Infernum : Farewell

Black Metal / Poland
(2005 - No Colours Records)
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I drink in,
The meads... of the Night-hymn,
Of the dews... ere Dawn.
My chalice,
The token... of the hunter.
My palace,
The realm... of the stars.
Oh, reverence,
To the wisdom... of the Moon!
The jeweled crown... of heaven.
I follow,
Thy paths... too soon,
Un' the lead,
Of the forest whisper.
I wander,
The worlds-forgotten.
I sunder,
The wild bloom.
I plunder,
The golden harvest--
With the Wolves,
To share my wealth.
In celestial Blood!
To the charioteer.
The paths of the fire-wheel,
Burn blue,
Upon... the call of my arrival...

by Vitholf of Fanisk


Descend.. in blades..
Eyes pale, and skyward.
Proud.. in Death..
Possessed, by honour.
Sound the horn, my Son
The horror winds call forth...
Sound the drum, fair Noble
Call forth the Thunder song...
Soak the Earth, with Blood
The horror winds call forth...
Sound the drum, fair Noble
Restore the Wolven laurel...
This is the route of red..
March ever on!...
Through Night and through dread..
March ever on!...
Ascend.. in flames..
With arms, extending.
Proud.. in Death..
In embers, of honour.
Sound the horn, my Son
The horror winds call forth...
Sound the drum, fair Noble
Call forth the Thunder song...
Soak the Earth, with Blood
The horror winds call forth...
Sound the drum, fair Noble
Restore the Wolven laurel...
This is the route of red..
March ever on!...
Through Night and through dread..
March ever on!...


Key, to unlock the mind...
Decorated soul, ancient and golden.
Then, the feathers burn,
And you've seen the Earth, afar.
Now you are.. what you are not...
Fallen, to the sky?
And nothing can unwind,
The spells of this wine.
So.. you dine with the grey beast,
And share his chalice..
Dwell, in his wives' silver palace..
And how you know
The weight, of their arts...
The depths, of their seas..
The distance, of time,
From your state of being,
Until the Earth shall be.. no more,
Than a word...
And the world will be reduced,
To the seed...
And your exhales books,
For none to read...
For now you bear the horns,
And the Kingdom.. is yours.
You lift your left hand,
And the stars, beg for mercy...


The roots of darkness span the welkin,
Reflecting scorn upon this world.
As hail and horde claim all beneath it
Trample all within your might.
Stain the sky to mark thy kingdom.
Part the darkness with your sword.
Storm and kill
Claim all that please you...
The heavens belong to the Iron One.
Hisarna! Iron One!
Mark my name upon thy stones...
Let the wretched, beg for mercy
I will show thee none, my foe.
Iron One! Hisarna!
Ride I forth to claim thy throne..
How the angels wept defeat!
Now the master faith be known..


Upon hooves,
Behold I, th' black banner...
The answer,
To your prayer.
Into this world, have I come,
To conquer.
This light, which none so dare,
With mortal hands
Is the very harp of my dark art.
Shall ye guess my tune?..
Inverted prayer,
Thirteen thrones.. of ash.
Nothing can bind,
The spell that I wind..
Nothing can halt,
The Hail that I wield..
Blood is my wine,
Aloft, I raise my horn......
Mother, priest, and child... trampled, all!
Aloft I raise my sword......
Father, son, and holy spire... ablaze!
Aloft I raise my form......
'Twas ye, who kindled, in dark desire,
The black flame,
Which would... consume... this world...

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