Mindless Self Indulgence : Coachella Music Festival

Industrial Metal / USA
(2004 - Self-Released)
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1. 1989 (HOME DEMO)

Goodbye 1989
I wanna be the one in control
Rock my white shoes, bolo tie
The next big thing for five years running

It's not your turn
It's not your turn yet

Back off you little shits
Gnawing at my bits
I see they breed you by the boatload

Back off you little whores
Get 'em on all fours
And let me beat you to the fucking punch

My body's not even cold
My act is just getting old

Goodbye 1989
I wanna be the one in control
Rock my white shoes, bolo tie
The next big thing for five years running

It's not your turn
It's not your turn yet

Back off you little shits
Gnawing at my bits
I see they breed you by the boatload

Back off you little whores
Get 'em on all fours
And let me beat you to the fucking punch

My body's not even cold
My act is just getting old

Some babies wanna get down like this
We eat what we like
Some babies wanna get down like this
We eat what we like

Back off you little shits
Gnawing at my bits
I see they breed you by the boatload

Back off you little whores
Get 'em on all fours
And let me beat you to the fucking punch

My body's not even cold
My act is just getting old

lyrics added by nectar_george - Modify this lyrics