Inquinok : Immortal Dawn

Symphonic Black / USA
(2009 - Immortal Dawn Productions)
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Staring into the falling sky
A chill ignites inside as the flames arise

Darkness arrives as the daylight dies
The legions devour the night

Wails of the dying, terror arrives
Engulfing the land, reaping domination

Silence is filled with a cacophony of screams
A suffering which the conquer demands

Silence amongst a catastrophic background
A tapestry of rotten flesh and decay

With bleeding eyes
A storm of fate
Torn from a dying world
Brought to deaths gate

Bleeding within
A vision grown dim
Fading into darkness
Held in deaths embrace


Emptiness….From which he wakes
A Cold breeze, scattered remains
Life, but a whisper of a past memory
Dispelled, this belief of a better path

Torn from within
Shackled in death’s embrace
A crown of thorns
Imprisoning the shattered remains

Gazing into the realm of despair
Whispering sounds of sorrow
Echoes…..of the damned
Embracing twilight, a realization of what’s to come

Torn from within
A blackened soul embraced
A silhouette of a man in its place

Tormented in the seeds of reality
A path of the unconscious, no longer ingrained
Impervious to the shadow, no longer entrenched in pain

Pale… his reflection
A feeling of bitter disdain
Life, but a whisper of a past memory
Dispelled, this belief of a better path


Beyond the hills, lies a land
As cold as winters breath
Glacial Dominion, with a tortures gaze

Tortures gaze

Unyielding bane of winter’s wrath
Triumphant this realm of immortal ice

Frozen, benumbed as the earth he stands
Past images bring warmth of a forgotten sun

Forgotten sun

Memories seem so distant
Scares of melancholy
Longing for times of old
A realization brings forth a cold reality

Retribution sustains his desire
A conquer he has become
The last memory of a dying sun

Looking around, a withered earth
Conjuring a future that is wrapped up in the past
An environment as fitting as the days to come
Befall this desolate existence

As tragedy crawls amongst the horizons
Triumph bellows through the halls of his mind
Retribution sustains his desire
Ice turns to fire, burning visions engulf the night


The feeling of anguish engulfed in an open flame
Feel the flames of distraught
Burning within, hatred defined as madness

Farther into obscurity
Enduring this flesh
Can I become one?

Can I purge the ruins the past
Plagued by an eternal breath
Further into obscurity
A vengeful tranquility

Paths laid out before me
Darkness enshrined, an enigmatic vision
Fallen, Bending their will
Enthroned within a bleak embrace

Burning within
Hatred defined as madness

Further into obscurity
A Vengeful tranquillity




Obsidian eyes gaze upon the battlefield
Reborn, flesh becomes one with steel

The Dawn of War Arrives
Reborn with a crown of thorns
The Dawn of War Arrives
The March of the Immortal Dawn

Banners rise, symbols of conquering age
The shadow of death prepares for his claim

Fires painted upon a dark misfortune
Their brush strokes stoking the heart of the flames

Eyes ablaze, a fervent disdain
An allegiance written in blood
Calls forth a conquering age

Skies ablaze, Commanding the night
Reborn to obscurity, an immortal might
Silence within, a somber serenity
A cold grasp upon a blackening heart


Visions hold a grip on the mind
Dark dominion of bitter deeds
Entrenching inner twilight
Like a spreading disease

Shadows engulf the horizon
Bringing forth the dawn of the flames
Shadows spread across the horizon
A conquering plague

Enigmatic aura
Transcending the boundaries
Baneful in their existence
A venomous instigation

An entity of fear
Unknown as it poisons the mind

Depraved, fallen
Infectious suffering
Damned, perpetual horrors

Darkness surrounds
Bringing destiny to its knees
Monstrosity of the divine
Prosperous nocturnal nightmare


The swarm of the hordes
Living among the damned
Blood spills upon
The ruins of an empire

The nightfall brings forth dismay
Black as night they come
In darkness they prey
Beasts of conceding inner twilight
Perpetual desolation through a virulent


Baneful in its hate
Immolation of an impervious state
Clasping onto its victim
Ripping flesh from ragged bone

Beasts of an imperial night
Darkness perched upon a shadowy gravestone
Images of the lost in their eyes
A craving is reborn, a fervent desire

Harboring the night, a cacophonous shriek
A knife like piercing pitch
Carried through the skies
Stabbing into the heart of perpetual desolation

Suffering seen through his eyes
An awakening of perception
Eyes bleeding out visions of dismay
Malice unchained
An alliance torn apart
Shackled within a consensual nightmare
Never again


As if time stood still
Memories, regrets plague my thoughts
A path chosen, an ever clinging guilt
Further into obscurity I fall
Past undone, an existence in ruins
As if written in stone, a test of morality

Struggle of calamity
Weakening the grip of reality

Smothered is the path of virtuous
Conscious is time, healing mortal wounds
A regression, past dimension
Time kneels before the immortal dawn

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