Mania (USA-1) : Mania

Black Metal / USA
(2010 - Eternal Warfare)
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This monotonous life of
Shit has caused me to want
Pain and love in the most
Extreme of forms.

I need pain to feel,
I need love to feel...

Anything, anything.

Empty, empty.

I need pain to feel,
I need love to feel.
I feel so unreal,
I feel so empty.
I need pain to feel,
I feel so ugly.
I need anything,
I feel so..


I need pain to feel,
I need love to feel.

How far plugged in
Must we be to realize?
I wish I could break
All this I despise.
I don't want to feel
Part of this machine;
Anything seems better
Than this numbing.

I feel on the verge
Of hateful attack..
Reflect your negative
Energy back.
Am I doomed to slave
Here or starve at best?
I need something real
To cure this unrest...


The filth... of... life.

The filth of life.

Filth... of life.

Eternal filth and chaos everywhere.


I hate these machines.
I hate this place.
I hate this time...
I didn't want to be here.

You have no soul;
All I see is emptiness.
All these screens have taken your life.

Empty... culture.

The horror.. God.. no.


Life objectified,
Raped, commodified;
Put into the light to sell to lonely starving eyes.

The precious fertile flower
Put into a vice.
Factory cage inseminate with artificial life.

Self-negating virtues
Pound into their mind.
Easier to give in than to fight a sea of lies.

Destroy the true beauty,
Make the body hide;
And almost nothing's left of what's originally inside.

Everything's so fucked now,
No chance of going back.
The mothers don't remember the love that they finally lack.

Feminism rises,
A response to where we're at;
A hardened shell distorted by the hate they're fighting Back.

Striving just to live,
We feed our primal wants.
A screen of empty meaning only makes us more distraught.

Desperately trying to
Continue holding on.
Stripped and ripped away by the eternal leviathan.

Fucked by the sea
Of hatred, enslavement, and disharmony.

Seeking the key,
We blindly go on and we'll never be free.


Will we ever truly find our answer?
Will all these clashing utopians ever rid us of this cancer?
Our ancient civilization's not even at its peak.
You'll never uproot such deep seeds with forces so weak.


Supressed primal instincts,
I'm told not to express,
Ten thousand years of agriculture
Force me to repress.
If I lived by nature,
I'd live by dominance.
But cops and courts and prisons
Make me play this game of chess..
Perfect plastic people;
Inside's a fucking mess.
Everyone's about to snap
But most just won't confess.
When civilized life crumbles,
And none of this is left
Won't hesitate when I must
Stab this knife into your chest.

There's really nothing else..
To sit and contemplate.
I just want to stab you so
That you can feel my hate.
Why are you still here?
I think you're fucking fake.
Your pitiful existence tells me
I should seal your fate.
I don't want to see you;
I hate your fucking face.
I should just fucking kill you
So that I don't have to wait.
Your life means fucking nothing..
You insignificant waste.
What else must I say so you'll
Forever leave this place?


Iced over, frozen in time.
The clock of man halts.
Celestial bodies regain control
Of natural life, or what is.. left.

Behold, your crumbling tower.

Behold, your impenetrable,
Useless machine, frozen solid!


So.. peaceful.
No more diseases flourish.
Man cowers under the
Immense power of nature.

Heat energy is drained from all life.
Only pure elements survive
This harsh wind.

Globe immersed in eternal frost.

Eternal frost,
Rternal cold,
Rternal void.

All encompassing, for all time..


(Until the next cycle begins).


Resist if you must try,
But this is a day without night.
We've come this far..
You're just a small part.
This beast's reign will end..
..But not soon, friend.
Until it collapses,
We are trapped here.

Crushing your will.

Do what you can to survive yourself.
You're not saving wildlife by rotting in jail.
The calm serene peace of the night will return.
But until that comes in the sun we must burn.
The same course repeats the last ten thousand years.
It's the same machine with your earth "friendly" gears.
You can't change this globe, though efforts your best.
You work for yourself or you slave with the rest...
(You live for yourself or you die with the rest).

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