It Screamed Demise : Entropy

Technical Death / USA
(2012 - Self-Released)
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An apparition appeared before my eyes,
I remember its message
It screamed demise
This world is crying and no one seems to notice
This world is dying and no on seems to know this
Who knew how much the humble specter held within its eyes
A single word burnt into the confines of my mind
We can't live our lives in defeat I must command the release
We've been pulling these ropes for so
Long terrified of letting go
We hadn't realized the weight they were tied
To was far too great for our incapable bodies
We've all deceived ourselves as if this feeble
Flesh holds any ability at all
Exhale release that which encumbers you
I must command the release
Live in solace knowing that which
You value is held within the hands of divinity
I lay my reign at your feet
The transfer will soon be complete
I've grown tired of this disease ridden flesh prison
I find myself longing for eternity


Paralyzed, looking up to the skies,
A contention is formed that blurs all the lines
I lie motionless beneath a sky of gray,
And watch as it begins to cry
Death's ever firming clutches bring only uncertainty
I no longer know what I believe
Reason escapes me, morality slips
In the thick of it now, there is no turning back from this
My terror is quelled solely by my will to survive
Fire courses through my veins as the realization
Of the mistake I’ve made begins to surface
I can feel it evade me, life escapes me
No longer conscious of my conscience
My only value system remaining is my drive to live
For what?
Is this what I’ve become?
Just a shell of a man
They say it’s only on our deathbed that
We find out who we really are
A mirror revealing my black hole of a soul
This is who I am, the broken and the damned
This is who I am, epitomizing man
God put me to sleep
Oh, Redeemer, take my life
'Cause I can’t bear the thought of living past my faith
This who I am, the broken and the damned


Man made financial systems collapsing,
Throwing our materialistic society into a reign of chaos
Sedated and numb, where’s your security now?
Marxism, this philosophy of deprivation
Is the zeitgeist of the information age
We’re rewarding inactivity,
And punishing productivity, in hopes of establishing utopia
There is a need within us all to be loved,
But in the struggle to find it we trade
The fulfillment of commitment for the cheap thrills of lust
We sit on our gilded thrones,
Possessing more than
We could ever need as our brothers struggle to survive
In this world of obsession with possession
We know not where true value lies
We draw our own self esteem from skin deep sources,
And our jealous hearts forget
We’re worth so much more than this
We’re so much more than the sum of our parts
Yet we’d kill to have the parts of another
In a society where success is measured in dollars,
We spend our entire lives gold plating our graves,
Building monuments in attempts to bring glory
To our rotting corpses just like the pharaohs of old
We waste our lives building up treasures
We’ll never get to enjoy, all in the name of pride
The bodies of our brothers line the streets
Of our cities, the product of petty disagreements
And as society decays, we become stripped
Of all complexity we’ve wrapped ourselves in
Leaving behind only our simplistic animal
Instinct of instant satisfaction
And as we abandon morality,
We abandon all that makes us human
We’ve chosen to live like animals,
So animals we have become
Returning to our basic drives, tapping into our id
Living only for basic pleasures
Entropy reaches past all intellectuality we’ve taken on, Providing a window into our blackened souls
You call it the fall of humanity,
I say it’s the rising of what really lies inside


From the dawn of our creation, our fate was sealed
When presented with a choice
We chose the path lined with our very own blood
Defect can produce nothing but itself
Entropy is inevitable when free will
And the depraved nature of humanity coalesce
For reasons that I’ll never know,
This damaged masterpiece has not been cast aside
I have searched my heart and found no pity for the apathetically flawed
In the end I’m just another empty soul
Looking for meaning in this fragile world
When everything is taken away, my blackened heart is exposed
I’ve been given second chances far too many times to count
Remove from me this iniquity,
Though nothing will be left of me
This is me running on empty,
Revealing the malevolence of the human essence
We’ve hit the bottom,
But at least there’s nowhere left to fall to
We are all fallen,
But in the arms of Redemption we will soon rise again
We've hit the bottom
There's nowhere left to fall
We are all fallen


Darkness engulfs me
Blindly searching for a path out of
This forest of solitude as the blood pours from my wounds
We’ve created this monster that has become the end of us all
We’ve been too fixated on the trivial
Details to see we’ve spawned a holocaust
This blood is on our hands
We keep burning the trails behind us
Setting fire to all evidence of
Our past crimes committed in the name of
One who warrants none
What took place must now be forgotten
Our mistakes can never be unearthed
These hands have bled regret
Abandoning our commission,
We’ve become what we set out to destroy
My heart has grown heavy and
I've grown old seeing what few have foreseen
They say the truth will set you free
Be careful what you wish for, you can’t erase what you see
I am just a man, my motivation, the horrors I have seen
Bury this place and the atrocities committed here
A new era has begun
Pick up the pieces of your shattered life and walk
Walk towards the light


When all is said and all is done
We find ourselves betraying who we think we are
Looking back at what we've done,
We find ourselves swearing; that wasn't me it couldn't be
Finding out what we've become
We find ourselves declaring; this isn't me, it cannot be
In a pathetic attempt to refine ourselves
We've only emphasized our flaws
We're terrified of growing pains,
Yet we wonder why we've ceased to grow
If we live deprived of freedom are we really alive?
We're blinded by a false sense of complacency
We're all aching to abandon
The malefactions of our identities
Convincing ourselves that
If we plead their non-existence, the world will just forget
This I can't accept
The only reason we believe in gravity
Is so we can blame it every time we fall
No one wants to be held responsible for their mistakes
Emotion is dead to me
I'll never understand their petty desires
That fail to satisfy
Sometimes I wonder if I'm human at all
Emotion is dead to me
No one wants to hold accountability
This is my passing prophecy
I'm waiting for someone to rise and set me free
I never thought I'd look in the mirror and
See a dead man staring back at me


(May the writer of our story
Write the start to a new beginning)
We're spinning a dark tale of self-destruction
On our knees now, crying out in desperation
May the writer of our story write
The start to a new beginning
We rose to the heavens and descended to hell
Between ignorance and denial we reside
Through the flames now you've awoken,
Name one rule we haven't broken
Drowning in indecency, we've arrived at hell's epitome
We've become the perfect embodiment of the place beneath
Atonement is a road passed long ago
We are the heirs of a kingdom at war with itself
This world is ours, and our reign will last forever
Descendants of legends, our names will go down in history
Our empire has fallen and it's time to rebuild
From ashes now we will arise,
With strengthened hearts and feeble eyes
This disease will take its toll,
We'll emerge bleeding and broken,
But these days too will pass us by
The re-founding must begin, a brutal cleansing from within
The preservation of all that
Is sacred is hinged upon the deletion of all
That is not never again will we forget
On which pillars we've built these cities
May the writer of our story
Write the start to a new beginning


I awaken alone and disoriented beneath
The scorching desert sun
Scars tell of a yesterday spent in agonizing torment
I awaken to the non-existence of the world I know
All that's left behind is a wasteland in decay
An external manifestation of our own internal corruption
I have risen and I will not rest
Until retaliation is complete
This is the dawn of our reprisal
In the distance a revolution unfolds
We have risen and we won't rest until this world is remade
This is the dawn of our reprisal


Swayed by a riveting concept,
We embark on this journey tonight
We’re led to what appears a gold paved path
In the obscurity of night
As the light of day races across our trail,
It reveals a road stained red
A haunting feeling of recognition settles in
We’ve walked this path before
A new promise to captivate the masses
A new face to mask awareness, but the agenda stays the same
This age old malevolent philosophy,
Reincarnated through a new disguised leader
You call it evolution of society,
But all I see is a vain, ruthless revolution
Born of a desire of those who lead
Us for totalitarian control
A vicious attack on liberty itself
Seeking “equality” through universal
Deprivation rather than the benefaction of all
This is a revolution, but in the backwards direction
This is a change, but there’s no hope in sight
Only skeletons will remain in the closet
Of your sadistic reign
Death and destruction are all you have to show for
You set these fires thinking you will be spared
You’re a backstabber, demeaning to all that we are
Pledging allegiance to the ones
Wwho hate the fact that you breathe
Bastard son of Satan, wake up and
Let your eyes adjust to reality
You’ve opened the gates of Hell




Born into this world, poor and alone
I'll make my mark, but here I'll never be at home
I'll never be at home until I kneel before the throne
My flesh may rest but my spirit always roams
This place is not my home, this world is not my own
A planet consumed by the mindset of inherent self-indulgence
A generation devoted only to our own satisfaction
Intoxicated and apathetic,
We're watching the world burn around us
Well you can count me out cause
I'd rather live out my dreams than dream out my life
Well you can count me out cause I'd rather live in the nightmare of reality than in your artificial dream world
This Hedonism is killing us;
We're drowning in this self amusement that doesn't satisfy
Everything we know, we think we know
Everything we know is a lie
Life would be so dull if all I wanted became mine
Without hardship where would we be?
Life would be so dull
In this world they worship the corrupt,
In this world they worship themselves
Here vanity is glorified and all glory is vain
These ships were built to sail,
But more and more I observe them sinking
There can be no peace, there can be no utopia
There can be no utopia on a planet of reprobates
This place is not my home


In the distance, a cold radiant light
Fading faster than my eyes can follow
You say we are the renaissance men, the omnipotent,
The controllers
You say there are absolutely no absolutes
As you claim this statement absolutely true
Well it seems to me your theory contradicts itself
You say we’re part of a cycle of perpetually evolving beings
If we’re constantly evolving why do
I see nothing but degeneration?
You say we’re ascending to our glorious destiny,
But this place looks like hell to me
You say that in this moment,
We’re becoming who we're born to be
Why then do I despise the man I must call me?
You say we are all our own deity,
But when I am god this world is doomed
There is a desire buried deep within us
All to be the deceiver, to become god,
But when I am god this world is doomed
You say: “have faith in humanity”,
But the Devil sold his soul to me
How can I believe in our kind when
I’ve seen the blackest depths of my own wretched heart?
When I am god this world is doomed
Hope is non-existent when the fate of
The world is in my pathetic hands
Don’t seek power from its antithesis
Don’t seek power from the powerless
Only when we begin to search for strength
From source of all creation can we escape this entropy
This is the only path I know
This is the pathway to the exodus of entropy


I have this against us; we have left our first love
The Creator of all in existence aches
With desire to hold our hearts,
But they are held in the hands of another
He chases us as if we’re priceless in His eyes,
But our days are spent chasing
The very founder of our own demise
For so long I’ve been at war with myself
Fighting what I’ve been becoming,
I’ve been striving to be more than human
Fighting my innate brokenness
I’ve been trying so hard to be more than I can be
Failure is inevitable when the broken attempt
To mend themselves
Give up control to the One who controls it all
For when we hold the reins only demise can befall
The further I run from the demon I’ve become,
The further in your arms I find myself
For so long I’ve tried and failed to see
What beauty the painter could perceive
Within this so called masterpiece
We’ve been chasing a dream that’s not our own
Wondering why discontent has grown
I’ll show you the way out, but it’s not an easy route
We’re starting to see the light
At the end of this tunnel, but don’t believe
This is the end of our struggle
If release from entropy is
What you seek you must sacrifice control and become meek
Stop searching for answers,
And let them find you,
Cause once you’re lost to yourself,
You’ll discover the truth
So take my hand and we’ll make our escape

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