Living Sacrifice : In Memoriam

Thrash Death / USA
(2005 - Solid State Records)
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Birthright by the hand of God. I am he, chosen and called.
I have answered and understand. The gift of God has been Given by his Son.

I am in Christ, the Son of God. I am in Christ, no longer Condemned.
I am in Christ, the Son of God. I am in Christ, resurrected.

Who can be against me, who can compromise?
The power of He is resting, I will glorify.

Laid bare, before your eyes. It can only come this way.
The price is paid, by His blood. All I ask is who am I?

I am in Christ, the Son of God. I am in Christ, no longer Condemned.
I am in Christ, the Son of God. I am in Christ, Resurrected. (resurrected, resurrected)

The right to live, the right to breathe. The right to be And to believe.
God has come, the time has come to take hold of the Promise, of the promise, of the promise.
The time has come to take hold of the blood, of the blood, Of the blood, of the blood...


The outstretched arms, of one word, of one breath (one Breath).
The existence is spoken (the existence is spoken), the Existence will attest.
A bond has been made, a plan put in motion
To reconcile and make new, the ultimate sacrifice of your Flesh.

Self lust will kill, a heart towards God will change... Destiny.
Power, unleashed on this void. Onslaught, the only plan of This kind.
This is something that cannot subside.

The dawn of this day, a decision is made to know and Proclaim.
The dawn of this day, a decision is made to know and Proclaim.
The power of God, the power of God is alive, is alive, is Alive.


Things we cannot quite conceive, powers of geography.
Darkness so blinding, haunting, manipulating.
Assorted delights will abound, in a land hidden from sound.
Authority that’s temporary, princes of hell in their Playground.

Killers, you are killers. killers, you are killers. Killers...

Madmen who hold us hostage, nightmares are manifesting Bondage.
Taunt me, harassing, ripping through.
The separation of what’s true, lie in waiting, overtake.
All is forsaken, there is another way.

Killers, you are killers. Killers, you are killers. Steal, Kill, destroy.

Killers, you are killers. Killers, you are killers. Steal, Kill, destroy.


Symbiotic, conceived in fire, panic strike
I cannot breathe, piercing me
Conscience deep, consuming like
Embrace this heat, like love
Complete in me to see what I could not see
This life inside, symbiotic
Conceived in fire
Amniotic suspension
Heart rate rhythmic
Surrounded by sound blood
Nourished, blood nourished
This union by love destroys the pain and changes everything
This life inside, symbiotic
Conceived in fire
Waves of emotion
This union by love destroys the pain
This union by love changes everything
This life inside, symbiotic
Conceived in fire


Incidental consequences
Growing larger by the second
Things I've said, things I've done out of ignorance
I cursed the son
Passive resistance, passive resistance
Sown In ignorance
If I'd known the path I took I could have told the stupid Links to the past
Take a flying leap into your fate
I was wrong for thinking I could not prevail
Kept my mouth shut for too long
This is not what I agreed upon
Passive resistance, passive resistance
Believed the lies I cannot repeat this possession of hatred
Defeat, passive resistance, passive resistance


A simple test, probing loss, looki,g for a vein
Tapping on a grave they call their own
I desire, I invite this process, injection begin
Begin, break the skin, salvation quickly driven in
Pride in fracture, in subjection
A new supply running red with purpose
Nothing less than flawless in design
Systematic in possession, igniting all within
Running red with purpose
Nothing less than flawless in design


For the cause, my trial, my judgment, my retribution
A new machine leaving all behind
Mercy will only complicate
Fill the space inside, shoot to kill the wounded
The calloused tounge
My aim is precise, armed with my own failures
The cost of being you
Brace yourself like a man
You fail to qualify, it's only personal, just being...
A new machine, a new machine my aim is precise, my Retributuion


Reborn empowered
All strongholds broken
Old ways have died,
Given new life
Boldness engulfs my every word,
Strength empowered by God
The strength in Christ's name
Power, all knees must bow
Same spirit that dwells in us,
Raised Him from the dead
This gift freely given,
You will believe
Evil, its plan to deceive,
Manipulation, deception we bind
Rebirth, confession,
That He is God, almighty
Reborn empowered
All strong holds
Broken old ways have died,
Given new life
Rebirth, confess, our Lord


I set my self up
I've no one to blame but my
Self pity is useless
I'll not entertain your sickness,
Half truths, deceit, forced in,
Not God, reject
Reject all lies
Rebuke take hold
Intrepid Spirit of God
Rebuke take hold
Authority of God
Reject all lies


The sacrifice of praise, setting free
Being a undispensable necessity
The splender of Christ's holiness
Abound in, filled with righteousness
Uplifted hands to enthrone
The chosen and precious conerstone
O Lord, a resting place, arise
O Lord to be forever glorified
Undying worship, a continued offering
Christ above all, wisdom exalting
O Lord, a resting place, arise
O Lord to be forever glorified


Breathing murder upon the early church
Destruction, the new faith to hurt
Fueled by zeal, a twisted perception
Creating disorder, a morbid obsession
Profession of faith to persecute
From heaven a voice, journey refute
Falling to the ground
To arise without sight
Holy Spirit fill, falling scales from smite
Conspiracy to kill, voice of conversion
Speaking freely, a bold proclamation


In the shadow
Power no foe can withstand
Angels lifting up as the Lord commands
Under His wings shall be found refuge and fortress
Not to fear the terror that stalks in the darkness
In accessible, secret
Place of the most high
Observe the wicked
Punishment, justify
Dwelling in Christ
(No) Evil shall befall
With long life
Salvation enthrall
Spiritual concerns, consent of humanity
In His spirit and purpose, liberating entry
Particular gloom effected, closed hesitation
Not enchanted by superstitions impressions
Not to fear in the darkness
In the shadow, refuge and fortress


Distorted reality
Truth behind, not to see
Focus of life means twisting negative
Draining deeper fears by a quest to live
Suffering down perpetual destruction
Pulling ties of morbid inspiration
Confession of words, life or death is heard
Not demanding any believe, consequence received
Spoken words, subtract belief
Enter minds, producing feelings of grief
Exaggerated expression regarded as vain
Unjust illusions of severe pain
Surrounding the faithless
Who dwell hopeless
Confession of words, life or death is heard
Not demanding any believe, consequence received
Demolish, dark imagination
Satan's demise, eternal realization
The keys of hell and death, in Christ's hands are held
The wickedness that opposed, have forever failed


Hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared
Deny consideration of the One to be feared
Abandoning the faith to follow spirits of deception
Their unsound teaching produce sowers of confusion
Prophets of dceit the word of God
Sowing wickedness reaping trouble from the rod
Though they claim to be the ones to obtain salvation
Their form of doctrine denies Christ's foundation
Haven of blasphemy
Hollow philosophies
Captives remain unfree
Slaves of depravity, whose destruction draws near
Secretly introduce the lies some long to hear
Hanging over them are the scales of condemnation
A false balance of weighted abomination
Haven of blasphemy


Being held fast by the cords of affliction
Subjected to mental infiltration
Conceived thought compromise obtained
Appealing to desires fatal if remain
Afflicted spirits
Under the authority
Christ proclaimed
Obstruction cease to be

Depraved aphrodisia wars against the soul
Fulfilling strategies of complete control
From the deep prcess of a darkened mind
Twistedly emerge images of this kind

Legions of the air on this journey they lead
Obsession inspired nurtures dormant
Trouble is presented by an unjust gain
Selfish ambitions that were plotted in vain


Insufficient supplication communion is abstained
Weary is the spirit as consideration drains
The duty of seeking peace is not being pursued
Plenty was promised agreement misconstrued
No obedience toward Christ every thought not held captive
Though possessing unfailing love these ways are disruptive
Appointed to bring the faith silent with desires
Unfaithful words oppress what the lord requires
Plans fail for a lack of council but many have advice
Resenting their correction exceed boundaries of the wise

Anorexia spiritual unnoticed as it seems
Delivered by an adocate to justify its means
Walls of protection agreed to be contructed
Now begin to fall as wisdom is being abducted

Seeds have been cast falling on unfertile ground
Tolerating what is what is wrong conflict dies abound
Up against the knowledge of God arguments and pretension
Obedience fully secured and complete in submission
Elude those to assemble no to associate
Hidden is distress established able to dominate

Recipient of atrocity misfortune can arrive
Ushering in the presence only pacifies
Having the inermost being, subjecting it to starvation
A return to endurance prompted by this demonstration

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