Marche Funèbre : Into the Arms of Darkness

Death Doom / Belgium
(2017 - Solitude Productions)
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Imagine... space...
Vast desolateness...
The attraction of light, starlight
In an ocean of black, the sun

I’m drifting, drawn
Towards you
My sun in dark times
Brightening my heart
The warm glow of love
Haven of hope

Like Icarus – I dreamt of light
Like Icarus – I came too close
Like Icarus – I dreamt of light
Like Icarus – my melted dreams

Heaven within reach
Soul mates collision
A black hole instead
A collapse of faith

Heaven burnt to ashes
I came too close

You, my supernova, so near
No laws of nature could capture
Our mutual attraction, so pure
Our dreams of love – in vain

Like Icarus – I dreamt of light
Like Icarus – I came too close
Like Icarus – I dreamt of light
Like Icarus – my melted dreams

Imagine… it would have worked
But you could not… no… no…
A galactic implosion instead
My sun cast me into infinity
A massive black hole
Devoid of you, I drifted…

Deprived - I drift
Deprived from the light
I drift… into darkness
Deprived from love
I drift… into nothingness
Deprived from you
I dwell… into darkness

Dreaming… of you
Dreaming… of light
Dreaming… to end…
This night... eternal

Deprived - I drift
Deprived from the light
I drift… into darkness
Deprived from love
I drift… into nothingness
Deprived from you
I dwell… into darkness


Welcome to the place we all know
Where we all feel home
And no one likes to stay
Meet those who fade to grey

Cette pluie éternelle, qui érode le corps, assombrit l'âme

Falls from the sky

Relentless tears shroud a city
Like mist from ages of dread
Grey skies untouched by sun
Host an empire of sadness

Cette pluie éternelle, qui érode le corps, assombrit l'âme

Falls from the sky

And in this capital of rain
There's comfort in tears
And in this eternity of mist
Eyes can see no light
And in this lightless place
All have faded to grey
And all this pouring misery
Mirrors their soul...

Darkness blinds all life and light
She is the Universe


In a world of black and white
Simplicity is King and order his Queen
In a world of black and white
All questions answered by yes or no

In a world of black and white
An existence of duality
Simplicity is King and Order his Queen
An existence of duality

In a world of black and white
The binary order of life
All questions answered by yes or no
The binary order of life

All there is, was, and will be
Count to two - All you can do

Bring an end to this illusion of false hope
Dark Ages’ logic obscuring the mind's eye
All Uneven

Bring an end to this illusion of false hope
Options multiply without binary chains
All Uneven

Reject! Refuse a world of binary simplicity
There's more than heaven or hell
Accept complexity - an eternity of colours
There's more than black or white
Exist! Release the ties of the past
Be one - free from this doom of men

Oh, vile desire for order
Our world drowns in manmade rules
Deny these simple lies - Overthrow and grow

Now open your once covered eyes
Truth no longer hides
All there is, was, and will be
More than a mind can see


Here, where clouds paint the sky
A canvas of pitch black darkness
All voices silenced, except those... in my head

No nightmare can compete
This sick melody, my lullaby
The last thing that I need
A sickening melody... of insanity

Here, where night is all and everything
And sleep is so much desired, so much...
To shut down the voices... in my head

Hear, the voices arrived... again
A panorama of ghosts and ghouls
On an ailing parade... in my head

Hear their cries, calling my name... again
Tragic echoes of my dire past
When silence is all I need... in my head

Shut down! End this masquerade of pain
Shut down! This call to the insane
Shut down! I plead, I beg, I crawl, I crave
Shut down! End this lullaby of insanity

To sleep is to live
We need it like air
To live is to die
First rule of life
And I ... I die to sleep...
Every night again
Yet these haunted moments
When we sail away
When we empty our head
These dreadful moments...
Take my breath away
And panic rules
When the hour is nigh
As for me
To go to sleep is... to die

End this masquerade of pain
This call to the insane
I plead, I beg, I crawl, I crave
End this lullaby of insanity
...And sink into oblivion


I have come from the valley
This track runs deep
Darkness overcome
Still the hill grows steep
I’ve believed all my demons
And the filth they’ve preached
I’ve awoken from that sleep
Now the summit I will reach

And see the field
Swarmed by scarlet light

I enter these novel meadows
Brimmed with vanes and folk
Praised by harlots and jesters
As a king foretold
Ruling over morrow and yester
I possess all but gold
Malignant or benign
All who lived would align

To feast and dine,
Drenched pyres with wine

In the garden of earthly delights
A place for all things wild
The garden of earthly delights
My Eden
Love and lust be my guide

Who’s this creature before me
Known unto none
Sister of nightly moth
She worships the sun

With the beauty of a goddess
And wings fiery red
She stared into my soul
And awoke what I thought was dead

Her flight took to the sky
But in time she would be mine
From that moment on, I did yearn
Deeply prayed for her return
Ever did I seek her trail
By the flowers she kissed
One early dusk she sat sail
This time my grip did not miss

I poured her into a vessel cold
As her wings struck glass
Accepting the bold threshold
We both found rest, at last

The dawn was filled with regret
For morrow had brought death
From my queen all life had gone

Oh my poor sweet child
Now my own heaven’s denied
Oh my god, what have I done

I buried her in my hands
With the pity death demands
My tears fell unto her flesh

A motion, an act
Her wings moved, death was cracked
Forgiveness was mine
In one last kiss goodbye

To love you I must set you free
Never fully close my grip
Hope you return, come and rest with me
In my life of all things wild

To love me you must choose the sky
Along with the wind you need to fly
But come rest close to me,
And captivate me
In our garden of all things wild

Lyrics geaddet von tango666 - Bearbeite die Lyrics