Maul : Seraphic Punishment



Fear of losing full control, contorted with rage
Deserted, dismayed
Recognize false immunity
Assert, dominate, over compensate
Exposing true face, expending the flame
Refusal to bow or serve your name, only in vain
your reign stands supreme

There's no relief in uncertainty
Constant grief, bludgeoned by worry
Trust seeps its way into putridity
This is the frailty of humanity
Fooled, skewed, refusal to heal
This is the frailty of humanity

Exploitation of bond, manipulation encoffined
Blood wrung dry, bent inverted for praise
Empathy never coalesced with your name

So is it strength? Or is it stupidity?
Acting of apathy
With phantom reprieve, monumented
and cracking stone returns to dust


Climb the stairs, storm the gates
Sacred to the point of satirical waste
Dreaming of bliss, yearn for eternity
Unknown the cost of an unrelenting greed
Dragged through fire in succession
Standing high through death obsession
Will to suffer, will to bleed
Immortal hands lend offering

Priced, the pride of Christ
Revolted at the sight
Behold the hideous rites of divine sacrifice
Divine sacrifice
(a gift or damnation?)
Impaled by the palms, unveiled to the cross
Unable to resist the desire
Passage of eternal agony sought
Victim to gilded rhetoric
Attempting quench of thirst, stretched thin
for holiness
Writhe endless
Seraphic punishment
Writhe endless
Seraphic punishment

Like weaving leash through halos
Led with begging gullets wide
Realm of perversion shines, eternal


Suicide, yet still alive
Gasping for air
Vilified by design
Pleading for spare
Futile life, a parasite
Starved and drained
Nullified, soul denied
Now wander depraved

Sustenance other than dust
Puny leach leagues beneath ruts
Lowest form of sentience, awaiting host oblivious
To wreak misery into downward spiral
Caustic disease, spewing bile
Repulsive intruder
Repulsive intruder fixation
swirl into the night

Swirl around in darkness
Haphazard grinning freak
Become with insatiable thirst
Fiending, shriveled and bleak

Bathe in excrement, swollen gluttony
Shadows mask a disorienting slither
Descent into dormancy, dormancy


Casting judgment behind a canting throne
Masking inherent actions, building tiers of flesh and bone
Mold covered sight ruling morality
Forcing trial, executions unfold

Dignity has failed in use of status quo
Accept the crown you feigned for
Monarchy of mold

Dirty fingers point below in disdain
Crippled by projection, acts made in vain
Ignorant to self improvement
Diligence in control of souls

Built so magnificent, halls paved of gold
Hidden malignancy, monarchy of mold
Dignity has failed in use of status quo
Accept the crown you feigned for


Forlorn and encompassed
a grandeur mission façade
Disillusioned, slither striving for purpose

Self-serving, all knowing light
Sacrificing beyond all in sight

Colossal being of stoic desire
Utter failure of god portrayal
Becoming calloused, misaligned
By my hands, deity demise

Worship the goliath, salivating blood to spill
Ascend the goliath, with full intent to kill
Plunge the blade, rip and gouge
Leave the throat agape, leave him where he lay
Beckoned flowers bloom and blanket an open grave


Eyes fixate begin to strain, desolate gaze
Feel the weight of dirt and hazy bury
Unaware, now deprived
Once feral instinct, now idle still
Autopilot existence, forced learned comfort
Astray to sunlight, floating
Voyeur to the mutilation
Cycles doomed to repeat
Ravenous, consume in complete adoration

Conscious rapidly separates further and further
Numb, desperate
Conscious rapidly separates further and further away
Buried in resin


(No lyrics available)


Ritually practiced, conjured return
Viciously, prophetic reprisal learned
for being reduced by blinded hate
Segregate, revoking all morality
Met with barbaric, triumphant force
Soaking the earth in desecration

For generations of vile prejudice and scorn
Deprivation of privilege, idols left maimed and torn
Scattered from shores across now the slaughtered mass profound
Oracular burial grounds

Forced colonization, stripped of honored past
Indoctrination, belittled of sacred land
Retaliation for genocide disguised
and extinction by design through eyes of a pale brushed Christ

Foul clouds swallow
stench of vengeance
Mounds of filth array
stench of vengeance


Fall far down from the grace of reliance
Wrapped in immeasurable thorns
Feel the blight slice in deep, ripping open wide

Limerence, behold
Repentance, befouled

Burdened by the sword of lust
Enslaved intoxication
Hidden beneath this mess of thorns, ripping open wide

Grip glimmering crimson
Dissect the idle mind
Chosen to wield ignorant bliss
Adorned in the form of rust

Laid out in ecstasy, ill-fated slain


Swimming in despair, pulsating hostility
Hand in hand mocking, stroking egos
Constant restraint, suspended in motion
While mind races with nauseating speed
Manic display of disfigurement
Choking by the hand that feeds
In morbid acts of honor

Saw and rip through tendon fragments
Adorned to the altar in piles
Carrion totem enshrined, instantly defiled
As reality slips, blackened fluids drip
Clenching heights revisit, held below to asphyxia

Nothing left to sever, a grotesque reassembled mess
Left in reverence, wither slow

Convulsions, bowed towards this pathetic husk
Flesh splayed in decoration, an erection of decay
Now let this soul lay waste

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics