Krohm : The Haunting Presence

Atmospheric Black / USA
(2007 - Debemur Morti Productions)
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Cast into mental isolation
The unbreakable silence takes its toll
As the mind flies...
...on inhuman eyes!

A stare projects to a million infinities
Amidst star-devouring nebulas
These abject visions that rape reality
Are the blooming decay of quintessence

Turning the last page in the tome of extinction
I shall play one more song of misery
Before awareness parts with the self
At the edge of my bleak shores...

Lifeless Serenade
Vagrant, cold winds...over mourningly vent trees
Low clouds gather, irrevent to life
Their quiet sounds seep into my being
Creating a deadly lie

Lie in truth, truth in lie
Life of Death, Death of life
Wreaking tentacles of fate
Reveal life as a disease

Human time leaves me
Draining veins in my strife
An elusive dream unravels
In the absence of meaning

I see faces with no eyes
Hives of flesh, covered wih flies
They are the haunters of minds
The granters of death

"Be you the messanger, black in spirit, your tragedy we shall venerate..."
Lifeless serenade
Sung by grevious forms
These voices from the ground
Are not of living breath

I carry the visceral secret
On my flight to illumination
To welcome the dream
Of your last salute

Vagrant, cold winds...over mourningly vent trees
Low clouds gather, irrevent to life
Carriers of scorn, shrouds of murk
My eyes have opened to life's erosion


(no lyrics available)


Nato nella misericordia
Tra le maschere umane
Per rifiutare la pieta' divina
La loro decreptudine

Nella fede dei couri persi
Scorre il sangue delle loro paure
E ne berro' fino a saziare
La mia sete piu' nera

Senti i respiri delle ombre
Gli incubi che cambiano la realta'

Corpi neri e decapitati
Persi in un tormento profondo
Dove l'unica emozione esiste
Nella desecrazione assoluta

Senti i respiri delle ombre
Gli incubi che cambiano la realta'

Manifestati nel disdegno puro
Negli abissi della tristezza
Dove la vita e' indistinguibile
Dal sollievo della morte

Il peso della loro esestenza e' diventata
La corruzione della consapevollezza
Un'essenza sempre presente
Nel vuoto del mio sguardo


A relic of a life once cursed
I am the lost memories of desert crypts
The echo of pestilent chants
The paralyzed the human frame

Once a glimpse into an ancient paradise
I am the signs that remain in dreams
Forever the messiah of death's conspiracy
Do you dare remember?
Life stained
Reality torn
A future dissolved
For my ancient rebirth

Ascending to stygian skies
Aspiring to that which eternally lied
But your hearts and minds are weak
On a course beyond all plights

Life stained
Reality torn
A future dissolved
For my ancient rebirth

I've made you as spawn of filth
To reap the death of the avantghost
In me is the knowledge of infinite pain
A consciousness of unconceivalbe sorrow


Trapped in the procession of time
Hatred stirs memories of the flesh
Uncovering a solace only found
In the loss of my humanity

Songs of shapes descend into formless voids
To serenade the fragile dance between the will and obsession
Sanity will fade as an imagined ghost
Allowing the dead to appear in signs

Death impending!
In Raptures of Blades!

Honor me with pain
Carve the symbols of hell's subjugation
To acheive the reign over spiritual territory
Rebellion over the mortal sphere!

Death impending!
In Raptures of Blades!

As crows swarm around my dead presence
I will reemerge in mournful peripherals


Affogando nel catrame della umanita'
Riscopirai i loughi piu tristi del pensiero
Verso il tramonto dei giorni
Dove non esistono santuari

Quando il sonno tormenta le ore di veglia,
Avvolgiando la vita con la dolce sofferenza
Di anime che continuano senza senso,
Che non sanno di questo decreto assoluto.

I morti daranno I segni
Chianmandoci dell'aldila'
Tra la carne e il nulla

Il grande motore che springe il chaos
Aspetta senza pieta' oltre l'abisso
Il grade eradicatore senza presenza...
...ce n'e' uno per ogni sogno.


Your life is a sepulcher of imagined eternities
And there are graven views beyond human vision
The final descend through slits in reality
Where pitiless eyes await with their haunting gaze

You have embraced me in a sullen trance
To embark on your quest for nothingness
I am the looming gleam of an obscure reality
The sweet corruption of your very being

Hidden by the great lie that cradles human fears
I am the answer to the final question

Vultures of imminent doom
You are my voice in the discord of winds
May you carve your own torrid path
And welcome the rain of glowing crosses...

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