LanzerRath : Deconstructive Evolution

Black Metal / USA
(2020 - Self-Released)
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The downward spiraling path
Overgrown ruin and loss
No light guides each step
Into the depths

Hands searching for a hold
Covered in slick moss
The blood of those before
Questing into the unknown

Breathing in the rot
Sickness and unrest
Wheezing from decay
Humid death clouds

Stumbling down the stairs
Bones, rats, maggots
Each step more death
A putrid tunnel of writhing flesh

Go on a path I was told
Down this decrepit lair
The quest was long envisioned

I say you shall travel
Toward the moonrise by night
As too I have done
For days without number

I want to die

At the cost of my sight
I have seen the truth
Upon the spire I saw
The future lost to you

Across this barren desert
Water has run dry
Choking on the sand

I was lost in life
Living with no end

Dunes as far as I can see
No release in sight

Carrion begin to swarm
Foretelling my own end
Bloodshot eyes strain across the sand
Swarmed by the thirsty flies
There's no water here
I am at my own end

Yet weeks in now I know I'll die
Lost in the dunes
Buried and forgotten

In this empty land
I ventured across the dunes
For the fabled spire


Through this much pain and suffering
My fingers are red with blood
And my hands caress the eyes of the moon
They bear the dawning of the light
Weighed down by the dripping of tendrils
My ears excrete the vomit of the pale
Only revealing the obscurity

The dark web penetrates my bones
To unleash the inner chasm
Five points towards all eternity
And the rest towards nothing

Wrinkles of flesh protruding
Punishing an aforementioned life
The ghastly cause of my creation
Pulsates in the life of excrement
Disfigured and unholy

These branches flow forth from my mouth
Grasping towards the blackness
Unseeming amongst the feeble hordes
The leaves suffocating as their face contorts
In spasm

What teeth bite upon the wretched?
An impetuous ravaging of treachery
Bursting through sin and innocence alike

The sword is thrust
Through the will of my eyes
The glisten is not tainted by their blood
Its reflection stregthens the grasp
Threwn beyond the hatred of filth

The red sky is only the vesture of sanity
Compared to the seething pulse of the unconforming
Writhing, with one eye it sees
And the other it casts down
It flows upward, with plodding devastation
And it has to see no more

Fuck the ones who dare
To gaze upon the true
Piercing through the gaze of my heart
And biting whimless on the spire

An approaching breath
To hurl down it's weeping fowl
A feeble moisture of flesh
Unrelenting in it's carnal ferocity

I bathe in that grasp
To assimilate the swarm of fealty
And rape the unwilling pustule of god
Unto me, and before the reeling chasm


If we have a soul mine is spread thin
By living
By fucking being

Drink numbs the pain for a time
A mask
Only to return

In dreams I've walked across the moon

Ideal existence in infinite expanse
No one

Yet I awake again surrounded by anger
And within

A globally seeded hatred

I want to float forever among the stars
Bottle in hand
Euphoric bliss
Drink myself into oblivion

No one to bother me
In my lengthened goal
To wander until death
To float until i die

Forever in my life ive had no ground
Which to walk upon
And so id rather

My screams cant travel in space
Float amongst the stars

Theres no sorrow
Let me be alone
For eternity


Scorned by god
Destined unto hell
In life mercantile
Simple man, living, praying

For what cause
Do I prey

Dor what existnence
Is my dream

Held in subsistence
Forever in poverty
Slavery a reality
Work to live
Live to work

Plow the fields
Pick the cotton
Day in
Day fucking out
They dont give a damn
All i do not worth a dime

I just want my trade
Ironworks for the silver
Yet here i am
Slave to unknown existence

Bow down before those who conquer
Else you shall die
Lay down thine arms to those who slay
Else give into holy sacrifice

They fill the air with methane
Slowly so we dont know
Converting our earth to their home
The inquisition of humanity

We will be their slaves
Poisoned by the air
They already exist among us
At the highest levels

Full control of the climate
Liveable to their own kind

The scorpions of space
Will pose no threat
The artificial ones
Are subservient


You want to know how I feel
You ask me what I think

We exist for a limited time
In the beginning as in the end
We shit and breathe
But do not live

One third of our time
We spend asleep
Dying as we dream
And for what

Desires not controlled
So I must live
I didn't choose my birth
Now i must exist

Every second passes
Deaths hand clutches tighter
Slowly suffocating

I feel no desire to live
I think we are worthless

I wish to do nothing
No concern for time
Or ideals

Along the bottom of a lake
Confined within my coffin
No thoughts
No purpose

I'll feel alive
when I give into death
Yet here I am
Wondering why I am

Some wish to pass on their genes
Their legacy
I wouldn't submit another to this

Every day the same shit
Existing from forced birth
Self sustained suffering
Results from being


The only truth to know
Is the one inside your mind
Existential questions
A key to thoughts within

Trapped inside your own head
No confirmation to reality
Am I stuck inside a dream
Then i shall try to die
Or a program in a machine
Have to break the system down

Is all I see a creation from me
Solipsists think it so
But force of will cant break the spell
I've laid deep within

The rabbit hole blown open
Questions unravel logic
Yet still bound by that
Which is set in stone before

Evolution passed the genes
That say what is and is not
Try to defy what is known
To see beyond what's real

Why live blind to infinity
Stuck in looping days
When all you have to do
Is wonder at within

A soul is said to contain
That which makes us live
But an alien mind
Has manipulated our will

Every fabric of reality
Stitched by a being's hands
You're nothing but a tool
Controlled by the unknown

Living for eternity
I'd rather burn in hell
The cycle of rebirth
Now you're meat to slaughter

Why were we given thought
If we cant know why we think
Every unknown question
Adds existential dread

I am said to be
Atoms held together
By a force
Strong or weak
They think they
Everything about fucking nothing

I am told of what I am
But no one really knows
Why have my thoughts brought me here
Searching the unknown

There's no answer when I ask
Even hawking didn't know
A straight jacket

White coat cunts
Think to help
As I'm trapped inside this cell
They make me sleep
So that I'm still

But when I dream
All the questions come
They try to hold me down
Screaming against their will

Cant control the questions
The syringe used again
They control my thoughts

I'm not insane just let me be you ignorant destroyers
You live your life without these thoughts without ever seeing within
How am I the one strapped down
When you don't even question why you think

Undo these fucking straps
Remove the syringe
I dont want your 'help'
Or drugs that make me sleep


Spring has arrived
A rising sun of seasons
New hope and new life
All decrepidated

Birth and renewal
Sickness across the land
Reproducing genetic death
Self inflicted genocide

Hibernations end at growths begin
Expansions stunts our yield
Reproductive whores wasted supplies
More mouth to feed than seeds to grow
Whats grown is fueled decay
What's birthed is destined to die

Manufactured existence
Industrial machinations
Green florescent summer
Replaced with slated greys

Build upon the land that's used to live
Population grows as quality decays
We sold our souls to destruction
For the birth of monetary gain

We consume towards our own end

We all devour
At a rate that sows demise
Self destructive evolution

Limited resources from
The fall of man
Not the first to self destruct
Not the last

We consume towards our own end

Evolution on a countdown
Set by sexual growth
Needs of survival
Means of extinction

Test of intelligent life
Cultivate among the stars
Escape a depleted earth
Or exist to self destruction

Snow will no longer fall
In winters grasp
All moisture consumed
Diseased famine takes its hold

Locked in four grey walls
Once protected now confine
As all life before us
And all that shall be

We consume towards our own end

lyrics added by Antonin_Martin - Modify this lyrics