Insidius Infernus : Pale Grieving Moon

Black Metal / Greece
(2002 - Sleaszy Rider Records)
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(No lyrics available)


Rise from your grave of thorns
I will transform you
Taste my blood
The everlasting soul
The spirit becoming
Like shadows in your dreams
There haunted
Without thoughts

Come forth the pits of damnation
Like blood do the eternal light
I feel the evil time
Shadows surround's me
Like wolves follow the moonlight
Like tears on your smiling face
Trying over graves
I will transform you

Princess of the holy night
I call you from my pit
I feel your anger
Inside my heart
In the ocean of blood
Let's walk the internal fields
I command you
To fall like a star

Can feel the pain of salvation
I'll follow you cause I want see
Together we will be
The quests of survival
In the sky the fires burning
In the dark at the gates of mist
Together like a fist
The dawn no more rises

I am the princess of your dreams
I am the digger of your grave
Like a human misery
A poem of your misery
Behind the broken mirrors
Behind the ghosts with darken sheds
Together we will bleed
At the edge of sanity


Taste your Christian blood
Holy masses we spit
Born crucified and dead
Like a virgin on my altar

Hey son of light
Listen my words
You are dead on your bloody
Holy book of lies

Darkness prevails
From the depths of hell
Like sodomize
Your spirit from angelic world

Rot on your cross
Holy bastard son
Your god is wasted
The sky is mine

I am a nail
In your fucking skin
I am a torment
Can you feel it?


Shades of darkness
Flowers of sin
Night of full moon
Touch of fear
Heaven on flames
Sky turns black
Darkness became
On your promised land
Angels with the golden wings
Fight and die until you bleed
Ride the sky on deadly horse
Discover all your evil thoughts
Hellish desire
Make your hands to kill
Shit your fire
Wash your hands with tears
Sky is burning on this night
Show me your eternal god
Strike the battlefield and tight
Only corpses on your sight
We call you
From the pits of hell
Like shadows
Makes you suffer
Show a sing
Of your living sadness
Reach the sky
Of tomorrow and I’ll break the light
And I will be there
Come tonight
Fight for your emotions
Silent cry
From your sleepless eyes and sing the way
In meet you again
Evil souls
In your heaven spreading hate like thorns
Death around you
And your land will be eternally cursed
Angels with the broken wings
Die on ground with misery
Fight in vain and without pride
Only corpses on your sight


Night of silk night of filth
Night that conquers me
Night so deep, deep with fear
Blackened sun is far too near

My pale hand embraced the moon
A moon with sacred blood and tears
Felt myself alone in dark
Forest old the whispers calls

Bloody kiss fall in dark
Demons hold my peace of heart
Fall a sleep fall in dark
Son of night the art of black

Can you fell forgotten thoughts?
Can you spill the blood of thorns?
Can you touch my deadly hand?
Or you choose my mystic path

Forest calls the winter rain
Don't you see my endless pain?
Look at me, burned by flame
Enter my eternal gate


Climb with me the hills of pain
Swim with me in lakes of rot
Lead your soul within my heads
Let me reveal your blackened destiny

Hear my heart as beat as fading
Freezing sun my body's changing
Darkness and fear crying in my grave
Whispers I hear seduced by winter

Crystal was the veil that covered
Your face like snow
Death touched your hand
Soul on the ground now crawl
So cruel was the night when
I lost you from my sight
In the fog you were give but
Your shadow has become

Where is your god where is your saviour
Creation of lies message of war
Eyes of night blind and corrupted
Nails on the skin like crucifiction

Snow covers my face frozen feelings
Frozen corpses frozen thoughts
Like wind against the time

Hatred, coldness, fearless, funeral winter
Silence, whispers, briefing blackened creatures
Forests, calling, thunders, spirits dancing
Withes, tracing, fire, bitter coldness

Altar, sacred, drinking bloody wine
Seeking, wonder, screaming, evil sight
Malice, weakness, enchanting, homeless night
Christians, crosses burning dying light

Die by my hand
Die by my sword
Come into my hell
Let me taste your soul


Tempation within
Desire and lust
Evil whispering to me
To my existence
By screaming hordes
Is surrounded
Filled with blood of all my thoughts
Freezing my sores

Now let me fell
Sense of insane
To gather your fear, a curse at all our dreams
Face the unreal
Your blinded burning eyes to see
Denial at life
Hear all those screams
In vanity you fall

Fire seeking from inside
Heartless creature
Bones in a grave
Tears forever lost in pain

My sight beseech you
Restless eternal circle
Give your rotting hand
Come along with me
Your fate drown in sea
Left ruins at now
Toured by sand
A nightmare you will find
In this blinded mind

Skulls over the throne of might
Demons marrying on the sky
Dusty fear of death
Behold the life with hate
Humanity falls slowly
Shadows of life invisible
Ancient catacombs of horns
Stuck on the cross...

Crown of thorns...

Tears from your eyes...

No mercy...


Towards the oceans of death
Born at night like, Christian
Your darkened feelings from hell
Died in like at deadhearts
Sign the way at return
You have to fight nightspirits
Choose the way of your death
There are no paths of peace

In the lake of innocence
In the lake of hateful darkest view
Deadhearts are living
In the lake of miracles
In the lake that destiny burns you
Deadhearts are screaming

Under the bleeding moon
Frozen rivers above you
In the fog shadows of revenge
Visions of withers surround you
Under the spell of the trees
Screaming in silence damnation and blood
Nightspirits rule the earth
Steps of creation fake and fall

In the lake of dreaming side
In the lake you'll find the rotting truth
Deadhearts are singing
In the lake of tragedy
In the lake of ashes, dust and pain
Deadhearts are giving...

Stars sinking in the blood
Poisoned moon by hellish aura
Reflection of blackened horizons
Desperate existences fall so deep

See those dark and bloody waterfalls
Deadly creatures with open wounds and sores
Feel their grief hear their silent calls
Swimming through tears and thorns
Blinded slaves wicked lakes
Chains of misery and pain
At the gates of misanthropy
Burning thurches heaven falls


(No lyrics available)

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics