Midnight Scream : My Girlfriend Death

Heavy Death / Slovakia
(2002 - Leviathan Records (CZ))
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You always said
If you got glaws into me
You show me real life
Without tenderness and suffering

Room full of black roses
You lie down beside me
Fang smile full of sweet hate
Hot vox tall on body

I: Crowds of buried soul
Exact place I don't remember
Sure you told me
I was like you

Shine cold of your eyes
So many rights and to delights
You feed by taste of your power
I swallow in and can't forget

I: Crowds of buried soul
Exack place I don't remember
Sure you told me
I was like you


Fall into your hair
You don't wait It
Your mind
Disappears with you
She is easy and dependent
Full of blood and pain
She can explain
Life is only right

I: Whe the blind man cries
And I ask him why?

It can be only nice dream
Oh it's terride nightmare
About these who don't believe
About these who can believe
And they are happy and dead
Never say never
To see people
Who are blind and empty

I: When the blind man cries
And I ask him why?
Beautiful body
Full of milk and killing virus
Teach you
How can you kill whit words

No turning back
You don't realise it
Because your big wish is
Only live in light




I never forget you
When a leaf was falling out of the darkness
Black sky full of madness
You're standing there like a death
Are you alive or dead?
I feel your mortal bread
Only trees cry no more
Forgotten memoirs
Smell, dark and silence
So shut your door

I need you
I need you
We need you
Girl from the darkness

We need you
We want you
We want you

A country of cries and darkness
Give me back what I've lost
Give me only one leaf
One word and no hope
...And no hope...

I never forget you, your time will come
A beautiful girl like a leaf ...a leaf out of darkness


This crowd march with me
On the way to sure death
Those people stand behind
They could be in the foreground

Sharp sword cuts the skin
Penetrape into the body
There's a flush and no help
Where is a god - it's form him

Prish offers own hand
Eternal promise, a best saferbraker
Overspill the blood across the land
There's no one to see it

I: Lies in the sight of money
They rumours: the wrong is other
Where is the truth, principals
This is your holy celebration :I


Day is over to come another one
Touch me and hold me in your arms
I feel my could anside
I'm hungry for better times

Please try to reach heaven
Light of the better stars
Tell me my secrets
Ring on better bells

I: I ring on better bells
We ring on better bells :I

I came to the one place
Persuaded he would believe
Able to believe in myself
Be myself altought be the last

I: I ring on better bells
We ring on better bells :I

I can believe in that
Just rings the madness
Loss in the echo of metal
I hear the destiny of bells

I think we need the cathedrals
From the childhood to today
We stand on the edge of abbys
Ring on better


See the people standink in the mirror
Between the heaven and hell
But the standing in the mirror
That's me and there is no way ... To go home

Now I tell you one story
About the world where chirldren die
World where king is only money
And hard men haverit any feels

If you can live in these world
You must be sinner or you will die
Your got never have money, You can fly

I: I see the people ...

Feel me If I' m sinner
When only what I want is will be alive
I'll see the light in the dark
This light guide me from the night

Now that's the end of the story
You will see where you have live
There is a milion way to go out
But only one is a right

I: I see the people ...


On the threshold of the night
I lie down and look to the void
I feel your presence
Just today, just in the day - tomorrow

You're stroking my face
And looking to my eyes
I know, I'm ready for it
I will die tomorrow

So you're here, take my hands
And hear my lies
I entrust you the sins
Because I will die tomorrow

lyrics added by Matai - Modify this lyrics