Korpse (NL) : Korpse

Brutal Death / Netherlands
(2013 - Morbid Generation Records / Rotten Music)
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A nation under pressure by the UN.
World leaders have announced to invade the country and remove the government if the government can't maintain peace in their country.
Then an anti-government militia group take a lot of hostages to destabilize the governments control of the country, and with it, ensure an invasion of the country by the UN.
Then the government decides to send the army to the hostage situation, and kill everyone.
Not only the hostage takers, but also all hostages, witnesses and every innocent civilian that could bring out any news to the UN.


Rebels in a war thorn country want to know the whereabouts of a political leaders.
They found the wife and son of the leader and persuade the young boy to tell where his father is by putting a gun to his mother's head.
He can't help but tell where his father is.
After the rebels got enough information they still shoot the mother in front of her son in the head.


Two students who are bullied their whole lives decide to make the bullies and the rest of the school pay for what they did to them.
They take full automatic machine guns and shotguns to shoot as much teachers and students as possible, throw Molotov cocktails everywhere, after they are out of almost all their ammunition, they use the last bullets to shoot themselves.


Criminals drug a person with scopolamine.
The criminals take him to his home and make him give everything valuable to them.
Some people notice this and want to call the police.
The criminals capture the witnesses before they can make a call and make the drug victim shoot the witnesses.
The criminals get out of the house, leaving the victim to wake up, not knowing what he did, robbed and being arrested for murdering two people.


In a country without public order, warlords and gangs are fighting for power. To make money to fuel the wars, gangs brainwash adolescents to join them, and make them false promises of making money, there are taught to make money by capturing rapes on film and sell them as pornography.
The money raised by these movies is used to buy more weapons.


The child of a maintenance engineer of a sprinkler system company had a very bad car accident he took his kid to hospital where he was told that they couldn't help his child.
The insurance company has a fight the hospital and doesn't reimburse any costs made at the hospital due to a lack of trust and the father didn't have enough money to pay it himself.
The child dies shortly after.
After a while he has to maintain the fire extinguish sprinkler system in the hospital for his job.
He connects the sprinkler system to the gas system instead of the water system. He sets a timer for a sabotaged machine to operated until it overheats to trigger the sprinkler system, leaves the building and watching the fireworks.


A terrorist organization wants to eliminate an entire family.
They set up an assassination for one of the family members.
After a successful assassination, the whole family comes together to mourn and bury the victim.
The terrorists already planned their attack on the graveyard where the victim was going to be buried.
There a suicide bomber sneaks into the graveyard and blows up the whole family at once, just before the casket was lowered into the ground.


A racist surgeon ends up doing an organ transplantation for a patient.
This patient was a bigmouth, not cooperative at all and was 'the wrong race', according to the surgeon's opinion.
The surgeon was so fed up with the patient he decided to 'accidentally' switch the healthy organ for a cancer infected organ.
He took from another patient earlier that day and records it as a medical complication.

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