Lunarium : Journeys, Fables, and Lore

Folk Metal / USA
(2008 - Farvahar Records)
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Civilization is not a choice
It is a yoke on their backs
And the language they speak is considered weak
One of the qualities they lack
But in battle they're revered, by the Romans
they're feared,
And the women are standing in line
For the men painted blue, throwing javelins true
And their hair white with handfuls of time.

Out of the forest they scream and they slash,
Chasing the Romans away
They fall without mercy and they die in droves
But they know that Marius will pray
For deliverance from demons who eat entire
And victory or death for their crimes
From the men painted blue, throwing javelins true
And their hair white with handfuls of time.

Into the fray
Send the bastards back to Rome!
Into the fray
Victory for your fathers' home!

"Ignore the racket these savages make!
They are more women and children than men!
Forget the treasure, and forget the rape,
Kill them and you'll have the lot."

Into the fray
Send the bastards back to Rome!
Into the fray
Victory for your fathers' home!


I am he who rides the nightfall,
Casting shadows o'er the earth
A deathly visage seen in darkness,
Judging what each soul is worth
I have spilt the blood of ages,
Plaguing human dynasties
Unmarked graves of countless children
Bring the nations to their knees!

I come bringing death
On winged glory
Mercy at an end
I come bringing death

Sulphur burning, raining hellfire
with a word I scorch the land
Endless hordes of evil soldiers
Slaughtering at my command
Waves of blood from wounds of Gaea,
Flowing from my sword of black
A chalice filled to overflowing,
Heady wine of blood and bone


We will wander with our crew until the worlds burn,
Sailing to doom in dragons of the sea

I stand upon the rolling prow
Salt spray on my face
Gods of the sea, bless our journey,
As the oars pull them to plunder!
The years have been kind,
And the gods have been gracious
Many riches for the lord, and few have gone to Odhinn.

Only now do I realize, as Loki passes by,
This is the end for me.
We will wander with our crew until the worlds burn,
Sailing to doom in dragons of the sea.

Through the depths of the storm
Surtur's fire blows the ship
The sails of Ragnar, son of Sturl
Are nowhere to be seen
An evil glow on the horizon
Appears like a funeral pyre
The whisper of a dead man's soul
Only sound on the frozen air…

They stare at us as Naglfar passes
The dead crew of th'infernal ship
It strikes like steel through my heart,
They have another purpose!
There is a battle on Vigrid's plain
Where the gods will die
And this ship-made from dead men's nails-
Carries the Trickster there


I once found myself a victim
Of corrupt society,
But I knew there was a world out there
Beyond what we can see.
Upon my neck I carried
The wicked emporer's taint
A tarnished gold medallion
With the image of a saint

So I traveled ‘cross the meadows
To the hills and mountains high
Where the sun had long forsaken,
Where the Martyr's tomb did lie.
As I neared the ancient cave,
The earth below me cracked.
And the gold medallion turned into
A cross upon my back!

“I am God!” The image said to me.
“You take my blessing blindly, don't believe in what you see!
I am God, you never question me!
Follow what I say, and forever you'll be free!”

As he preached his platitudes,
A thought occurred to me.
Why is this cross upon my back
The same one around his neck?
The secret of his power
Over mankind was revealed.
He screamed in his defeat,
And my medallion reappeared!

“I am God!” The image said to me.
“You take my blessing blindly, only lies are what you see!”
‘You are man!” I screamed then at the liar,
And I threw the gold medallion upon the blazing funeral Pyre.


I remember it like it was yesterday, though a thousand suns Have passed,
When the men came to my village under a strange sign.
They turned our women into whores, our children into slaves,
And with them came a man who shouted “By this book, you'll All be saved!”

Now with the passage of time, belief in the ancient gods Fades,
Corrupted by the followers of the dollar and the cross
The people's minds are not their own—Heritage taken when Seeds are sown
You can't even pronounce your name!
Have you no idea from whence you came?

Have you forgotten why your forefathers fought and died?
T'was not for money, or the blessings of a man who lied!
Ideals of honour that lurk deep in every beating heart,
Are under attack-By the children of the lie
That the Church has spoken.

For every maid,
For every child,
For every warrior whose wife has been defiled
If it's a war they want,
We'll kill them all!
Under the sign of the horned one they'll fall!


In the name of our fathers, we are free
Standing with honour and liberty
We will not bow to your tyrant king
Sons of the Island's voices ring

Though Kinsmen die upon this field,
On we fight, we shall not yield!
A revolution breaking light, a dawn to save us all
Set your fearing hearts aside and sound the battle call!!


A chill wind blows through Asgard's fields
As a hero rests upon his shield.
We weep, but our wearied souls will mend,
As we fill our hearts with tales of his end.
One hundred-twenty of us are gathered here this day,
To send another of the mighty on his way.

This man sailed with Huginn
And made bows from mighty trees,
Another man slew giants
And brought Loki to his knees,
Now they will join the ranks
In the spear-wall
Beneath the roof of shields
At Odhinn's golden hall!
The tales of our folk,
And our heathen pride
Shall resound through the ages-
As sleipnir ever rides.
Even their sorrow'd deeds
Shall be told with mirth,
While immortal flagons raise
Until the ends of the Earth.
Hail the fallen, tell their tales
Around the fires, over ales
Heroes in honour lie
See that legends never die!


The richest of them all came bearing chests of gold
Then came a knight in black-his armor stained in blood.
A stallion bought with hangman's coin brings the man of Greed,
The last a youthful brute of twenty—His eyes a virgin's end.

“Wassail all ye valouring brave,
Gather to my kingdom fair!
A fortnight from this morrow's eve,
A test of heroes I declare!
For He who rides to Glory's table
My daughter's hand receives,
Become a legend told in fable
The heir to my nobility!”

One from the highlands, his garb trimmed in gold,
One night from the lowest vale and foul deeds untold.
Another so full of greed he'd sell you for your life,
One night fro the maidens, he'd claimed a thousand lives!

With Flags unfurled and lances couched, the cutpurse and The Scot
Did charge across the tourney's field, but both would meet Demise,
The Highland sword did find its mark, but from the Brigand's cloak
Came a hidden dagger to the noble Scotsman's eyes!


The Blaggard clashed with maiden's hero and fell to woe's Betide,
Though he'd tipp'd his lance with poison, his failure was His pride.
The handsome hero rose to vict'ry, soon to claim his prize,
He called her name in triumph—and her father realized….
Her name had not been spoken outside the castle walls!
The King rose in a fury, and shouted for the guards,
He ripped his taken daughter out of her lover's arms,
And smiled as the Brute of twenty was murdered for his Charms!


There once was a barbarian
Blood-soaked, brutal, strong,
He wept, for he had no talent
For poetry and song
So he asked the gods to bless him
With the voices of a bard,
So that he might serenade them
After leaving foemen scarred!

“Seek you the Golden Horn,
Traverse the Desert of Waning,
To the Korbliconnin
Swiftly shall you ride!
Fill the goblet full, my son,
Of the minotaur's blood.
And drink in the ambrosia
Of Eternal Song.”

Now the swords shall raise high,
And the wine will flow
Celebrating he who makes
The journey long and cold.
A bacchanalian image
Of lustful revelry
To his horse, on his last quest,
The young man now will ride
There goes our Hero,
Our next last hope!
He goes for glory,
More likely to the Gods!
We'll feast for Sargonnas,
Yet he takes another son.
A worthy sacrifice
For the gift of Eternal Song!

In fire—Sargonnas appears!
Bull's head triumphantly rears!
Laughing in a triumphant sneer…

10. 1066

Son of a bastard, given to shout
For him, a nation awaited
He prayed to the god of men
And saw a time of blood
Ships were built, a fleet for the ages
Wine and spears were taken aboard
Such spectacle had ne'er been seen
Since Agammemnon made his war!

Said Harald: “Bring your Bastard King!
He has no claim to Mercia!
He'll find naught here but slaughter,
And an ignominious death!”
And so they mustered Saxon men
For marching to the sea,
With Mercians to arms again
And Welsh bows by their side.

The Northmen came to fight!
Leaving Armour at the shore
Charging on to Wessex,
Blood stained the forest floor.
At Stamford Bridge the Vikings fell,
Down to one, who with his axe,
Made the Saxons fear his name!

At the battle many will fall
From farmer to mighty king.
On the anvil of shatter'd shields,
A nation was forged in blood.

To Battle, a hill of verdant green,
Brightly shone the midday sun.
William and a thousand horse sallied,
Men of sword and spear did follow
Once again the mighty fyrd
Made line and crashed their shields
Dregs of men, but no less brave,
With furrowed brows and beaten steel
Arrows flew but few fell
Up the mighty hill they charged
Into the English lines; The knights tore
Saxon flesh and mail
Irony of valour showed
Son of Godwin shot in th'eye,
His army laid like winterwheat
Before the peasant scythe.


Amidst the congregation
Of listless spirits walking
Her witness ghastly visage
Stands gazing from afar,
Uncloaked by misty shadow
Uphold the passing dark
Turned to me his onyx heart—
And bled me to the stars.
He's held her here a soul in bondage
Her innocence to fade,
Bound by flame scarr'd hand in sorrow,
Locked inside his cage.

Blowing in the wind loom the whispers of our mistress
Hanging in the shadows of her heretic past
Carried by the tree to her waking non-existence
Doomed to carry guilt as the darkened seasons pass.

I held my lover in dreams naïve
Entwined in deception's affair,
The timing of the curse I ravaged
Brought celebration from pulpit's stare.
Tho' weeping then did saints hear sorrow,
He then my flame possessed.
The mask he wore that day of darkness
Would label me possessed.
The pale horse he bore no rider,
The wind swung from the tree,
Trapped inside his box of secrets,
The breeze you hear is me!

I look into the forest, with steel unclouded eyes,
She's pointing me to spirits by ghostly finger guide,
These are the unseen lonely I now behold with sight,
As midnight turns to dawning—on their everlasting night.


Winds from the Morrigan
Blowing from the east,
The shadow of a midnight falling
Ending our peace
A Sage rom a bloody past
Whisp'ring tales of old,
She sheds her cloak of ravens,
Reveawling blackness' soul

The sickle and the scythe lie rusting where we tread
The flowing blood of heroes fallen mingling with our dead

Marching ‘til dawn
Fighting on and on
To fell the Goddess Morrigan,
Fighting on and on.

The wind comes with a warning,
Begging a full retreat,
The snows of Asgard trampled under-
We pay no heed.
And her black-toothed smile
Spreads in laughter's hold,
The glowing eyes of Mordred's stare
Shall quench the coming cold.

The sickle and the scythe lie rusting where we tread
The sword and the axe are instruments of death
And now!
I alone must stand,
The only man alive and breathing
I've knelt on the bloody sand,
The Gods of all I am beseeching!
To bring a judgement to their daughter,
This bitch who's taken my men from me!

Marching ‘til dawn
Fighting on and on
To fell the Goddess Morrigan,
Fighting ever on!

13. ALE

I was walking down the street one night,
The pub was on my left.
I'd ninepence in my pocket for
The spirit I love best.
They'll put me in the wagon,
And haul me off to jail,
So put me back up on my stool and have another ale!

I staggered to a lady,
My wits so far behind,
There was only one thing running
All through my fev'rish mind,
Her husband fast approached me,
His mood was not the best,
My feet did falter then I fell—
My hands upon her breasts!
He grabbed my by the collar,
With fire in his eyes,
I got so scared I fell again,
My head between her thighs,
He kicked me in the stomach,
Then she began to laugh,
And as I fell away from her
I felt a genuine draft!


What have we lost
What have we gained
From toils in times of grave indignity?
Where are the heroes,
The legends held on high,
Born into the world to set us free?

A tempest's gale from valley shadow blows
Ripping into guilded hearts of stone
Set your sights toward the eastern sky
And see the fallen kings begin to rise

We are the mighty, the valiant light of days
A hundred ages past the blood of fools
We shall overcome the shadow ‘cross the sea
And raise our banner for eternity

Atop the highest mountain
Four men of valour stand
Awaiting Luna's call to win the day
Gazing to the sky,
The wearied men can see
That hope on fates horizon
Has come to set us free!

Hail rained from the heavens,
Lightning crashed around,
Chasms deeper than the ocean
Sank into the ground!
The enemy had fallen deep,
The battle had been true,
And in the light of Luna's wake
Our heroes praised the moon!


Hunts for horrors that come out at night
Cut a piece off, it continues to fight
Glowing eyes that pierce the dim,
Disgusting munching sounds-
It's dining on a limb!


Ambush the trogolodytes, but they know no fear
Make sure their chests are bursted with a spear
Bodies burning bright, be sure to grab an eye
Wear it like a necklace, and from steel you'll never die!

Living each day in a cyanide nightmare,
Troll's blood burns armour and skin
Turning twilight into dawn,
Troll's eye burns bright as the sun!

lyrics added by gg_jaime - Modify this lyrics