Mentally Defiled : Aptitude for Elimination

Thrash Metal / Greece
(2014 - Violent Solution / Weird Face Productions)
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Daily constant struggle
Struggle for success
Alpha hound in society's pack
And nothing nothing less

None ever escapes
Of this abomination
Born with an aptitude
For elimination
Corruption is the name
It leads to obliteration
Born with an aptitude
For elimination!

Must be second to none
Money leaching predator
Life is short so ruthless be
Cause there is no encore
Regrets and emotions
Do not suit for a beast
Grasp the chances
And soon you'll be
Atop of the list


So here you come again
You have to play it cool
Showing off all the time
Posing just to look "cruel"
Being a thrasher true and pure
Is all you wanna prove
But stupid victims like you
We will. Never approve

Fashion victim – thrashin' victim
Where were you 3 years ago?
Always followed fashion's flow
Stop pretending you like thrash
You belong back to the mass!

Swearing, spitting, posing
Pretending you are drunk
Buying tight pants and tshirts
Dad's money on the bank
You even formed a thrash band
Just to pick up some cheeks
We'd love to meet the stage with you
To break your jaws and heeps

Avoiding the mosh pit
You might get punched in it
Your mama is gonna be pissed off
So better keep it meek
And when we kick you out of thrash
We won't grieve for your loss
Cause fashion victims like you
Have no place in our mosh


Happy days are over
Forget your past life's way
Cause you're dragged in the army
Now shut up and obey
You're free soul gets enslaved
You're just a brainless pawn
Lobotomised servant
A fascist oath made sworn

Forced to obey
Irrational price to pay
Get tortured every day
Pride, youth, rights now all lost
Playing war at freedom's cost

Superior fools surround you
Unquestionably authorised
To treat you like garbage
Sadistic and despised
Guns that baptise you killer
Their flag is the excuse
Create fictional enemies
Pawn solders to abuse

Peace has to be retained
So join this constant war
Warlust madmen praise
Blood's what they're looking for
Brainwash you through fear
All traitors will be shot
New cannon fodder's always here
For casualties don't mourn


Sound back from the grave audio blast
Undecayed was buried premature
But now returned pure
Rejuvenated wrath
Marching a bloody path
All mockers will be hanged
Dragged in the pit and slammed
So better start to mosh
Or your life is the cost.
Do it the oldschool way,
Cause this is here to stay.
A rage pandemic tune
That makes violence bloom
Thrash metal is now back
Malicious and dark

Thrash 'till afterlife
They thought it died
Now flee and hide
But now it's back
Thrashers attack!

Digital dancing monkeys
Thought they could bring it down
Teamed up with fancy junkies
To put it to the ground
They had their goal achieved
Well that's what they all thought
They only made it stronger
An undead thrashing horde


Outcast, never liked modern way of life
Called names, fooled, and inconstant strife
Comics, vynils geeky stuff
He was stuck some decades back.
Never liked what people called him
He didn't expect them to adore him
But he deserved some respect
That's why they will now regret

Bullies taunt him but they will soon know
His nerdy fury on their faces will explode
Accumulated wrath now is about to burst
They'll die in fear this is the revenge of the retro nerd

Revenge for all these years
of rejection, pain fear and humiliation
This nerd hasn't got a toy gun
Bullies and prom queens will have fun
Disliked sights full of compassion
'Cause he was ugly and out of fashion
Geek, nerd and weirdo once been called
Now retaliator cruel and cold
Soon they will all know his fury will explode
Wrath's about to burst
Revenge of the retro nerd!


The jead above the system
Into the crime to delve
But if you try to find him
With your life you must serve
He'll ask you for audition
Stay humble and polite
Execute with perfection
Or his wrath will ignite

Join the family
Betray it and you're history
You're now family
Honor superior's will
The godfather is your god
Commanding you to kill

His verdict always guilty
His sentence always death
That is the price you pay
If you show disrespect
Many have tried to hurt him
To pit him on the side
They all failed, that's impossible
You cannot kill his kind

Join the family
Betray it and you're history
You're now family
Honor superior's will
The godfather is your god
Commanding you to kill


This is the way they taught me
Accepting you're subdued
Your safe side to survive
Is follow and endure
Over and over the same mistakes
The same mistakes I do
Fuck, I'd like just for a change
To try something new

Problem child, I've been called
For failing yet again
Is it my fault I think for me
And hating every trend?
You get no say in life I know
They've made it clear to you
And every time you sway their ways
You probably are doomed

Beyond redemption
They say i failed
The pirce had to be payed
As if i had a chance
But man i got a laugh

Jobless, no good asshole
A parasite indeed
A cruel revelation
That doesn't share their greed
Is it that i do not fit in
Or am i different breed
I'm laughing at all others
Who joined the machine

They've tagged me as a loser
I guess they're right in that
Pursuing your own lifestyle
Seems definitely a drag
I see it clearly every day
My ways I must amend
Doesn't seem to work for me though
Oh shit I'm wrong again


Join us helpless little child
We'll provide and make you smile
Away from poverty and pain
As long as for our cause you'll pray
We represent your holy trinity
But sell you lies exploiting divinity
So never question us; your holy fathers
We teach purity unto others.

Lay your burden unto us
Noone else, you cannot trust
Just a favour we shall ask
Receive our blessing and spread your ass

We - we will save you for a price
Believe the cause perverts disguised
Divine wisdom through our scope
Merchants of hope
We - we only teach what Jesus said
But god works in mysterious ways
Never resist our lust you ought
Merchants of hope!

Bullied by the government
Being scared off by its laws
Dreading what tomorrow brings
The herd under our claws
What the will ask we'll give
Promise them lands of gold
Blood money and devotion
You're blinded by your faith lad!


You have defiled
Disgraced and disrespected
The oldschool ways and sound
You're utterly rejected
It's never been about
how many clicks you'll have
neither about your online friends that
"share" their music love

It's always been about
being loyal to the scene
and don't pretend you're pioneer
Deliberately "extreme"
Kiss some ass and bust some balls
You'll get maximum views
Make it up to a million
And you'll be on the news

Crushing posers for real
Through pain he'll reveal
He's the soldier of the underground
And if major label offers a contract deal
Your dream is now fulfilled
Commercial and mainstream
You made your mama proud
You're now a rock star, unlike us
We serve the underground!

Palabras añadidas por Grantz - Modificar estas palabras