Mechanical Organic : Disrepair Part One - Permafrost Dreams

Progressive Metal / Australia
(2008 - Ningun label conocida)
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Finger Prints Of Conspiracy

Desire to rule the lower class
Has been a part of our time past
Built on the fear of the helpless man

In every age a controlling hand
A force scheming to conquer lands
With ideas clothed in promises

Global dominance, finance
The Elitist New World Order Plan
Subversion of freedom, no democracy

Dark plots over centuries
Eroding the idea of sovereignty
Government run conspiracy

If you've truly considered
And trust we've been delivered
You've been carefully deceived
Please Stop here go no further
Disturbing and unsettling
When you chose not to believe

Movers and shakers covertly
Manipulate markets randomly
Initiate wars and fund both sides
Censor the news to propagate lies

Shadow Government pulling the strings
Cover-ups, half-truths corrupt dealings
The Black Nobility a CFR kiss
Money creates power a satanic twist

Communism, Socialists
Fascism and the Bolsheviks
Imposed their military might

One World Government ideal
One religion force to kneel
We the Sheeple, we the flock

Mechanical Dreams

Whispers and shadows can't fight
Mechanical thought and sight
Never feel the concept of hate and war
Never dream, never fall in love, never score

Someone will dream
Someone will hate someone
Someone will love
The organic machine the mechanical dream

Manufacture components just right
Machines make machines for the light
Human error a thing of the past
Human frailty bodies that simply won't last

Someone will dream
Someone will hate someone
Someone will love
The organic machine the mechanical dream

Engineered electronic
Industrial strength bionic
I remember when thoughts were alive
Now they're process confused and contrived

From Behind Shattered Glass

I hear you, I feel you, I see you in my dreams

We've seen it from all angles, aint it strange
We've seen it but no wreckage remains
Where's the debris from the plane
They're watching and waiting and scheming and dreaming and

I've witnessed murder and
I've gazed into hell and
I've seen the footage of
Towers brought down

And I'm asking question
And I want to know
Why planes with no windows
Were guided and flown

Why weren't the fighters scrambled
Why were transponders turned off
Were the aircraft flown in by remote control – I'm asking you
Why were planes windowless
Why were there so few passengers
What is that object underneath the plane – I'm asking you
Why aren't their names on the list
How did the towers come down
Where is the lost air traffic dialogue – I'm asking you
How did the travellers call home
How can jet fuel dissolve steel
What was that flash before the plane hit home – I'm asking you

They're planning and fanning the embers to burn your house down

I've heard the half truths and
I've heard the lies
Seen masses perish
Why masses die

Makes me sick to my stomach and
Make me sick to think
That governments behind this
Dark atrocity

Very Little Difference

It is almost time
To again become numbed
By the endless stream of sound

You see most folk
Are under the impression
That because one is
Offered choice that that must mean we're free
A closer look at the system will reveal

Very little difference
In the end result of the
Multitude of choices that we're free to make

It's election time
To again cast your vote
Never knowing it won't count

Singular Facet

Gotta see – what befalls me next
Gotta see – the sun before it sets
Goota see – tomorrow when it comes
Gotta see – that lies behind my . . .

Singular facet
The one that will reflect
Everything that you desire and more
Singular facet
The one that will reject
Everything that chills you to the core

Gotta see what befalls me next
Gotta see the sun, the sun before it sets
Gotta see tomorrow when it comes
Gotta see what lies behind my

Singular facet
The one that will reflect
Everything that you despise, everything that you can't hide
Singular facet

The one that will reject
Everything that opens door, everything that chills you to the core

Describe The Sky For Me

I've never seen the season change
I've never seen the sun
I've never felt the freedom of
Independent sight, independent love

Vivid colour stains my eyes
Washing over me
But I've never seen the sight
Confronting me, mocking me

I've seen an eagle fly
I've seen the colours bright
I've witnessed angels cry I've seen it in my dreams
I've seen the flowers bloom
I've seen the winter gloom
I've witnessed angels cry I've seen it in my dreams

Imagination confronts me
Sounds is all I have
This affliction blinding me
Condemned to darkness condemned to black

Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis

From bondage to spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great courage
From courage to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to selfishness
From selfishness to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependency
From dependency back to bondage

Form a crisis, forced reaction, supplied solution
The Hegelian Dialectic - Bound

The government creates a problem blaming it on others
The sheepeople react by demanding
Forced reaction are we willing to give up their own rights for
Solutions planned so long ago

One does not sponsor a repression
In order to safeguard a revolt
One makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship

Everything that you require
Everything that you desire, then we're bound

One World crisis
One World reaction
One World torture
One World solution

Cheat, Seduce, Manipulate
Deceive, Betray, Commiserate, then we're bound

Our whole societal mind set has been Sovietized and
We haven't woken to this fact
We've traveled down the path from Republic to Communism
Fascist police state here we are

People living in a snarled up subset of Marxist thinking and they not know it they twist logic to get the conclusions that will suit
The current prejudices they garnish it with a little Christianity or mysticism or what ever thought these play no important part in the world outlook
The synthesis is the final silent move in a well designed quietly implemented plot to remake the world in to brutal colonies
The bottom line is the Hegelian dialectic sets up scenes for state intervention, confiscation and redistribution of our wealth
And our entire constitutional based society we've all been duped by the global elite who plan to take control

Every thing that you require
Everything that you desire, then we're bound

Cheat seduce manipulate
Deceive betray commiserate, then we're bound

Everything that will transpire
Everything that stinks of lies, then we're bound

Control oppress and regulate
Restrain conceal direct our fate, then we're bound

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