Ingrowing : Decameron of Grind

Тексты песен

Exposed To The Light
Exposed to the light
Dissolving in silent ethereality
Exposed to the light
Shine of menstrual sky
Is slowly fading out
Exposed to the light

With desintegration I am so excited
In pulsating waves I bleed

My homeworld collapsed
Nebular Keopaa turns off her face
I am not the Chosen One
Enslaved to eclipse

Exposed to the light
Exposed to the light

Tide forces of galactic apocalypse
Tear my body in inverted explosion
Devoured with inertia
Of stalking cataclysm
In array of self-defiling flagellants

Carving the lines of my mental veins
Into the hymen of celestial graveyard
With interstellar placenta
I am exposed to light

Exposed to the light
Buried with no funeral dirge
Exposed to the light
There's no lacrimation for me
Exposed to the light
My time-warp has come
Fear hearing my heart beating !

Whipped out of grim reality
Sucked into the dreamy dimensions,
So dangerous
Straying in circles
Through that peaceful space
Banished from the Eden
Of fallen crippled angels

Feeling of condemnation,
You are bloody alone
Translucent hands invite you,
Come to us, come
Bloodless faces of surreality Auditors
Look straight in your head,
Under cranial bone

Whipped out of grim reality
You'll be saved by your unseen guide
Secured, observed,
Attended ‘till the end of way
This sorrow-paved path
Now I have to stride

Feeling of condemnation,
You are bloody alone
Erradicated of our lives
You for ever escape
Banished from that Eden
Of fallen crippled angels
Come, at last time, so don't be late

No. You aren't dead only…
You are erradicated
No. You aren't dead only…
You are abandoned
No. You aren't dead only…
It's so easy to die
No. You aren't dead only…
Where's the reason why?
Annelid Cult
Protoplasmatic miasma
Trembling with fury
In manifestation of life
Parasitical proteine affix
That's what I cultivate

Excellent killer, a superb parent,
A perfect conqueror of my new world
The greatest lover, the best carnivore
Servant to make this world abhorrent.

Annelid cult… to infest the world
Annelid cult… my mirror of gore

Annelid DNA
Cuts through the human tissue
Like blood through glass fissures
Life of my unnatural pets flows
Through your powerless torsos
As your valueless lives to live you try
Your vitality will fade, my own will last
You are the germs of my new race
Of my Annelid cult.

Excellent killer, a superb parent,
A perfect conqueror of my new world
The greatest lover, the best carnivore
Servant to make this world abhorrent.

Annelid cult… to infest the world
Annelid cult… my mirror of gore
Annelid cult… to create more
Annelid cult… my genetic war
Fragmented Oracle
I have a mouth and I cannot speak
I have the eyes and I cannot see
I am dragged off to many places
At the same time
And nobody can find me there

Crushed to fragments
I speak to you
With language of the dead
Hidden in shards of mirrors
Hidden in lights reflections

I have the mouth and I'd like to speak
I have the eyes and I'd like to see
I want to escape
From these many places
Where I live forgotten, shattered
Lips in thousands places are scattered
I am a fragmented oracle of Keopaa
Imparting the messages of her
Try to find me
Everywhere and nowhere

Fragmented oracle…
My mouth with no breath
Fragmented oracle…
Of Keopaa polarised
Fragmented oracle…
I am voice from beyond
Fragmented oracle…
Of inverted ethereality
The Darkness Inverted
Waiting for ocassion
We are these who rape the Sun
Hidden in inverted definition
Until our task is done …

The darkness inverted…
Deadly possessed
Life is rejected…
Binary resected

Breed of cyberwar
Invading your Underworld
Blowing out your candles of life
We are the 3D inversion horde
Infesting germs, a caustic fire…

Light is castrated…
In darkness inverted
Till the Sun won't be dead…
And heavens bleed red
In our darkness inverted…
Motto: It's 5.40 A.M. Now it is definitely sure that sunrise will come no more…

Veil the face of Sun, as dead being it is
And hide your tears, it can't help
Blood drips down of sky, that stars cry
A knife torn the clouds‘ smiles
With hatred
And thousands of penises
Tear the heaven asunder

Sun violation, dying in the cage
Of our insidious, vile hearts
There‘s no shine to enlighten
My defeated mind
A golden disc,
The face of thousands gods
Fades away attacked
By greedy heavenly industry
Sunrape, purge of celestial mechanics
So annoying, ruining, hacking, burning
Moon's drowning in grief,
Brutally plundered
As a whore after enforced coitus,
With blood in hair
The calm rain washes away slowly.

Shattered to light myriads
The Sun in blood of worlds disappears
Raped, humiliated, exploited, scrubbed
My blind eyes fumble
About things were before
And thousands of penises
Tear the Universe asunder

A godless victory of the spoiled
Over harmony
No tone will sound as before
Heavens twist to horrendous grin
And malice
Of that fiery ethereal face is palpable
As it says: „It's the sunrape!“
Binary Reflections
obsessed with death, sinking in depressions
cruising your face with shard edges
trapped in net of emetic taste
consciousness of reflections´ infinity...between two mirrors
unseen in dying corporeality
your blood will be our
living tissue grows through the looking glass
to crush own reflection is enough
life flows through fissures of mirror
where image of your soul is missing
thousands of eyes scrutinize and wait
... between two mirrors
possessed with life, with cut throat through
broken mirrors accuse to infinity
bloody veins veil your mind
when in tangle of binary reflections
... you're directed at among us
binary reflections
imprisoned truth among mirrors
binary reflections
let distort the reality to postmortal surreality
binary... reflections
binary... reflections
snared with graceful shapes of your body
my mandala on wet skin i outline
you are so fascinating in ethereality
as an anatomised jigsaw puzzle
the last piece remains to place
you are my enigma
this is my strange senses´ declarationyour body i reverence,
it's my religion
my mystic enigmatism...
in tangle of bodies
the figure we are
what is carved into sullen sand
say your prayer of mondenity
be my drop of mercury
where my real face i will see
you´ re that enigma...of my answer...
you're my religion...
my enigmatism...
Ethereality Section
intersecting virtual lines
in looking glass polyedre
stealing a part of you
ethereality section of your mind
connecting senses in infinity
of malevolence richly i feed
grim recitals conduct the section edge
there's no place for biblical parable
celestial pervesity celebrates its triumph
all mantras of world are completely useless
i carve and outline the enigmatic sigills
to plane of your ethereality section
desperate cry in celestial sphere
translucid through mirror polyedre
sounds like innuendo of ethereality section
ethereality section...
of polyangular dreams...
ethereality sections...
of cyberspace...
floating through me...
look into the emptiness among dimensions
is that a graceful spectacle, isn't it?
the time changes its shape here, weightless, flexible
deflated physical is not so onerous right now
look into the deflated polyangular time
into the innards of your own,
inflated fate
you are passing away
as all around us
welcome here in white light,
in the end of corridor
corporeality kiss goodbey...
Hyperspace Souls
imprisoned in the time warp
lost among worlds far away
we are like derelict vessel
scattered to nebular nothingness
hyperspace souls
you meet them everyday
no despair...
some day you'll join them
yes you will...
hyperspace souls
light like inverse sun
don't hesitate...
and try
the bitter taste of their being
so try...
hyperspace souls
blind light of perpetual trouble
darkly shines on our keopaa 0.29
we can see the dreadful mission
there's no return,
there's no escape

Peristaltica IX
Protoplasmic prolapse of sun beams
With emetic taste of celestial sickness
Hidden with obscene nebula of dehumanized corium
Repulsive, swollen and lasciviously phantasmic

In the livid shine of extinct stars

In atomized abdominal cavities of eviscerated worlds
Deceptively we seek for everything we can defile and rape
In the vortex of dead tissue and frenzy coital movements
So quiet and unsteady inside the putrescent harmony

Dumb of senses´ massacre dread...

Malice of our scalpels deep in wide open gashes
Maiming the quasilinear structure of ethereal life
Turns into the broken part of intergalactical vital fluids gore
Pulped by peristalsis of perforated solar innards

Dying in products of own decomposure

Final tokens of gutting orgasm of celestial mechanics
In hungry ecstasy transfer their disassembled, excreted torsos
To perfidiously gulpingmouth of deflated human virtue
To complete the process of that bloody coprophagous recycling

In its insidous synoptic shape

Peristaltica... [Chorus: IX]
Be regurgitated and devoured again...
Peristaltica... [Chorus: IX]
Be alpha and omega to yourself...
Peristaltica... [Chorus: Peristaltica]
Clinical Death Was A Ticket For You
To The Silence Six Feet Under
Hands Are Hammering The Appalling Prison
And The Sanity Slowly Leaves You
Feeble Twinkles Of Sinister Lights
Deaf Echo Answers To Your Screams
Each Nail In The Ghastly Dungeon
You Feel Like Incandescent Lead
Tangled In A Shroud You See The Life
Smiles, Tears, Luck And Sorrow
Painless Spasm Twists Your Lips To Smile
Maybe Death Is Similar To Sweet Slumber
Your Body Slowly Gets Stiff And Cool
Water Dozes Through The Casket Chinks
And Drenches Your Face Like Tears
Like You Mourn And Cry For Yourself
Cyberspace Floats Through Me
Imprisoned In The Seventeen Inches Monitor I Live
Virtual Corporeality Is My Sick Walk
About In Private Database Garden
Computerised Emotions, Digitalised Instincts
Synthetic Labyrinths Of Ideal World Diffuse Through Me
I Am Careful Gardener Of Directories´ And Files´ World
Imprisoned In The Seventeen Inches Monitor I Slave
To Many Megabytes Of Negligent Unusable Software
As The Fingers Dance The Lethal Kankan Over Keyboard
I'm Hypnotised, Agonising Cyberspace Floats Through Me
Falling Down, Tangled In The Collapse, I'm Overloaded
My Real Torso Will Never Wake Again
I'm Imprisoned In Virtual Reality, Encoded, Indexed
The Neural Interface Connects Me With Real World
Misty Darkness Veils My Outer World
The Funeral Twilight Fell To Secret Emotions Of Mine
Far Light In Ghastly Twisted Mind
I S Like A Navigation Over Soul Sea I Hope
Or Will I Sink?
I'm Like An Autumn Nature, My Life Slowly Falls Dream
Just Only Wind Thoughtlessly Goes Through My Silent Recalls
Which Rose To The Curled Midnight Water Surface
Enclosed To The Little Bubbles Like Human Souls
Don't Crack ´Emi
Water Choking Gurgulates In My Cigarettes Impaled Lungs
Life Movie I Take In Me With My Nothing Seeing Eyes
I'm Like An Autumn Nature, I Fall To Sleep Too
The Spring Won't Wake Me Up, I'll Dream In Eternal Chill
I Wanna Awake!
Ice Cold Wind Cleans Up My Ice Tombstone, The Winter Moon
... Mourns For Me
Oried Leaves Cry Their Funeral Prayer To Frozen River
... Mourn For Me
Sexual Inferiority
Sexual Liquidation Of Body Problems
Wait For An Orgasm In False Time
You Hate The Look At Stretched Girl's Thighs
All Manifestations Of Love Make You Sick
You Don't Want To Live With Feelings Subjugation
You Don't Want To Sniff Excited Woman Smell
Every Excitement Burns Like Tire Iron
You Find The Place Only Among Matresses
Try To Work Out You Own Feelings Trouble
Try To Doom The Instinct Of Selfpreservation
Love Is Fuckin´ Stupid Problem Only
Which Don't Make You're Thinking
Liquefied Selfcontrol ...
Spermatic Explosion ...
Absolute Selfgratifying ...
You Idiot!!!

Intoxicrushed Teenager
Shattered mental line
Yards of torn thoughts
Futile trying to unite them
When you want to word them to acts
You're destroying yourself
Needle in vein is your motor

Bitter waves are sinister flooding
Your mangled and crushed ego
You're sinking in own doubts
You wade through cadaverous haze
Like a vulture circles over carrion
The funeral of your own ideals
Bloody Tears Of The Stone
Massacred human souls
Impassive lapidary
I lend my own perverted art
For heroic portrait of the human pain
I will cut the twisted lines
To describe the boundless suffer

It will be masterpiece among the statues
I get off a humanity of figures by chisel
Twisted faces feed my mad zest for creating
Hunger scum, despair I close into a stone

Derison for deads by gravel requiem
Barbarously I crush these vexed faces
You shed stone tears, ashes to ashes
My morbid art none will see again
But alas, my eyes're seeing the blood
I created and foil a living dread statue

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