Kommodus : Of Carnage and Conquest II

Black Metal / Australia
(2019 - Dark Adversary)
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*Raining hellfire upon thy enemies in ancient Roman battle, blackening the sky and sun with an eclipse of arrows*

An acrid sky eclipsed by our attack
A storm of hellfire under the black sun
Our enemies are our prey, like lambs to wolves
When we draw our bows and light the flame

Piercing thine armour with arrows of fire

Shields splintered and armour punctured
By our blistering wave of raining death
Flames burn intensifying chaos and destruction
Mars propelling us with a divine firestorm assault

The smouldering wounded lay scattered and conquered
Their bloodied bodies pinned to the ground
Driving our swords in their charred and penetrated flesh
Making sure we witness their final gasping breath

And we march onwards, bringing flame and steel
To all those who oppose us, to all those who will not yield
Hoc Est Bellum


*An ancient evil resurrects as the frost melts*

A victors celebration of butchery and carnage
A preservation of monuments from the battlefield
Remnants mounted, displayed in morbid exhibition
In a chamber buried by millennia of winter frost

And the specters howl and moan
In their frostbitten tundra tomb
Warrior Spirits trapped forever
Together in an icy womb

Skulls stacked high as pillars, mounds of ribs and spines
Crude carvings on bone recall of an ancient war
A mass grave dug, a grotto prepared beneath the snow
A ritual of respect for an ancient race slain in combat

And the specters howl and moan
A forgotten carried by a breeze
Apparitions of ice claw at their prison
Begging to escape

The sun shines brighter, and a rise in temperature is slowly felt
And inch by inch, layer by layer, centuries of frost starts to melt
In a distant future that you and I won’t live to see
An older world will be punished by those emerged from the ossuary


*Lilith ascends her throne and takes her rightful place as matriarch*

Effigies erected to a new breed of prophet
Silver-tongued merchants of slander and deceit
Turning brother against brother, divide and conquer
Pandered to, infallible, followed with blind absolution

Deface honoured monuments, dismantle all institutions
Thousands of years of history rewritten or ignored
A forced redemptive suffering, a failing spiritual hygiene
Through the fissures of our zeitgeist the great whore will ascend

Together we can watch the world regress and burn
Under a bitter, unified, hatred of man
Warriors defamed, castrated and slain at her whim
Bow down to the new god, one of shedding skin

The cult of the harlot rises
We’re now slaves to all her desires
The cult of the harlot rises
Of the souls of men, she lights her fires


* The forgotten sect laments its final days*

Rise - full moon over Latium

They gather, cloaked, infected, exiled
Bastard bloodlines of dark dynastic power
Marred through worship of the black
Clawing up from the abyss of carrion

Candle lit hymns, to ironbound gods forgotten
The laborum inverted, painted in crude hand
Lycanthropic incest, bloodlust, and sacrifice
Bodies splayed and torn, the chalice overflows

Thine end is near, archaic efforts doubled but dire
To appease a patron divinity turning deaf
Flesh rotting, scorned, an archaic mutant breed
Eclipsed by an unyielding world’s progression

The empire relinquishes the two brothers and the wolf
And embraces an eye for eye, and a tooth for a tooth
Whispers of Golgotha and the stations of the cross
But within the shadows, a requiem is scored for a colony soon to be lost


*The fulfilment of a forgotten promise*

Choking on gas, ash clouds, bullets and mortars fire
Brothers torn and strewn, ensnared by barbed wire
Forgetting who I am, forgetting everything I know
Spirit shatters, poison spreads, dysphoria, amnesia grows

A different man returns, than the soldier who left for war
Memories forgotten, a pact annulled, exempt from the devil’s jaw
But dark fragments come creeping in, outside gathers a storm
Confrontation, cold sweat, approached by an evil that’s taken form

The Sword of Damocles raised above my head
A dark apparition at the foot of my bed

And now I’m at the end of a hangman’s rope
My everlasting soul, claimed by the goat

My body, a dead weight hanging from the roof
The last thing I hear is the tap of a cloven hoof


Earthquakes are breaking the silence,
A vision of hate.
A wicked, foul spell of evil.
Dark winds command the throne.
Cleansed by the evil hand,
A crusade of the burning land.
A servant in the shape of a snake
Blackens the bodies red.

Then it appears, the storming wind,
A challenging scar burns through the light.
A cloud of darkness prepared for me
To complete the circle of death.
The serpent gains mastery of the wind
Through the storms and through the streaming snow.
Sorrow blackens the Earth when the Moon fades.
Dark winds command the throne.

Earthquakes are breaking the silence,
A vision of hate.
A wicked, foul spell of evil.
Dark winds command the throne.
Cleansed by the evil hand,
A crusade of the burning land.

An embrace from Death.


*Tormented by ancestry and eternal struggle*

...with a lineage of guilt and torment
The winds of regret never cease their lifelong torrent

Bloodlines of...
Rest atop my shoulders
Genes of victim and aggressor
I heave the Sisyphean boulder
I’m burdened by the blood that flows in my veins
I’m sentenced to existence, a subject for pain

We will never heal
We will never be forgiven


*Exploring the multi-faceted nature of Mishima. A man of many masks*

Harnessing a mind like a fractured mirror
A mosaic vision seeing things so much clearer
Dissected, a reflection split into four
Influence intersected, power extending

Will and sincerity derived from body, from a flesh and tissue home
From a warrior lineage, an ancestry from where the four rivers flow

Spiritually divided into quarters of practice
Rising up like a radiating disk, shining outward
Reaching out like the honed limbs of man
To practice the uncompromising and ancient code

Cleansing a national osmosis of weakness, waves crashing against a saccharine shore
From an ancient meridian, from a cerulean confederacy of four
Unmatched, unrivalled in discipline or action, a defender of the imperial faith
Leading by example, the tip of the shield, wielding an iron which-will never break

Let the four rivers flow


*Exploring the multi-faceted nature of Mishima. A man of many masks*

Harnessing a mind like a fractured mirror
A mosaic vision seeing things so much clearer
Dissected, a reflection split into four
Influence intersected, power extending

Will and sincerity derived from body, from a flesh and tissue home
From a warrior lineage, an ancestry from where the four rivers flow

Spiritually divided into quarters of practice
Rising up like a radiating disk, shining outward
Reaching out like the honed limbs of man
To practice the uncompromising and ancient code

Cleansing a national osmosis of weakness, waves crashing against a saccharine shore
From an ancient meridian, from a cerulean confederacy of four
Unmatched, unrivalled in discipline or action, a defender of the imperial faith
Leading by example, the tip of the shield, wielding an iron which-will never break

Let the four rivers flow


* Finding meaning in the absurdity of being the last generations on a dying planet*

Generations buried in soil, lives and passions consumed by worms
The sun sears and tides rise higher, fissures form
The end in sight, there will be no providence, no deliverance
No love, no hate, no redemption, life erased

The parasite of man spreads and destroys
A species that cannot ascend

The cycle concluding, images shine in the face of a cold dead sea
Echoes that mean nothing, a universe devoid of meaning
All that matters is the shedding of skin, the carving out of stone
To find a beauty in blood, to propel onwards like a storm in the night

Man will be cut down like ears of corn in harvest
And drown in the chaos of the earths final purge
A global holocaust, the serpent has come to eat its own tail
No bird will fly, no fish will swim, and no boat for man will sail

In our twilight all that remains is a reflection of a romantic iron past
Engulfed in the mist of the final day, we can only rise, howl, and laugh

I can now see that the world cannot breathe
Under the weight of man and his seed
The last branch of heroes await their final hour
As final phase entropy leaves the weak to cower


*The temple of the golden pavilion*

Eclipsed by an insurmountable beauty of gold
Reflecting one’s own born fettered weakness
Exact revenge on the erected epitome of contrast
Summon the flames of purification

Watch the fires rise
Watch the temple burn
Conquer humiliation
Relinquish the beauty for which you yearn

I shall bring you under my sway
So that never again will you be able to get in my way

Amongst the gilded ashes the ugly subject succeeds
Destroy the beauty mocking those who live and breathe
A spurned unrequited love, of man and monument
Immolate holy perfection, the temple of the golden pavilion

Acolyte ignite
Summon the fires of the night
Acolyte ignite
Patron of humanity’s blight
Acolyte ignite
Reap the structure of golden light


*In absolute awe of Mishima’s expression, conviction and reviving of samurai lineage. A polarising contrarian that can’t be easily encapsulated, equally infuriating and infatuating. But regardless, a focus and discipline to be admired and attempted in whatever path one chooses*


A new generation, a former shadow of themselves
Instinct and spirit subdued to appease foreign dominion
A military and empire disbanded, a culture reduced to a whisper
A country left on its knees in the face of near annihilation

From the rubble of defeat, a warrior of sun and steel rises
An archetype, a leader, an imperial star
Total commitment, total belief, total discipline
He inspires a return, to the heights of ancient majesty

Marrying words and action, training relentlessly
Preparing a youth, a militia, for a war that’s yet to be
The enemy’s siege on the sun, to bring a premature night
Crush the binary, turn life into a poem, ascend as is your rite

The time has come to worship the will to power
A small night storm blows, saying, 'falling is the essence of a flower'
Preceding those who hesitate, remember thine fallen
His life will be remembered, we will spread his calling

He has at last set foot
On the floating bridge of heaven


What beautiful, splendid flowers
Innocent, clean, pure, flower's colour
I've never felt such wonderful peace
Who? keeper of this paradise
This flower's red is true red
Into effulgent flower's sweet smells
Anger, hate and sorrow, I don't feel 'em
Times, noises and airs, fading away
The flowers of bloody unknown legend bloom
The darkest children
Know nothing, think nothing, realize nothing
Living in the darkness
Flowers red the blood of the children
Flowers twinkle the eyes of the children
Flowers smell the souls of the children
Flowers paradise the bed of the children
Children's voices from limbo
Ride on breeze, will tell you bloody legend


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