Katalepsy (RUS) : Your Fear Is Our Inhabitancy

Brutal Death / Russia
(2010 - SFC Records (SoulFlesh Collector))
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Extraterrestrial beings have become frequent visitors of the Earth.
So far they are concealed,
They only scrutinize humans without destroying their Eden.

They carry out experiments with us,
Trying to breed with us,
To adapt faster to our living conditions.

Their sons are already among us, Half-humans, Half-aliens.

The unearthly bloodlust is what reveals their origin at dusk.
This time we shouldn't sleep!

Remind your headache the sunset dream.
That was the time they've been torturing your fragile body.
It takes no effort for them to kill human by disintegrating his being.
But they won't be able to fit this planet without us.

Human body is only the cover for their real aspect.
Visible strength is a visual deceit.
Our Fears - Their inhabitancy.


It's known, they are not the first, who trying to substitute life values.
Gradually they interweaved deception and fear,
Which help them to control us,
Control us by poisoning from within.

Repugnance and horror are the mainspring of their desires.
While we permit them to suffocate ourselves by life,
Self-cerement in hypocrisy, sing psalms to treachery,
They be lords of not-our lives, masters of not-our world.
It's their well guarded secret.
It's our well forgotten truth.

Willfully we put on manacles of submission, the disease is inside ourselves.
It will be gone when we stop to fear, it will espace when we open our eyes.
There is no disease except me.

My hatred has no name.
I'll cut-throat my weakness and teach you how to do it.
Where the cure is helpless, it's necessary to act by fire and sword - bewitched mean must be torn out.
We'll pass the boundaries of this cramped world together and take a look from below.
Truth comes to light - it's fuel our hatred.

They shall not leave nor surrender without a battle.
Neither self-healing nor miracle.
This is never-ending.
We can wake up only through pain and bereavements.
Tear the sheep's coat and thrust the wolves' canines into shepherd.
This is not whim, it's a matter of survival.
But they shall not release the slaves.
Flock waits other fate.
They've got only knife for the sheep.
Gore Conspiracy!

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