Khondor : Andean Portal

Thrash Metal / Colombia
(2010 - Self-Released)
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Across the winds of a furious red hell
Horses of wrath ride your mind
Spiting red fire in your frozen dark veins
Their dance resounds in you

The devil in your soul is dancing with your mind
He wake your sleeping, red, white killer
You feel the vision of the blood
Red demons are screaming in your ears

Across your mind the avengers are flying
Their wrath in your blood is divine
The violence inside of you is burning all your blood
With lightings into your head

The warriors of the sun
Are entering in your mind
They awake your beast for the final
Next warfare
You read the letters wrote in blood
Red hells are burning in your ears


Red hell: when your mind has been touched by hatred
Earth’s revenge _ red hell
Steel’s vengeance: when demons of light celebrate
Earth’s revenge _ red hell

…last condor in your vision of hate
Earth’s demon in invasion from hell
… and you has seen his fly into flames
…red hell is burning now

{Repeat Chorus]


Feeling the silence
Of a living green room
The wind’s chant was hared by my heart
Innocence and wrath marched by my side
i screamed the sound of that trumpet’s command:


“the troops of the southlands are marching with honor
The call of blood
The winds and the mountains will guide their steps
The call of blood
Inside the heart of the warriors wild horses will ride
And the heads of the bastards will roll on the streets”
The vengeance of the innocence on these age will be law
For the life, in the night
Last supper of the right
It’s the call of blood

Breaking the silence
Of a noisy grey room
The cries of the innocence awaked my wrath
Were the words of a child called “no one” like me
I scream the words of that wizard old child

[Chorus:] (x2)


Powers of lightning returns to his hand
His vengeance will come with red clouds
Annihilation for the bastards feast
A justice from hell burns the zone
With his hands, with his mind _ dismemberment of slaves
Is celebrated with hate
From the heavens, from the earth, the revenge of the fire
Oh avenger
And the total destruction for them


Avenger- angel of steel
Avenger-ready to kill
The blood stains by the razor again

Forces of fire will rest on his sword
The glory waits him with blood
Mutilator of the invaders heads
He offers their hearts to the sun
From the hades, from the earth, the revenge of the rainbow,
Oh avenger
And the total expulsion for them


Avenger _ the king of the storm avenger
In the name of steel your total vengeance

Spill cold blood very near
From the enemy’s members in many parts
Flames of steel burn the blood
Into the veins of a holy wrath



Se llamaron por sus propios nombres
En las junglas y las cumbres de una verde libertad
Conquistaron sus propios cielos
Elevados por el cóndor en un haz de eternidad
Cultivaron su suelo y sangre
Con estirpes de fiereza para beber de su caudal
Combatieron a falsos dioses
Invasores mercaderes, impostores de ultramar

Hoy, su río corre en otras venas
De sirvientes en ciudades, o las urbes del dolor
Que no recuerdan ni sus propios sueños
Solo a dueños obedecen con sonrisa y antifaz
Borregos marchando en masa
Complacidos de su yugo, imitando a su pastor
Pero esto no es para siempre
Los superfluo se marchita y la estirpe volverá


The town has burned
Its blood has rained
A vast grey desert is very clear
The combat of the victim with the murderer starts
And the hours pass with pain
The brains confused by mutual darkness
The masses mirror in the books
The battle of the caged beasts
In the stressful grey town
The zoo of a collective dream


Hypocrisy of christians _ implicit corruption
This hate at their gate
Welcome to the chaos grey garden
Rotten robot’s haven

The bastards feast, the circus town
The legions of the flock
Behind the scenes
The madness of the sane celebrated with laughs
-indifferent smiles-
A brutal hunting
A status show
Slaves of their slaves the bastards die
But wrath of earth interrupts the carnival
And as cowards run in vain

[Repeat pre-Chorus:]


Burning – with merciless evil
Screaming – by mutual pain
Outbreak of hate (repeat)
(the “normal” insane celebrates their fate)
(and i spit all my hate)
Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

The powerful revenge of fire _ deliverance of hate
destruction of all weak men (masters with their slaves)
The landscape returns in few years
Purification of the earth
Pagan storms break the wall of the madness
Lightning’s voice bangs their gate
Returning fire from the mansion of nature
Their laughs stain with their own blood
The bastards feast and the carnival of robots
In few hours has been destroyed
And the madness of inhuman human ends
And the shepherd with their flock
Will die with them
Enemies of life are expelled from kingdom
And the weak and the powerful will fall unite
Humiliated, desolated, the christians celebrate
But to fall upon the throne

{Repeat Chorus]


Hoy cuando las brisas recuerdan el sur
Hoy cuando los campos arden en rencor
Hoy cuando las urbes se cubren de hollín
Y cuando el campesino huyó con afán

La rebelión se está gestando
En mazmorras detestando
El fin ya está llegando
Horizontes de otro sol

Sacar acero del metal
Acero andino
Hacer de madera eternidad
Acero andino

Hoy cuando los ríos no reflejan tu faz
Y la cordillera se vuelve mar
Hoy cuando en el bosque, vive un invasor
Hoy cuando los necios ignoran su fin

Acero andino

Bastardos mercaderes pronto perecerán
Escapando de su abismo
Perderán esclavos y poder
En la ruina de su sismo

Fundir madera con metal
Acero andino
¡despertad! Prostituta humanidad
Acero andino
Derramar la sangre del pastor
En los días del terror

Malditos mentirosos pronto fenecerán
En la noche de su reino
Perderán esclavos y poder
En la ruina de sismo

Acero andino


When night arrives a red flame prevails
To break and burn your chains
With grey andean metal it lights your own fate
And the road to the paradise of shiny steel
When the earth cries our weapons resound
To destroy the world of the lies
With sharp andean metal destroying the walls
The minds of our people awake with hate


The powers of the mountain wait you
The glory in your path is our nation
Andean metal prevails
Metal of your blood resounds in you
To revive the pride for the ancestors
Andean metal prevails

When bastards rule our past has returned
To spit and kill their facades
With black andean metal breaking their tale (the bible of lies)
our troops will march on their rolling heads
When the sun comes with glorious red flames
Our army prepares to fight
With red andean metal starting battles of words
To thwart the plans of the shepherd of flocks


Welcome to the feast of minds
That opened their eyes
The warfare against the owners of world
Start on these dark years
To fight and win the holy war
Burning their facades with fire of true light
The condor’s cult will fly over towns
To scream its words of force with you

{Repeat Chorus]


The game is ready to start/all counters
Are in position on chessboard of the world
Seven heads will play their chess/ the winds
Of war has been contained in hair shirt boxes
While, a happy (flock) persist in its feast
The future reveals its sign
Macabre theater, illusion-reality
Of puppets in the hands of merchants

{Repeat Chorus :]

Retaliation from the dungeons
Of the virgin nature
The commandos of the southlands
Escape to the mutilation of mankind


Burning the flesh and crying the soul
The bastards of darkness are doing their work
-unholy madness: world war three-

Two kings of the east raise their fist
And the yellow horseman is riding now
A master in the core will wants to rule
And the masses want to be like him
The queen of the west lands will be into the jaws
Of a bear that leaves the seas
Macabre theater, illusion-reality
Of puppets in the hands of merchants

[Repeat pre-Chorus and Chorus]

Entre tanto, algo en el sur brillará
muchos con esto se quemarán
Las llamas del averno lanzan brazas
Ardiendo, la venganza del infierno
Invasores malignos ya pronto huirán
Los cielos reciben el grito del sur

[Solo & Chorus]

lyrics added by Arkaen - Modify this lyrics