Leadsucker : Burn

Las palabras


You are a number, a statistic, a footnote
Forgettable and mute in the middle class
They've got you blind and oblivious to the facts
They don't care what's best for you
They want what's best for them
They call it democracy, but we don't have a say or choice
Just faceless servants entertaining the rich

The Land of Opportunity?
This is the land where dreams go to die
It's the home of the controlled
And the land of the gutless

When war companies are running dry
They'll send you overseas to die
Burn the fucking flag, it don't mean shit
Just colored fabric on a pole

We're content with too little so that's what they give us
We're only as free as a dog inside an electric fence
We can see it all, but we can have none.
Controlled freedom isn't freedom.
One day, we'll bite the hand that pretends to feed us.


It's the 21st century and we're still talking about rights?
We're all created equal, unless you're a fag, and nigger
A foreigner, a Jew, or you have tits.
A group of white guys set the laws for everyone else.
We preach equality, while blocking measures to ensure it,
On the grounds that a work of fiction
And a fake man denounce it.
We watch another innocent minority beaten by the police,
But turn the channel because it's a re-run.
Women are objects for fucking,
Victims of a male-dominated culture.
There's no pride in prejudice
There's no honor in ignorance,
We're ignorant and full of misguided hate,
Willing to kill over a fifth-of-an-inch.
Equality? If you have enough money you can buy it,
But we're too poor, so we don't have a voice.
The times are changing, but we're not.
We're just evolving into bigger idiots.
Prejudiced parents preaching
Their hate onto defenseless kids
Ensuring the mistakes of the father
Become the mistakes of the son.


America does not want intelligent kids.
They want them subdued, complacent.
They are our future, after all;
They want the path of least resistance.
Drop out of school and read some books
Save your mind and keep it open.
For what you lose is far more
Than what you gain.

There are no F's, only A's for effort.
Show up and you move on.
Good boys don't ask questions,
They shut up and blend in with everyone else.
Universities are corporations
Under the disguise of "higher learning"
Degrees are becoming like the American dollar,
Too many of them out there to be worth anything.
Just remember when you're working retail
To pay off your debts
Just how great that piece of paper looks framed on your parents' wall.

How low can the bar go?
Low enough to let every child through.
It's little more than an obedience class,
Made to dull your imagination.
Dumb it down so no one's offended,
That way you'll accept watered-down versions
Of facts the rest of your life.


Too many cowards with guns and a badge
Hiding behind the corrupt arm of the law.
They're sociopaths in uniform,
Resting itchy fingers on triggers,
Killing the innocent without cause or motive.
Fabricate the truth, coordinate cover-ups, get acquitted and
Everything gets swept under the rug.
Loose cannons put back on patrol.
It's racial intolerance, excessive force as hate crime.

This is the scum protecting our streets
Do you feel any safer?
Wonder what happens when you "Stand Your Ground"
Against an army of pigs?
A few bad apples are ruining the whole orchard,
Soon the exceptions will become the rule.
Keep the cameras rolling, America,
Because a picture negates a thousand lies


Denial is the first sign of incompetence.
Napolitano is a dumb cunt, how does she still have a job?
The success stories are lies, it's spying for entertainment.
The more she assures us "the system worked",
The more we know it's a complete wreck.
We're throwing money at nothing,
But isn't that the American way?
No intelligence going in, no intelligence coming out.

Another branch of the DHS,
Which is nothing but a costly illusion.
Centers spread throughout the U.S.,
But no uniform goals, no organization.
Rushed, scattershot ideas made real at taxpayer expense.
They're watching us, but who's watching them?
Resume is a long history of failure.
There's no intelligence going in,
There's no intelligence coming out.


They say you can't put a price on life
They beg to differ, and they've got one on yours.
Why cure it when they can treat it?
Cancer's not a disease, it's a billion-dollar industry.

They're dependent on a state of no cure.

If you survive five years, you're written off as a "success"
They don't give a fuck what happens to you after that.
Just stand in line to get blasted with poison, and empty your pockets.
They know you're dying, but someone's getting rich
And that's all that matters.

There's no race for this cure,
Just slow, deliberate baby steps.


Our laws are elastic,
Stretching to meet government demand.
Our slave-fucking forefathers must be
Rolling around in their graves.
They say it's in the name of security,
But it's only in a false sense of:
Perception is reality.

Think twice before speaking
The omnipresent country is listening
Laws evoked out of thin air,
We have no mouths, but we must scream.

The Patriot Act covers all their legalities
Our rights? They blew up with the terrorists.
Panicked politicians making sweeping changes.
What Constitution? There are no rules on a "War on Terror".
The enemy doesn't hate our freedom, our own leaders do.
And little-by-little they're taking them away
And for a "democracy", we have very little say.


It's the beautiful white corpses that get all the attention.
Little angel bleeds, looks so serene lying among the weeds.
A thousand gone missing since the last one
But there is no justice for the ugly.
Media fall all over themselves to cover it,
Follows us around like a shadow.
Pressure's on for the authorities
Can't just sweep it under the rug
Like they do with the blacks and the poor.
Got to pull someone in; give the illusion of proper justice
Pull in the first minority they see.
The world falls in love with the Mississippi
Queen taken too soon.
Don't worry, one day justice will come
To the little girl with the runaway smile.


Enjoy the view from your throne
Soon it'll collapse under your own weight
Bit off more than you could chew--
That's saying a lot
You exude an aura of failure
As they say, practice makes perfect
You're like the job you've done, easily forgettable.

Couldn't command a room if you were the only one in it
Respect must be earned, not bought or begged for
Look in the mirror and realize everything you're not
You wear your permanent mask of confusion so well
By the book, that you never even read
When you're the problem you're always the last to know
I thought you were just playing dumb
Then I learned it was the only thing you weren't faking
Good riddance cunt, you accomplished nothing.


"Do not judge or you too will be judged," says the priest.
Then he tells a fag to fuck off.
Says there's no room in the Lord's House for a sinner,
As he masturbates a 12-year-old child.
Wonders why the world points and laughs.
Wonders why no one takes him seriously,
Why he's a laughingstock;
Why no one believes in God any more.
Goes home to his empty house
And drinks himself into a stupor.
Rips his Bible into two pieces.
Asks Jesus for a way out, an answer,
His heart beating fast and his hands sweating.
Jesus smiles and says, "Just listen to your heart.
I know you'll make the right decision."
One bullet later, and he was right.


We condemn it in other countries
To take the heat off us.
An advanced society with the mind of a child.
It's a mild inconvenience.
The punchline to a sordid joke.
We sweep it under the rug.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Only it's the elephant in the room.
We're looking through a crystal ball,
But refuse to look in the mirror.
If you can't look yourself in the eye
And deny that it's happening,
How can you convince anyone else?


Bow down and confess your loyalty
Turn a blind eye and move on
Blow the whistle and pay the price
There are so many secrets to uncover
So many things we do not know
But it's so much easier to conform than to fight.

The Black Curtain stays closed so no one can see through
What is there to fear if there's nothing to hide?

In our society, obedience is rewarded
We're taught not to ask questions.
We have the freedom to speak,
But they have the freedom to silence.
Complacence breeds ignorance.
Will we stand idly by, while they get away with murder?
Speak up, Mr. Coward, or pluck out your eyes
So history can forget you.


Another massacre, cameras at the scene
Twenty dead, riddled with bullets.
"We never saw this coming,"
And yet all the signs were there.
It's just not news until someone dies.
Guns acquired legally
Killings make national headlines
Good Samaritans are forgotten,
A killer's legacy lasts forever.
Government swears something's going to change
Too many innocent people dead.
NRA cries foul,
Claims they're trying to repeal the second amendment.
Get their narrow-minded servants to follow,
Pawns to a hidden agenda.
Has nothing to do with rights,
And everything to do with sales.
Guns don't kill people,
But crazy people with guns do.
We try to forget,
But the demons of the past are doomed to repeat.
They'll let them take every amendment but the second one,
Redneck fuck doesn't need to speak, as long as he can shoot.
It's a completely avoidable, but never-ending cycle.


You collected photos of pretty girls
You told a story, but forgot to include the truth
It whipped the peasants into a frenzy
You slanted it to fit your needs.

The Shadows control what we see and hear
All we get is propaganda under the disguise of news

The truth is redacted to remove the points
Integrity's only a catchphrase, but we buy it
Taking sides and we don't even know what for
Maybe someday we'll learn to think for ourselves
And that's the moment the empire crumbles.


Out of the ashes of a CIA-funded resistance,
Al Qaeda is formed.
Our government supported them,
Stuck their nose where it didn't belong,
Then hung them out to dry.
Now the hunters have become the hunted.
They ignored the clues in plain sight,
Treated them like Popsicle-stick jokes.
Now the joke's on us,
And we are not the ones laughing.
Government plays the pity card; the role of innocent victim
To cover for their embarrassment,
Their lack of intelligence.
But they're the schoolyard bully,
And we the citizens are guilty by association.
Always quick to interfere in other country's problems,
All the while ignoring their own growing list.
They created a monster that will never die,
Gave it a face and a name,
But they also created a hatred
That could not be contained by one man.
Now that he's dead, how will
They continue to justify the "War on Terror"?
And how will they spin it so all the idiots buy it?
Easy. Proof is overrated.
Bury it in enough spectacle and we'll buy anything.


Bound in secrecy
No judge or jury
All it takes is a hunch.
No proof or evidence needed,
No geographical lines,
They're rights are overdue.
Modern day witch trials.
Nothing's illegal, nothing's sacred.
The ship is headed for the iceberg.
We are march toward an apocalypse
Of our own creation.
We must right its path before it's too late.
Protected by Executive Order,
Murder for which no one will pay.
As transparent as a blackout,
Firing into the dark.

Burn the Constitution, theoretical suggestions.
We're finding out what little it means,
And what little it protects.
To die for this country is a waste of a life,
It's hard enough living in it.


The American Dream is dead
It's given way to corporate greed

You think this is still capitalism?
This is what happens when capitalism fails!

The rich get richer
While the peasants have to beg for crumbs
Everything looks better from the view of a throne
Money, not men, pull Washington's strings

You really think this is the land of opportunity?
Nah, this is the land where corporations run free.
It's called corporatism,
Not capitalism, and it'll never change
We're filling the pockets of others while ours remain empty
And that's the real American way


It must have hurt when you fell out of the tree
Made you think everyone cares what you have to say
You gave me two cents too many
You're a dime-a-dozen, but you think you're a diamond
Flaunting things that you only wish you had.
Sometimes, it's best to keep your mouth shut
But, like your legs, that was never one of your talents.
I know you like to swallow,
But you always choke on the truth
What are you going to be when you grow up? Probably dead.
Spreading your disease every weekend, flavor of the night.
You're disgusting, so do us all a favor and fuck off.


So you defended this great country
Beat the odds and made it out alive.
What do you have to show for it?
Besides a permanent limp and damaged insides?
Delay, deny, and wait 'til they die.

The war is over, now the real fight begins.
A system where failure means death
Fails more often than not.
Change will come slowly, if at all.
Topsheeting makes it a lottery,
It's neither quantity nor quality.
They'll say whatever it takes to put you in a war
Then cross their fingers you don't make it back.
Don't have to pay benefits to a dead man.
Bound and gagged in red tape and denial,
The lucky ones die on the battlefield.
War is a business;
Can't let the overhead outweigh the income.
What's the value of a human life to our government?
What's the value of dirt?


There's nothing beautiful anymore.
Just anorexic teenagers with gapped teeth,
Trained to vomit on command.
Posing like a murder for the voyeurs.
The rich cunts gobble it up like candy,
Throwing their husband's money at anything
With a fancy logo
While he's out looking for teenagers.
Time for another injection to make her look young again.
A trophy wife reduced to walking skeleton.
Years added by the very needle that promised
To take them away.
She wants to be buried with her jewels.
At least this way the casket
Will have something of value in it.


There's no point to saving money
You'll just watch it crumble to dust
The Federal Reserve is collapsing
And they're trying to take us with 'em
It's not a system, it's a scam

They don't want transparency
They don't want accountability
They just want to print, print, print
Bail out the wealthy, let the peasants suffer
What goes on behind the black curtain?
No one knows, and they're fighting hard to keep it that way

Inflating bubbles then playing dumb when they burst
Why take accountability when you can pawn it off on others?
Bernanke's a smug fuck, lying through his teeth
As the wallet's of the nation's elite keep getting fatter

The Fed's going to run this country to the ground
Just to maximize profits for the banking cartels
They don't work for us, they work against us
We either end the Fed or they'll end us.


I hope you feel safer, 'cause you're not.
TSA is a cesspool of waste and ignorance
And that's coming from the government.
A rushed creation with little-to-no organization.
Head John Pistole is incompetent at best,
A threat to his own national security at worst.
TSA requires no psychological tests for hiring,
Sex offenders getting paid to fulfill their fantasies.
Inadequate training and outdated equipment
Leave more in peril than terrorist attacks.
Your six-year-old daughter just got fingerfucked
In the name of non-existent national security.
The barking dog reduced to whimper,
These colors do run, and they run fast.
Still think it's worth the invasion of privacy?
$80 billion dollars later
And they're still empty-handed
The perfect model of efficiency.
It's legal sexual misconduct
In the name of perceived safety.
Random searches done without just cause,
Done 'just cause' just another example of our
Unalienable rights shrinking.
Spread your legs, there might be a bomb in there.
It's government-sanctioned sexual assault.
A dog and pony show.
I hope you feel safer, 'cause you're not.


He wears his executions like a proud badge of honor,
Killing the retarded and innocent with equal aplomb.
You gotta hand it to him: At least he's consistent
As bloodthirsty as the men he puts to death.

He's the posterchild of our failed "justice" "system"
In which "probable cause" is thrown out the fucking window;
Words and politics replace evidence.
We like to think it's fool-proof, only it's run by fools.
No accountability in a system
Where the innocent can be executed
Rick Perry should be tried for murder,
For flipping the switch even when he knows it's wrong.
But politicians don't play by civilian rules.

The evidence ignored,
Their fates decided.
He's the most dangerous kind of politician:
One that actually believes
The words that come out of his mouth.


Satan is fake, Monsanto is real
A threat to public health and freedom of speech
They tell us it's safe and natural
And they'll quiet anyone that says otherwise
Their direct influence in Washington ensures no one will pay
It's a government-backed monopoly
When two evils combine as one, we all lose

They know what you're eating, do you?
Because what you don't know will kill you
They're modifying what we eat,
Forcing the industry to play by their rules
Untested science experiments disguised as food
That other countries are rejecting.

This isn't business this is war
It's blood money, taking lives for profit

They're the Biotech Mafia,
Waging a war on our food supply
Fighting hard to keep their crimes off the labels
As long as we willingly keep eating their poison
They'll keep serving it with a smile.


Do you think as they spend their war profits,
That they stop to think how they earned it?
The screaming teenagers, dying on the battlefield,
Believing they died to protect our rights?
Do you think it weighs on their brain?
The cushy chairs, the skyline views,
Must be tough sending others off to die.
And all you gotta do is put on a sad face when the caskets
Come back by the truckload.
There's a lot of blood on their hands, and
All the water in the world couldn't wash it away.
Tell me, Mr. Suit, how do you sleep at night,
Knowing your monetary gains come at a personal loss?
It might not faze you now, but karma's a bitch
And I hope she has a field day with you.


Get off your knees
Take off your veil
The wine is wine and
The bread is bread.
Quit talking to the clouds
You only look like a fool.
Stars are unanswered prayers,
Infinite and unending.
We cling to beliefs while the truth gnaws at us.
Never close your mind around one thing
So that it cannot open.
Technology advances, but we do not.
We need an answer for everything,
But sometimes there are none,
So we turn to fairy tales for comfort.
Religion is a man-made reason to argue,
A vague, empty thing to defend.
A justification of hate.
We like to believe in things that have no value
Like angels and prophets.
How many men have died
In the name of imaginary men?
How many men have died in vain
For imaginary men?
Get off your knees,
It's the position of a whore, not a saint.


Your son's a failure, but he never stood a chance
Like father, like son.
You're like a toothless dog, all bark and no bite
Tail never wags,
But it's the biggest thing between your legs.
You're not worthless, you're worth less than nothing.
A speck on the asshole of the world.
It's not what you thought it was, because you don't think.
You always play the pity card
'Cause it's the only one in your deck.
Excuses for miles, knowledge for inches
In over your head as you always were
Exposed as the fraud you've always been
For everyone to see.
Let the tears fall, no one gives a fuck.

I have no respect for you.

If you think you're anything less than a failure,
You have an overinflated opinion of yourself.

Your eyes work, but your brain is dead.
Let the tears fall, no one gives a fuck.

Like father like son,
Nothing is as nothing does.


Your vote doesn't mean shit.
Wax poetic all you want about how
You're making a difference, but you're not.
The system is rigged.
You're voting on the same party, with different names.
Whoever wins, so does the government.
Candidates are just puppets on a string, scapegoats,
Human faces for the destruction of America.
They won't allow a candidate to win
That would enact true change.
Did you really think you had a choice?
This is America, your fate's already been decided.
"Real issues" are displayed on the marquee
While the truth plays out behind-the-scenes.
Stay at home, save your gas,
We have no voice, so ignore the propaganda.
So much for fucking democracy,
We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
Keep voting on the lesser of two evils, you fucking morons.
Keep falling for the idea that you have a say.
You're just speeding up this country's downfall;
Falling into their trap.
It's all an elaborate ploy, scripted and predictable.
Democrat or Republican,
They're all thieves and fucking liars
Who think their words hold value.
What happened to "We the People"?
A precious few are deciding everything on our behalf
And our silence is a nod of approval.
To take our rights back, we must start with a whisper
But it will end in a scream.


They won't tell it to us straight
They give it a spin
To make it go down easier.
If it tastes like shit, it probably is.
If it tastes like shit, it probably is.
Don't force it down, spit it out

The lies are serrated; it's only the truth
That will set you free
It's only the truth that will go down easy.
If it tastes like shit, it probably is.

30. C57BL/6

We're lining up in supermarkets for cancer
Practically begging to die a long, unnatural death.
Would you like some food with your chemicals?
It's being processed with a lot
Of question marks and uncertainty

Buying organic is becoming a fraud to maximize profits.
It's the same old shit just with a fancy sticker.
Corporations set the standards and capitalize.
They don't need animal testing--we're the guinea pigs.
They're shoving shit down our throats that dogs won't eat,
Then feigning shock that disease is on the rise.

The FDA should step in, but they're in bed
With the very corporations they're supposed to regulate.
Conflict of interest? No.
They're not interested in us because money is money
And we're all gonna die anyway.

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