Mistweaver : Sol Obscurabitur

Melodic Death / Spain
(2000 - Self-Produced)
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Across the seas of fire
Across the seas of ice
We sail towards the lands
That once belonged to us

Thor's on our side
No fear have to have
Valhalla's our fate
When death calls us all

Through the mist and cold
Prepared for the war
Our hearts are made of stone
Soulless we were born

The shores of the coast
To red will be turned
Blood shall be spelt
Our will shall be fulfilled

Pain - Cruelty - Desolation - Death

No matter who you are
Man, woman or child
No pity we will have
Death's what you will find

And through the vast lands they advance unstoppable
Seeding desolation, fear and death
Burning villages erased from the world
Elric's domain shall rise again

The ashes cover the world
Thy empire is mine again
My hordes punish the ones
That betrayed me long time ago


Blood- sign of life
A kind of living I always wished
Human sacrifice
To satisfy my intense need

Immortal - eternal youth
Marching the times but I'm here forever
Sleeping all day
To hunt a victim when the night falls

Darkness descends upon the earth
Hungry for blood I will attack
My jaws are arising your neck I will bite
Blood makes me hard in my solitude through centuries

I am a vampire
Living for all eternity but I'll always be damned
I am a vampire
Cruelty and pain - what I need to survive

Resting in my coffin
Waitting for the night
I'm hated for the mass
They want to hunt me

Protected with a crucifix
Garlics and holy water
They will come to me
With stakes in their hands

Darkness descends upon the earth
Hungry for blood I will attack
My jaws are arising your neck I will bite
Blood makes me hard in my solitude through centuries

I am a vampire
Living for all eternity but I'll always be damned
I am a vampire
Cruelty and pain - what I need to survive

Wolf - my eternal guardian
Will warn me so I will escape
It's hard to live always hidden
But it's the price I have to pay

Darkness descends upon the earth
Hungry for blood I will attack
My jaws are arising your neck I will bite
Blood makes me hard in my solitude through centuries

I am a vampire
Living for all eternity but I'll always be damned
I am a vampire
Cruelty and pain - what I need to survive


If you listen I'll tell you a story
About things you'd not believe
About magic and strange lands
In a world beyond in time

Once upon there was a man
Who lived in a dark tower
At the top of a great mountain
At the end of a long path

When the sunset came each day
And the realms of the night got closer
All the living beings disappeared
They had to hide for cover

'Cause the man in the dark tower
To the depths of the earth invoqued
And with a pale and dense mist
Dominated the land to his will

A spell was cast and the gates of hell were open
Then the mist covered the realm
The man with his books, a wizard or just a fool
So he was called the mistweaver

Through the mist in the darkness
Many brave tried to cross
But the creatures of the damned
Made them go astray

In the morning of the next day
When the sun rays started to shine
Only their corpses remained
Their souls went with the mist

A spell was cast and the gates of hell were open
Then the mist covered the realm
The man with his books, a wizard or just a fool
So he was called the mistweaver

And sometimes in my dreams
I can hear him calling me
I see my soul wander in the mist


Into the enchanted forest
Where time stops forever
Souls wander in the mist
Of the ancient warriors fallen

Walking through the mist
There're eyes beholding me
The black raven looks sinister
At the top of the dead tree

Skulls and broken bones
Hang all over the path
Every step a mortal trap
Don't know if I'll arrive alive

To the dark mountain
Where the dragon keeps the treasure
Obtained through centuries
Frightening the kingdom

I am into the enchanted forest
Misterious eternal place for spirits
Danger surrounds me every while
And death I feel it so near

Now in the night
The trolls are haunting gnomes
Torturing all the creatures
Plundering their nests

But they must be prepared
When the dawn enters again
Because the sun rays
Will become them to stone

Light shines far away
The elves are dinning there
They sing around the fire
Drinking to forget

If they are discovered
They fastly disappear
Because they are care
When the danger is near

I am into the enchanted forest
Misterious eternal place for spirits
Danger surrounds me every while
And death I feel it so near


There was a time
A dark age fell in disgrace
When many innocent died
Just for envy, rage and lies

The inquisition
An excuse to punish in the name of God
Was spreading as a plague along all Europe

Women, children and men
Were tortured 'till confess facts they never commited

So let me tell you a story
You might believe it or not
About a woman called Waser the Banner
Who was accused of being a witch

Sol Obscurabitur

Running in the night
To the clearing of the forest
Where the sabbat was prepared
She was surprised

Dressed in a black cloak
Her face painted in black
As black as the night
As black as her soul

The gathering was awaitting
The fire shined from far
The fullmoon in the night
Was dyed in blood

Satan never arrived
All was just a lie
But the inquisitors
Trapped all the band

Tortured - They confessed just for fear
Threatened - With the eternal flames of hell
Waser - Was the banner of their lives
You'll die - To purify your souls

So the fire was the deliverance to their agony
And death the only way for their tortured souls
Witches, wizards they all burned at the stake
Now I remember and deny your God

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