Malevolent Creation : The Fine Art of Murder

Тексты песен


[Music: Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Scoff at the bloodloss
No feeling of repulsion
Grabbing at insanity
Life is your illusion

You will die, I will not cry
I will live, you will not
You will die, I will not cry
Black expands dying's at hand

Stand firm upon battlements
Many fall orders followed
Weak die embarrassment
Heroes' names are hallowed
To die alone in terror
Many die in horror
Bodies clutch together
For peace to try and restore

You will die, I will not cry
I will live, you will not
You will die, I will not cry
Black expands dying's at hand

Plans are laid, bodies displayed
Lands are taken, bones are breaking

Scoff at the bloodloss
No feeling of repulsion
Grabbing at insanity
Life is your illusion

You will die, I will not cry
I will live, you will not
You will die, I will not cry
Black expands dying's at hand

Stand firm upon battlements
Many fall orders followed
Weak die embarrassment
Heroes' names are hallowed
To die alone in terror
Many die in horror
Bodies clutch together
For peace to try and restore

You will die, I will not cry
I will live, you will not
You will die, I will not cry
Black expands dying's at hand


[Music: Fasciana, Barret; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Blood curdled dismemberment
Pain beyond scream
Slicing through sinew and bone
Blood letting extreme

Beg and cry sustain your life
Streaming like tears your innards flow
Simple solution negative end
Taste the death, your only friend
Feel the neck firm in my hands
Wet sounding snap welcomes your end
Gurgle of air leaving the lungs
Starting to hack begging of

Blood curdled dismemberment
Pain beyond scream
Slicing through sinew and bone
Blood letting extreme

Live to die unsatisfied
Reality now ratified
Body heaves hitting the ground
Bloodsoaked thud slashing sound
Raise your hand reaching high
All in vain unmerciful sky
Gurgle of air leaving the lungs
Choking for life, brain is now numb

Manic demise

Clasp at my ankles
Your face kissing floor
Last stroke of the blade
You exist no more

Manic demise, searing cries
Manic demise, dead on the rise
Manic demise, absolution mine
Manic demise

Alone at last embrace my kiss
Swift and fast this darkened bliss
Through you I go soon to arrive,
Victim of manic demise


[Music: Fasciana, Barret; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Instinct is trapped
Impulse evolved
Basics of life
Death now revolves

Innocence beyond the realms
Of a reasonable doubt
My justice defiled
Blood let your soul out
Try to cage my flesh
Hold my mind, break my soul
Fires fed with death
Fuck your mind, fuck your soul

Instinct is trapped
Impulse evolved
Basics of life
Death now revolves

Instinct is trapped
Impulse evolved
Basics of life
Death now revolves

Fake your life, wage your wars
Give this night, that soul you whore

Spill the challenge of blood
Skein upon my hands
Whether it be a world
Or me just one man
Do you realize
The action of your sums
Unleash the poisons of war
Feel the powers of one

Instinct is trapped
Impulse evolved
Basics of live
Death now revolves


[Music: Rios; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Losing this war, losing your mind
Inhuman end winding down time

Past that now haunts, history repeats
Thrown down in shame, this race deletes

Your head at my feet
Staring up what do you see
How does it feel, to feel for life
Now that it leaves you, your soul is tried

If you want to die
I'll teach you to die
If you want to [fucking] live
I'll show you revenge
Your living joke is my living hell
Your short grasp on life
Is my outer shell

The powers that I hold
To watch lives unfold
Believe in flaccid rules
I laugh at you fools

Nightmare unreal
Embrace the end
Your future fails
No life extends
Embellish the blood
Embellish the gore
Bottom fucking line
There is no more

The powers that I hold
To watch lives unfold
Believe in flaccid rules
I laugh at you fools

Past that now haunts, history repeats
Thrown down in shame, this race deletes


[Music: Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Annul a race, destroy a kind
I'll take their land, I won't lose mine
Murder honored [misprinted as "honered" in CD liner notes?], peace is quelled
Death or dishonor, spirit melts
Pushing on, fire fight
Limbs on the ground, blinded sight
Piercing slug, piercing scream
Spraying blood, my enemy

Setting sights to take lives
To delimb, no war crimes
Feel the rape of your land
Drop like shit, useless stand
Incendiary [misprinted as "Incinderary" in CD liner notes?], you are ended
Still to fight, attempt and defend

Let me hear your battle cry
Is it the same before you die
Smell the death, inhale [the/your] pain
Taste the fear, violent insane
Skin burns hotter before it's cold
Into mass graves the bodies roll

Marching on killing fields
Through the blood pools wars ideals
Slice or hack or all is lost
Nuclear frost
Hand to hand, gun on gun
Biggest kill ratio wins the hunt
Pace the shells follow through
Extinguish and rule

Marching on killing fields
Through the blood pools wars ideals
Slice or hack or all is lost
Nuclear frost
Hand to hand, gun on gun
Biggest kill ratio wins the hunt
Pace the shells follow through
Extinguish and rule

Mass graves, the slain lie
Mass graves, coved with lye
Mass graves, tortured soul cries
Mass graves, war crimes

Annul a race, destroy a kind
I'll take their land, I won't lose mine
Murder honored [misprinted as "honered" in CD liner notes?], peace is quelled
Death or dishonor, spirit melts

Setting sights to take lives
To delimb, no war crimes
Feel the rape of your land
Drop like shit, useless stand
Incendiary [misprinted as "Incinderary" in CD liner notes?], you are ended
Still to fight, attempt and defend

Let me hear your battle cry
Is it the same before you fucking die
Smell the death, inhale [the/your] pain
Taste the fear, violent insane
Skin burns hotter before it's cold
Into mass graves the bodies roll


[Music: Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Swath of blood, shapes of the dead
My mind transforms to canvas in my head
Always striving set to achieve
And execute the fine art of...
Murder, murder, murder, murder
The fine art of

Swath of blood, shapes of the dead
My mind transforms to canvas in my head
Always striving set to achieve
And execute the fine art of...
Murder, murder, murder, murder
The fine art of

Blood soaked canvas
Knife for brush

Mind expressing
Hands achieving
Violent insight

Now to take it to extremes
Fine art of murder is achieved
Now to take it to extremes
Fine art of murder is achieved
Now to take it to extremes
Fine art of murder is achieved
Now to take it to extremes
Fine art of murder is achieved
Now to take it to extremes
Fine art of murder is achieved
Now to take it to extremes
Fine art of murder is achieved

Grizzly artwork comes to life
Your blood fantasy is my reality
Finish my work I leave my mark
Some call it murder,
I call it the fine art

Blood soaked canvas
Knife for brush

Mind expressing
Hands achieving
Violent inside

Blood soaked canvas
Knife for brush

Mind expressing
Hands achieving
Violent inside

Swath of blood, shapes of the dead
My mind transforms to canvas in my head
Always striving set to achieve
And execute the fine art of...
Murder, murder, murder, murder
The fine art of
Murder, my murder, your murder,


[Music: Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Grabbing repent
Clutching remorse
Sins that are breathed
Sins at your source
Dumped blood upon the ground
Soaked up integrity
Broken limbs, broken screams
Spitting out obscenity
Disregard all life
Take fast make strikes
Tearing flesh to bone
Nothing left, no moans
Planted bodies, shallow graves
Rotted flesh, nostril craves
Abandoned hope and soul
Trapped inside, darkened hole
Bone exposed [3x]

Peel the flesh down to white
No more blood, no insides
Bleaching bones calcified trophy
Spindly veins feel now atrophy
Darkened call coming forward
No resist right is ignored
Blaring on no one survives
Wrath is on everyone dies
Bone exposed [3x]

Extinguish all life, this sin by my hand
Ripped down to bare bone
Now watch blood expand
Blade drawn stiffly clutched
Skin sliced tendons off
Body lifeless falls like shit
Exposed bone crimson fit

Peel the flesh down to white
No more blood inside
Bleaching bones calcified trophy
Spindly veins feel now atrophy
Darkened call coming forward
No resist right is ignored
Blaring on no one survives
Wrath is on everyone dies
Bone exposed [3x]


[Music: Rios; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Bodies charred, no scream felt
No life left, humanity melts
Feel the end delivered whole
Try to deny what you don't know
Pushing on passing fear
Hope is lost, flesh is seared
Face is blank drained of heat
Blood is spilled, blood is free

Mercy is all gone
Greed lives raging on
Legacy is all that's left
Innocent violent theft

Look and wonder why
Flames lap at the sky
Soul is all but claimed
Life is left to blame

Bodies charred, no screams felt
No life left, humanity melts
Feel the end delivered whole
Try to deny what you don't know
Pushing on passing fear
Hope is lost, flesh is seared
Face is blank drained of heat
Blood is spilled, blood is free

Mercy is all gone
Greed lives raging on
Legacy is all that's left
Innocent violent theft

Look and wonder why
Flames lap at the sky
Soul is all but claimed
Life is left to blame

Fuck your feast or famine
Denied the evil elaborate
Your weakness, your legacy
Frees you pussy ass


[Music: Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Sorrow for the shallow
Shall never be had
Weed out the weak
Feed on the sad
High above the loathsome
Defiled by the crass
Mind is strong, soul is intent
Lingering on is this foul...

Stench I breathe
Fills my soul full of hate
Bend and bow to no one
Never shall you
Break my soul
Break my mind
Break my life
Dark purpose rages on

Once again we meet
Once again I greet you with
A goddamned fucking beating
Your frail soul is no compare
Genetic spare
Redundant try pitiful and trite
So all knowing
Now to realize now...

To face life, to love pain
They are one and the same
Bend and bow to no one
Never shall you
Break my soul
Break my mind
Break my life
Unleash the skein

Take my life, my flesh
No victor, no end to cash
Gaze upon the face
Deceit and pain
Forfeit your sad life
Dismantle it all destroy
Plug in the pain
Plunge in the blade

Take my life, my flesh
No victor, no end to cash
Gaze upon the face
Deceit and pain
Forfeit your sad life
Dismantle it all destroy
Plug in the pain
Plunge in the blade

Sorrow for the shallow
Shall never be had
Weed out the weak
Feed on the sad
High above the loathsome
Defiled by the crass
Mind is strong, soul is intent
Lingering on is this foul...

Stench I breathe
Fills my soul full of hate
Bend and bow to no one
Never shall you
Break my soul
Break my mind
Break my life
Dark purpose rages on


[Music: Rios, Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

No wake, from this sleep
Still see, the empty gaze
Still see, the faceless teeth
Rictus surreal

Locked in unfettered embrace
How is this so real
Why now, the grin still says
Rictus surreal

Horror explodes filling the soul
No betrayal of face contorted it stays
Can't I take the eyes, staring at nothing
Don't view the grin, denied a shutting

Rictus surreal, rictus surreal

Holding on to what's left
Ecstacy or grimace
Ending life with no fear
Struggle unclear
To attack your own end
Triumphant grin you endured
Maybe nothing may only be
Just nerves

Holding on to what's left
Ecstacy or grimace
Ending life with no fear
Struggle unclear
To attack your own end
Triumphant grin you endured
Maybe nothing may only be
Just nerves

No wake, from this sleep
Still see, the empty gaze
Still see, the faceless teeth
Rictus surreal

Locked in unfettered embrace
How is this so real
Why now, the grin still says
Rictus surreal [3x]

Holding on to what's left
Ecstacy or grimace
Ending life with no fear
Struggle unclear
To attack your own end
Triumphant grin you endured
Maybe nothing may only be
Just nerves

Rictus surreal


[Music: Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

So, you think you've won
Fucked up all my fun
Reason that I live
All that I can give
I will find another
The worse it will be
You may have stopped this
But you can't stop me!

Staring at you, obsessing
Grabbing for you, mind stressing

Staring at you, obsessing
Grabbing for you, mind stressing
Stalk, scorned

Again I will unleash
This lust, it is my call
I know that I feast
Your body soon will fall
Pray to the stalker
Prey of the stalker

Hiding in trees
Peering through windows I see
That which will be solely owned by me
Stalking scorned


[Music: Fasciana; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Faltering my life
Dying before me
Not just my own fate
But the state of all
Unfolds before me
Spectator to see
Dismantle this race
Collective fall
Alive since conception
Stem taking root
Stem growing stronger
Extinction comes

Lamentate my life
Lamentate your life

Extinction flails before you
Grasp at your last thread
Ignorance ruled before you
Now it rules the dead
On your knees you beg
You fall, you plead
No answer to be found
The wound still bleeds
Alive since conception
Stem taking root
Stem growing stronger
Extinction comes

Lamentate my life
Lamentate your life

How deep, how deep the strike
The tears form in your eyes
So stray, to stray from right
On deaf ears fall your cries
Lamentation, lamentation
Lamentation day of

Falling for life to have
Your own left to live
One more soul left to give
One more we once had
Lamentation, lamentation
Lamentation day of

Faltering my life
Dying before me
Not just my own fate
But the state of all
Unfolds before me
Spectator to see
Dismantle this race
Collective fall
Alive since conception
Stem taking root
Stem growing stronger
Extinction comes

Lamentate my life
Lamentate your life


[Music: Rios; lyrics: Hoffmann]

Cadaver frozen stiff
To live in grieving ice
Can't feel hands or feet
Just want to forfeit life

Spilled blood keeps you warm
It may not be your own
Shellshocked insomnia
Attack at any cost

Drive on cannot stop
One hundred thousand fall
Among the scattered flesh
Glory of conquest calls

Columns roll on, bodies still fall
Eyes glazed over, the front can't stall
Columns roll on, bodies still fall
Eyes glazed over, the front can't stall

Snow falls white, it turns to red
Frozen in time, the tormented dead
Fight on for honor, fight to survive
For frozen landscape, the many have died

Drive on cannot stop
One hundred thousand fall
Among the scattered flesh
Glory of conquest calls

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