age begins
I die, and I am invoked by grim storms
Thus I feel the wind onto my flesh
A touch as cold as Death's heart

Demoniacal storms coming from darkness
Are awakened by Death
Life falls to an evil wrath
Of blood and hatred
As I die, a frozen age begins
I die, and I am invoked by grim storms
I immurge from the shadows of darkness
Not from light... I immurge from evil


Drifts of sin, winds of hate
A snowfall of chaos
Cries reaching out from darkness
A bestial rise of Evil
Endless vast forests
Where the sun no longer rises
Immortal mountain peaks
There the moon will now shine...
Shadows in the light
Are reflected by the sun
The sun that is failing down
Is forever going weak

Creatures in a dark and cold night
Are calling for the rise of Evil
Those from the unholy realm
Are howling at a Ravenmoon
Storm of dark light, icewinds of flames
An oblivious landscape
Infinite glacial halls
Where the cries can be hurd
Endless vast forests
Where the sun no longer rises
Immortal mountain peaks
There the moon shines...
Shadows in the dark
Are reflected by the moon
The moon in the skies
Is forever the sign of the Angel of death

Skies are shining with ardent light
Darkened souls dwelling in the night
The dawn will come but no light will show
And, they whisper into grimness
They howl at their sign
The RavenMoon, moon of death
''Death is cold as their hearts''
Storm of dark light, winds of hate
We die and we rise from darkness again
Into cold and frozen darkened paths
We howl at a RavenMoon

Howls, mighty howls at a Ravenmoon
Howls, howls at a Ravenmoon
The night falls, the sun is falling again
Pure evil and nocturnal sorrow
They call throughout the void of grimness
Ravenmoon, true power of the Angel of Death

Shadows in the dark
Are reflected by the moon
The moon in the skies
Is forever the sign of the Angel of death


The night skies, the visions that I see
Crimson walls to infinity...
Raven eyes, I can see in the sky
My evil rebirth, written in diabolical flames
The snow falls onto the night's frozen ground
And covers the nocturnal fortress
I ride onto the northern paths
And my soul dies
I am rising from the frozen mists
With ravens up in the sky
I am death, and sorrow
I dwell in obscurity and dark
Thus, I walk in the forest
Awaiting thy soul...
I shall awake the storms of eternity
I am rising from the frozen mists
With ravens up in the sky
I am death, and sorrow
I dwell in obscurity and dark
The night skies...
Crimson walls to infinity...
Raven eyes...
My evil rebirth, written in diabolical flames
I am rising from the frozen mists
With ravens up high in the sky
My evil rebirth

Evil rebirth

Thus, I walk in the forest
Awaiting thy soul...
I shall awake the storms of eternity
The night skies, the visions that I see
Crimson walls to infinity...
Raven eyes, I can see in the sky
My evil rebirth
My soul falls, I feel the cold into my veins
I ride onto the northern paths
Thus, I walk in the forest
Awaiting thy soul...
The snow falls onto the night's frozen ground
And covers the nocturnal fortress
I ride onto the night's frozen ground
And my soul dies...
I feel the cold into my veins
I feel the Evil inside
I walk in the forest
Awaiting thy soul...
I shall awake the storms of eternity

I will descend into nothingness
Cold and grim is my path
I have felt sorrow...
Yet, my heart is colder as I fall


I can see this glacial world
There an absolute silence reigns
There the light, is the one of an infernal moon
I am drowning into sorrow's obscurity, into infinite mayhem
The angels are far from this cold land
But still, they can be a part of...
But, they are dead
We can feel the wind, so cold
Like the screams of thousands of fallen souls
Fallen with their frozen tears of agony
Into this eternity, I am solitary
A blinding and grim eternity
A world, result of tyranny and evilness
I can see this glacial world
There an absolute silence reigns
There the light, is the one of an infernal moon
I am drowning into sorrow's obscurity
The angels are far from this cold land
But still, they can be a part of...
But, they are dead
We can feel the wind, so cold
Like the screams of thousands of fallen souls
Fallen with their frozen tears of agony
Into this eternity, I am solitary
A blinding and grim eternity
A world, result of tyranny and evilness
I can see this glacial world
I am drowning into sorrow's obscurity
The angels are far from this cold land
But still, they can be a part of...
But, they are dead under the glacial snow

Into sorrow's obscurity



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