Megadeth : Loud Park 2006

Thrash Heavy / USA
(2006 - kein bekanntes Label)
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This is breaking news
It appears that Air Force One was shot down
Somewhere over the Middle East this morning
By a sleeper cell of rogue terrorists firing a Stinger Missile
The Pilot and all passengers are unaccounted for
The President's whereabouts are presently unknown and he is presumed missing
The Vice President, Secretary of State, and principals of the military are
Our nation stands at defcon 3

The greatest crisis, will someone come for me?
I "red, white and blew it"
Unleashed revenge, my body is detained
How could anybody do this?

Betrayal, I peel away the days
Medals are useless, Uncle Sam's forgotten me
I'm not important, no one will ever come
I'll never be found, God get me out of this hell

Nuclear battlefields energized
Cold wars are heating up again
The tensions mounting
People lift up your fists in revenge

The stage is set
Who will be the first to blink?
We can't go to war
Remember that "Vietnam thing"

Peace at any price
With a gun to your head, bang, bang
Weakness runs in your family
What runs in mine is death

This is your 5 minute warning
Burn all of your classified documents
And if cooler heads don't prevail
First strike from a political dead man

Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive
He understands only one language - action
And he respects only one word - force
No sign of them stopping, no time for back channel communiques
We need all the help we can get, air strikes and invasions, retaliate, I say!

The will of good men can not counter the terrible strain of war

Blackmail the universe with the greatest of calamities
Awaken those sleeping giants in the dust of the ground
With their skin destroyed, unjust to innocence
Lawful possessor of the world's last 24 hours

Terror and ugliness reveal what death really means
And in hatred you see men as they really are
If chosen over heaven, Earth will have been for them
All along, only another region of hell


Red flash, clouds choking out the morning sky
They said it'd never come, we knew it was a lie
All forms of life die now, humans all succumb
Time to kiss your ass goodbye, the end has just begun

Distorted figures walk the street, it's 1999
Weeds once underneath your feet have grown to vines
Bodies melted like a candle, a land without a face
No time to change your fate, no time left, it's too late

The arsenal of Megadeth can't be rid they said
And if it comes the living will envy the dead
Racing for power and all come in last
No winning first stone cast
This falsehood worldly peace
It's treaties will soon cease
No one will be left to prove that humans existed
Maybe soon the children will be born open fisted
We all live on one planet it will all go up in smoke

Too bad they couldn't see this lethal energy
And now the final scene, a global darkening

Dig deep the piles of rubble and ruins
Towering overhead both far and wide
There's unknown tools of World War III
Einstein said "We'll use rocks on the other side"
No survivors!

Set the world afire!

No survivors, set the world afire!


I sneak in my own house
It's four in the morning
I've had too much to drink
Said I was out with the boys
I creep in my bedroom
I slip into bed
I know if I wake her
I'll wake up dead
I wonder, will she find out
About the other, other lover

Wake up dead, you die
Wake up dead, and buried
Wake up dead, you die
Wake up dead


I had wrists donning slits
Flowing constantly
My broken body in a wreck
Wrapped around a tree
A crosswalk hit and run
The finish line for me
People clutter in the gutter
Take a look and see

No escaping pain
You belong to me
Clinging on to life
By the skin o' my teeth

My blood flows through the streets
Deluge from the wounds
Empty jars of sleeping pills
On the dresser in my room
My wet brain neighbor cranes
His neck to see in time
The white light's a train
Bearing down on me


I won't feel the hurt
I'm not trash any longer
That that doesn't kill me
Only makes me stronger
I need a ride to the morgue
That's what 911 is for
So, tag my toe and don't forget
Ooh to close the drawer



This morning I made the call
The one that ends it all
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
But dammit, this well's gone dry

Not for the money, not for the fame
Not for the power, just no more games

But now I'm safe in the eye of the tornado
I can't replace the lies, that let a 1000 days go
No more living trapped inside
In her way I'll surely die
In the eye of the tornado, blow me away

You'll grow to loathe my name
You'll hate me just the same
You won't need your breath
And soon you'll meet your death

Not from the years, not from the use
Not from the tears, just self abuse

But now I'm safe in the eye of the tornado
I can't replace the lies, that let a 1000 days go
No more living trapped inside
In her way I'll surely die
In the eye of the tornado, blow me away

Who's to say, what's for me to say
Who's to say, what's for me to be
Who's to say, what's for me to do
Cause a big nothing it'll be for me

The land of opportunity
The golden chance for me
My future looks so bright
Now I think I've seen the light

Can't say what's on my mind
Can't do what I really feel
In this bed I made for me
Is where I sleep, I really feel

I warn you of the fate
Proven true to late
Your tongue twist perverse
Come drink now of this curse
And now I fill your brain
I spin you round again
My poison fills your head
As I tuck you into bed

You feel my fingertips
You won't forget my lips
You'll feel my cold breath
It's the kiss of death


The mother of all that is evil
Her lips are poisonous venom
Wicked temptress knows how to please
The priestess roars, "get down on your knees"

The rite of the praying mantis
Kiss the bones of the enchantress
Spellbound searching through the night
A howling man surrenders the fight

One look in her lusting eyes
Savage fear in you will rise
Teeth of terror sinking in
The bite of the she-wolf

My desires of flesh obey me
The lioness will enslave me
Another heartbeat than my own
Sound of claws on cobblestone

Beware what stalks you in the night
Beware the she-wolf and her bite
Her mystic lips tell only lies
Her hidden will to kill in disguise


Got on chance, infiltrate them
Get it right, terminate them
The Panzers will, permeate them
Break their pride, denigrate them
And their people, retrograde them
Typhus, detriade them
Epidemic, devastate them
Take no prisoners, cremate them

Going to war, give'em hell
D-Day, next stop Normandie
Beginning of the end
We know how to and sure as shit we'll win
War is peace sure man
A retreat for the damned
A playground for the demented
A haven for those who walk his world
Bereft of heart and soul

Love and war they say all is fair
Take his life but won't take his hair
Your body has parts your country cab spare
By the way, son, here's your wheelchair

He once had to be all he could be
Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
Funny thing, he's like you & me
It's funny thing, a funny thing
Tears streak his solemn stare
Abandoned for wreckage nobody cares
No one knew what would happen there
No one spoke no one even cared
Don't ask what you can do for your country
Ask what you country can do for you
Take no prisoners, take no shit


The light that fills my lonely cell,
Is blocked out by the key,
That locks the door to this hell,
The place they wanted me.
Time's racing like the wind,
Execution's near,
Oh lord, I wait for death,
And, yes, I have no fear.
I recall that night, my every breath,
And, step along the way.
Closed my eyes, walking,
As danger paved the way.
The devil, and the darkness
Let her evil wander free
And, here on Devils Island,
The final stop for me.

Devils Island, Devils Island.

Oh, there is no escape,
The sea is full of sharks.
The tide takes you away, and
Smashes you on the rocks.
The sun is shining,
But feel not today,
It's warmth, it's dying,
And fading away.

Devils Island, (here I stay) Devils Island.

Oh, hear the call,
From the grave beyond.
Oh, so pernicious,
Her soul it creates song.
As there is no man, that is
Here upon the earth,
Able to terminate our
Noisome will since birth.

The priest that reads the sermons,
Is walking next to me,
To the stake, my last request,
To have her burn with me.
But, so it did, the heavens opened,
Rain began to fall.
The final judgement came, and
Was spread before you all.
Final judgement.

Old, weak, and feeble,
But the lesson taught to me,
To stay away from evil,
She doesn't care for me.
She haunts me in my sleep,
Though I tore that page away.
And, here on Devils Island,
I'll always have to stay.

Devils Island, Devils Island.
(Devils Island, Devils Island.)
Here I am.

Devils Island, Devils Island.


You take a mortal man
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch people's heads a'roll

Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony of destruction

Acting like a robot
Its metal brain corrodes
You try to take its pulse
Before the head explodes

The earth starts to rumble
World powers fall
Awarring for the heavens
A peaceful man stands tall

10. HANGAR 18

Welcome to our fortress tall
Take some time to show you around
Impossible to break these walls
For you see the steel is much too strong
Computer banks to rule the world
Instruments to sight the stars

Possibly I've seen to much
Hangar 18 I know too much

Foreign life forms inventory
Suspended state of cryogenics
Selective amnesia's the story
Believed foretold but who'd suspect.
The military intelligence
Two words combined that can't make sense

Possibly I've seen to much
Hangar 18 I know too much


Dawn breaks evenly today
On the truth and the lie
All rise, courts in session
Were hanging someone high

Justice means nothing today
Now that the courts are for sale
Pick a crime from the menu; pick a sentence and defend you
And pay up the down payment called bail
The system's for sale

Kick the chair, the rope's tight
Just like one quick wrench, the tooth is out
Friend or foe, I gotta hang em dead
Or they'll come back around
Kick it!

The court's wrong when it keeps tracks
Of victories and defeats
The press that never rest just waits
For somebody's soul they can eat

Justice means nothing today
Now that the jury's for sale
Guilty or not, the verdict's a lie
You're going to jail
The system has failed

Kick the chair, the rope's tight
Just like one quick wrench, the tooth is out
Friend or foe, ya gotta hang em dead
Or they'll come


The quiet war has begun with silent weapons
And the new slavery is to keep the people
Poor and stupid, Novus Ordo Seclorus

How can there be any logic in biological war?
We all know this is wrong, but the New World Orders
Beating down the door, oh something needs to be done

There was a King who had a dream with no idea
What it could mean and nobody could interpret
Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at the door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts the future and tells the truth about the past
Of how the world leaders are waiting to usher in the
Eighth False King to the throne, Washington is Next!

Disengage their minds, sabotage their health
Promote sex, and war, and violence in the kindergartens
Blame the parents and teachers; its their fault, Annuit Coeptis
Attack the church dynamic, attack the family
Keep the public undisciplined till nothing left is sacred and
The have-nots get hooked and have to go to the haves just to cop a fix

I am a King who had a dream with no idea
What it could mean and nobody could interpret
Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts the future and tells the truth about the past
Of how the world leaders are waiting to see me
I’m the Eighth False King to the throne, Washington is Next!

There was a King who had a dream with no idea
What it could mean and nobody could interpret
Of seven empires fallen, the wolf is at the door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

I am a King and I had dream, and nobody could interpret
Seven empires fallen, the wolf is at my door
Oh, that that was, that is, that is no more
The wolf is at my door

The future tells the truth about the past
I’m the Eighth False King to the throne, the temple of Zeus
I've got you in my crosshairs, now, ain't that a bitch?
Washington, you're Next!


What do you mean "I don't believe in God"?
I talk to him everyday.
What do you mean, "I don't support your system"?
I go to court when I have to
What do you mean, "I can't get to work on time"?
I got nothing better to do.
And, what do you mean, "I don't pay my bills"?
Why do you think I'm broke? Huh?

If there's a new way,
I'll be the first in line.
But it better work this time.

What do you mean, "I hurt your feelings"?
I didn't know you had any feelings.
What do you mean, "I ain't kind"?
Just not your kind.
What do you mean, "I couldn't be the President
Of the United States of America"?
Tell me something, it's still "We the people," right?

If there's a new way
I'll be the first in line
But it better work this time

Can you put a price on peace?

Peace sells...,
Peace sells...,
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
Peace sells... but who's buying?
No, no, peace sells...
Nooo peace sells...


Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand

Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?

A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand

The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be your homelands

Holy Wars

Upon my podium, as the know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgement
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God

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