Megadeth : Trust

Thrash Heavy / USA
(1997 - Capitol Records)
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Lost in a dream
Nothing is what it seems

Searching my head
For the words that you said

Tears filled my eyes
As we said our last goodbyes

This sad scene replays
Of you walking away

My body aches from mistakes
Betrayed by lust

We lied to each other so much
That in nothing we trust

Time and again,
She repeats let's be friends

I smile and say yes
Another truth bends,
I must confess

I try to let go, but I know
We'll never end 'til we're dust

We lied to each other again
But I wish I could trust

My body aches from mistakes
Betrayed by lust

We lied to each other so much
That in nothing we trust

God help me please, on my knees
Betrayed by lust

We lied to each other so much
That in nothing we trust

How could this be happening to me
I'm lying when I say "Trust me"

I can't believe this is true
Trust hurts
Why does trust equal suffering

Absolutely nothing we trust


There's a secret place I like to go
Everyone is there but their face don't show

If you get inside you can't get out
There's no coming back, I hear them shout

Welcome to my hide away, my secret place
How I arrived I can't explain

You're welcome to, if you want to stay
But everyone just runs away

Let me in, get me out
Can't do more than twist and shout
Lost my soul without a trace

Found it again in my secret place
In disgrace

I hide from those that try to find me
Scary things that's right behind me

I lost myself, I must confess
I can't explain how I got this mess


This morning I made the call
The one that ends it all

Hanging up, I wanted to cry
But dammit, this well's gone dry
Not for the money, not for the fame

Not for the power, just no more games
But now I'm safe in the eye of the tornado

I can't replace the lies, that let a 1000 days go
No more living trapped inside

In her way I'll surely die
In the eye of the tornado, blow me away

You'll grow to loathe my name
You'll hate me just the same

You won't need your breath
And soon you'll meet your death

Not from the years, not from the use
Not from the tears, just self abuse

Who's to say what's for me to
Cause a big nothing it'll be for me

The land of opportunity
The golden chance for me

My future looks so bright
Now I think I've seen the light

Can't say what's on my mind
Can't do what I really feel

In this bed I made for me
Is where I sleep, I really feel

I warn you of the fate
Proven true to late
Your tongue twist perverse

Come drink now of this curse
And now I fill your brain
I spin you round again
My poison fills your head

As I tuck you into bed
You feel my fingertips
You won't forget my lips

You'll feel my cold breath
It's the kiss of death


Don't remember where I was
I realized life was a game

The more seriously I took things
The harder the rules became

I had no idea what it'd cost
My life passed before my eyes

I found out how little I accomplished
All my plans denied

So as you read this know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all

Please smile when you think of me
My body's gone that's all

À tout le monde [To everybody (To the whole world) (To all the world)]

À tous mes amis [To all my friends]
Je vous aime [I love you]

Je dois partir [I have to leave]
These are the last words

I'll ever speak
And they'll set me free

If my heart was still alive
I know it would surely break

And my memories left with you
There's nothing more to say

Moving on is a simple thing
What it leaves behind is hard

You know the sleeping feel no more pain
And the living are scarred

lyrics added by le_eddie - Modify this lyrics