Mithras : Dreaming in Splendour

Brutal Death / United-Kingdom
(2001 - Self-Produced)
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The fire in the sky
He who gives us light
The sun - our lord Giver of all life
His coming has been the herald
The dawn of a new cycle
For as long as it has been remembered
It has been this way

He is life eternal
The focus of our worship
We dared not look upon him
Until this fateful day

His flames diminish!
Shadows begin to fall
At the apex of his journey
This cannot be so!
In terror I look into his heavens
I need not shield my eyes
Dust rising from afar
Is swallowing our lord

The ground trembles
In the distance thunders roar
His powers blast the lands
Fierce winds whip up the sands
How have we displeased him?
Not in lack of dedication
We cower as the skies darken
Our lord is nowhere to be seen

He did not return
Deserting us in twilight
Without his solar powers
Our crops withered and died
Terrible winter froze the sand
Killing the sick old and young
Our faith is all that binds us to
These lands our lord has left us to


I see a world
Structured from my soul
Palaces from my dreams
My spirit can embrace
You attack my body
Making me ever strong
I shall stand tall
I am everlasting

Souls rise to the eternal sea
The weak crumble away
Strong becoming ever stronger
A force beyond the mortal
Hear the souls call
Lifting me from within
Embraced I rise
A god in my death

Reaching the invisible mass
It engulfs me with sanctity
I am caught with the others
The ones who dream in splendour
My beacon burns so bright
Becoming brighter still
My call cries over all
I have risen beyond the physical

I rise
I soar
I am everlasting

Call out to me
As I soar above
Beyond the power of sight
I exist in a world of dreams
Physical state gone from my memory
I rise forever more
Immortality beckons
I exist eternally


Riding forth
For the greater glory of their god
Riding forth
To rage against their infidel
Taking by force
Claiming holy lands as their own
Allachibar - Can no one withstand the power of their god?

Sent by their pope
They rewarded tolerance
With no mercy
To reclaim their
Holy lands
They had to have slaughter
Diplomacy a concept
Lost on these uncivilised barbarians

I come forth
An unstoppable wind of the east
Taking under my vast wing
New lands for my governance
Horsemen of the open steppe
No one can withstand
"If you had not been so evil,
I would not have come"
For I am the wrath of god


The lowly
Piteous, weak, but by nature abhorrent
The fallen
Throwbacks to a distant age
They clamour
United in aspiration
Grovelling for their redeemer

As prophesised
They turned their voices
Towards the heavens
Using the arts
They called out into the void
"Oh Lord, enlighten our souls"
In nescience
You know not what
Your exaltations have unleashed

It hears
The ovation falls
On open ears
Yet you know not
What your exaltations have unleashed
It hears and it doth come

You know not
What your exaltations have unleashed
It comes
Sing the hosannas and it comes
Sing hosannas and the great host comes

You called for me
And you shall have me
Through your eyes
I shall pierce your souls with fear
And then you shall run


Awaken! Your body rests, yet you wander
What is it that makes you writhe?
Great councillor
Unleash upon me your fear
You hesitate
Great terror hides behind your eyes
Teach to me your learning's
Great one
Doubt grows heavy upon your brow

Brothers! I've seen...
I've seen the thing of greater terror
Fear, fear the words I am to speak
My dreams
Contaminated by this horror
Relentless, these visions I wish to bequeath
Voices! I hear their voices
Its calls flood into my soul
Unleashing this greater terror

It seeks...beyond my eyes
Yet I see not the seeker
Its screams brining me to my knees
The terror tears into my soul
I hear the singing. The beacon
Beckons this beast
It listens
It hears their calls

It's time!
My brothers we must realise
Evolve, we must now evolve
It's near, it comes
We need to reach the greater planes
Oh my brothers, it seeks us
This thing that comes ever closer to this earth

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