Midnight In America : The Homecoming

Hardcore / France
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Sometimes I’m wondering what’s wrong with me
I always tried to take the good decisions
But obviously it never worked in the way I wanted
And here I am, in a train I have no idea where it’s going to
And I don’t care, I just want to leave this city
Day after day, week after week, I lost myself
I always thought every mistake we made
Finally brought us to new opportunities

But I was wrong, and even some peoples say that
For every doors fate will close, a couple will open
It stays fucking closed for me, and at this point I’m too weak to break it down
So I’m losing faith. I’m exhausted
In fact, I don’t know how to do, how to forget
And let it go when you realize your life
Contains more minus than plus

Looking by the window, I can see a little boy on the dock
He reminds me, years ago when I was happy, I was innocent
And all my problems were insignificant
I’d really like to be this kid again
I’d really like to be hopeful again
It’s not my case tonight, It’s not my fucking case tonight
Guess I have to fight
Guess I have to get up
But for now, I just want to let it go, to clear my ideas
I just need a moment to breathe a bit.


There are a lot of peoples in this train
And everyone around seems to try to find a way out from their fears
The picture, in a certain point of view, is perfect
And I’m not here by coincidence

I’m at the right place, I’m a part of the landscape

The weight of my world was too heavy for the man I am
The weight of the words was too strong for the fag I am
Miles after miles, I feel better
The opportunity to start brand new things is really exciting
I definitely understand I’m at a crossroad of my life
And finally, this is such the end of a day
And the beginning of a new one
But I spent my life to fail, looking backwards how can I change everything in me
To have the life I really want ?
Miles after miles, I fell better
Miles after miles, I feel worst

This is it, I’m far from home, I’m far from me

Everything is colliding in my head
What are the reasons which put me in this train ?
Am I stupid to believe the distance
And a renewal will give me another chance?


I'm finally in this new city
I'm surprised to see that I'm not lost, every houses looks the same
such like everything I knew
How to start some new things in the same environment as before ?
I traveled for few hours to find another version of home
I'm disappointed
I was impatient to erect the walls separating the old and the new
I'm now hopeless

But I decide to go straight ahead, I will walk
And see what it will happened to me
I was not casting my anchor for nothing
I'm still young, I'm still healthy
I could make some really amazing things

Of course I will need lot of shit to reach this
But I'm not afraid anymore
I'm lying, I'm petrified

You know, where you're far from home
Without real goal, fate is constantly trying to send you a message
Some guys are faking they can't see them and are continuing their trip
And so I understood since a long time I'm doing some shit
But I didn't have the faith to do anything to change that
So I decide to continue on the road I am
I don't really know where I'm going, but
I don't care, I am just in need to move away from everything I ever known

What if what it waits for me at the end of the road
Is the same as what I had previously ?
Sure, I didn't have something to lose trying excepting my hope and my dreams
Some peoples reach the road to empty their heads
But paradoxically they force themselves to think and remembering what they are running for
This is what it happens to me
Each mile I cross the scales are balancing a bit more
My reason is catching up my desires
I walk some minutes, and I choose to lie down in front of the sea
I close my eyes, and my thoughts wander to my friends, my family
Even some of them are a part of what I'm running from, some were always here

Some were always here for me and by trying to escape, I am selfish
I always tried to be straight, to be altruistic
And I couldn't notice something really changed in me
I mean I know I changed, I am angry, I am lost
But deep inside of me I can’t imagine I lost what I represented
I am not the person I used to be before, and I could confess you it hurt so much
Of course I'm hurt, I'm bleeding
But I already am on my feet
At this moment, I can remember this sentence of a poem I heard by the past:
"And yet the menaces of the years finds and shall find me unafraid"
I won’t lie to you and there is a brawl in my head.


I threw my heart into the sea
I'm still sit, I didn't move from such hours
My eyes are still looking the horizon
I don't know what to do, I don't know who I am
I feel like a fucking equilibrist
I'm afraid to fall, again and again
People say that's really hard to start a new life

I'm sure they're wrong
It's not possible to have a new start
To give the score back to zero
To forget everything
Everyone knows periods like this one
But without support, how could this be possible ?

Everyone knows periods like this one
But without friends, how could this be possible ?

I never was so fragile, I never gave up
I stayed on my feet but something is now broken in me
I was just a weak structured tower which was only supported by my entourage
But now I'm running away from them, and I don't even know where to go
Whatever I could do, whatever I could think, I'm staying on this thin line, with abysses around me
I'm still by the sea, I'm still here


I'm walking since three hours
The cars are constantly touching my left arm lightly
The taste of the defeat is really bitter
And is my brand new friend since some days
I would like to get rid of it
I definitively would

Step by step, I get slower until I stop
Above me, the sky seems threatening
I really don't know why, but everything's gonna be
Perfectly clear to me looking upper
I just wanted to run away from everything
I don't really know why, but that was such as I needed
I'm the only person responsible today
I screwed up everything by my own
I was prisoner of my head
My heart was prisoner of myself

Maybe it's just because I always had that I wanted
I never made a fucking effort
All I considered like that were insignificant

I'm such an idiot
I'm glad my head is took by compassion with my good sense
But I just hope this is not too late
I don't want to let this shit wins
I don't want to let this shit wins

Seagulls are flying over me
I want to be one of them at this moment
I don't think these birds have problems, they are free of everything
I am in the same case, but for a man it's pathetic
It's the only reason to live to keep peoples close
To take care of them and to fight against our problems
This time of my life is really finished yet
I will reconsider everything I met since I'm a man
This time of my life is really finished yet
I will give my best shot to fix everything I broke


I was watching the sun sinking into the untroubled sea
A breeze was caressing my hair, the time really seemed suspended forever
There are some moments where past, present and future collides
Revealing to our eyes and our heart the things we refused to see before

And I was in front of one of these
Looking behind me, I understood everything in this world is happening for a reason
And every ordeals I met were on my way to help me to get stronger
All my plans to navigate to some other place, everything was insane
I blindly ran to something it doesn't exist : I was looking for a new start
Every man needs to believe in something, I needed to believe in this
Now I know that was a mistake, and it buried me

Our acts are written in the work we called life
And we're not able to delete the chapters we're not proud of
I finally understood that's not about the things I did
but about the things I'll do
Some waves were drawn by the rising wind
I decided its’s time for me to go home
I lost myself for years, leaving behind me what it count
I’ll never accept to fail again
I trust in me

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