Made Out Of Babies : Coward

Metal / USA
(2006 - Neurot Recordings)
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Drying Stains
Spell things in words uneasily
In crowded pens
A drying mouth's final
Hiss of growing limbs
Faster than the skin
The arrows pointing
to the thunder of the tanks in vacant lots

Down dark pathways
Special paintings line the wall
The ghastly glow of broken saints
The cheeks of working flames burn blue
And spit out words see what we've done we stayed up all this life for you and now you owe this much for good

Here on your shoulders till we're
When at first it's all in fun once
White's misshapen eyes glued shut then

In Words
In Pens
In Limbs faster than the skin
Sick limp of Tin on Tongue shoulders pushing through
Cut line In Waves of Blue hiss of growing limbs live ice
In reams of tin
All in Crowded Pens


For the best that it stays on sweat like branches motions to pink surrounding you is gone for geries of plastic bound
Proud Drown Crawl Cold Sound

I would mold you into plastic plant you in sound with a thirst for burning your clutching demands around your neck a little too tight
too put up the proudest drown rapt fast to the burning in your face I feel your insides shake the murderous surrounding you are speaking
widely of closed crimes worst of your type burst in murderous wit heat falls from your mouth to burn the whites of my eyes
It's Disappointing like dark skies crawling on cold tiles legs like they've been skinned alive I can feel your insides shake I can feel your insides shake

Thin lights shine a vision on
The instep of your first born undone
Forgeries from heart to hand
Molding you in plastic sand

Proud Drown Crawl Cold Sound

I see all the worthless done for
Best of your type past the last door Murdered spit that foams your mouth To burn the whites of my eyes
A sigh This Disappointing in dark holes On cold tiles with legs like skinned alive I feel your insides shake the murderer surrounding you is speaking widely of closed crimes wrapped fast to the burning forgeries sent from your heart to the pen around your throat gray petals wrap around your lowered chin walking far past proud to drown trapped in leaves on broken sound burning roofs in scalpless towns hoping you can hear it now speaking widely of screened in walls worst of types crawl on cold broken tiles lets end it in the lines I can feel your insides shake

3. FED

It's just a little bit quiet And the air is sweet and so cold and now it's just getting started running straight to my head
Drown in here shuffles of drying straw that's got my full attention it goes to work heading straight to my head
When I did you wrong and all those words not quite light as lead It's right up front and fed

All my mistakes sleep on the sun three little birds made straight for my head
but the window was closed and shutting down tight but you stayed
sweet to the end and straight through the end had all those words not quite light as lead
and broke down instead and wild and red not quite light as lead running straight to the end It's right up front and fed


After all the dreams started words just showed up on the page each day looking for some company a single point on which to rest their heads paralyzed and squeaky clean dull and flat a bit of shade to slim there was no sign the change was fixed tumbling down in sympathy outsides run against the grain in streams after all the dreams started words just showed up on the page each day speak ing volumes out of turn upside down sinking into shade paralyzed and squeaky clean dull and flat a bit of shade to slim looking for some company a single point on which to rest their heads dark and flat against the page wading deep in muddy shade and the quiet of the change when all the dreams started


Small Body on the Road Coat still sheened with Spring
It's eyes still black And soft and warm and clean
It's legendary quickness of feet Too slow for the truck's wheels
Or teeth Matter of Minutes and hours all gone Picked up for someone else's feast

And again, and again and again and again Body on the Road Coat still sheened with Spring It's eyes still black And soft and warm and clean It's legendary speed Outrun by hungry truck wheels The song was short as it was sweet His song was short as it was sweet Soft with Spring Warm and Clean Bright and Mean Short and Sweet Hungry Teeth Dull the sheen Make the Feast Soft with Spring

6. OUT

It's been a long time Creepy spine Bottled Mind I can't sit still Waiting
until you see what I did You Kiss Right Now we sing
and scream it seems our dreams are spools of string and pigs with wings
You see I'm gumming up My belly is full of babies with eggs
And now you know what's wrong I know that I told you once before the lens We sing and sweat and burn and break and move No words that rhyme No song tonight




Everyone is staring at the screen get off your knees and go quietly I'm knocking at the door and scrambling into fits I hope that you turn out right Everywhere the sky is scaly gray get on your feet and move quietly wild scrapping on the floor and scraping into bits I hope that you turn out right In the big big city's belly The rats are big as reindeer They do major construction They don't ask for permission In the big big city's belly The rats are big as reindeer They do major construction The children's favorite bunny


Oh Man you've got a fuckin nail in your brain Turn it left until the fleas can come out Thimble thumbnail Showered Cuts And rip the power out And bring it all on over Throw it at your neighbor Tread that sallow shallow water The whole town is coming over Scram Sad I'm so sad little brother The whole bin is in It's over Left your home at thirty fourteen Make the best of petty theft schemes Scram It's the biggest darkest black beast Made of glass and full of thunder I can be the thing you want a Big indifference reminder Pick it out and Run for cover This whole place is going under Scram You've got to fake it Make the best of petty theft schemes

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