Infernal Outcry : Mass Extinction Requiem I

Progressive Death / Australia
(2016 - Self-Released)
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Designed with just one closure
From the rising of the curtain
The finale swept under the rug
Deceptive volatile distraction

Distorting an instinctual delusion
Oblique internal sophistry
To delay the inexorable ruin
A grave survival stratagem

Marrow drawing cracks appear
Swiftly repaired to maintain illusion
Darning such fabricated handiwork
Stitching a weave of inveracity

Patching irreparable corrosion
Worn bearings deteriorate
Inoperable patchwork retouched
Repair upon repair beyond repair

A transient evasion
The façade has a shelf life
Burnished panes splinter
Ruptured fragments burst
The shriek of the raven
Fractured paradigm collapsed
The debris of the last straw

Eclipsed… Obsolescence…
Darkness engulfs the sun
Quid pro quo; a replacement cycle
Swallowed by silence
The dwindling roar of succession

Try as you may, you can’t deny your bills of mortality
Eventuality… your time is near
Your expiration date is here

Come to dust!
Doomed to contend the Pale Rider alone
Join the great number and be all over with one
Your invoice has arrived; pay your debt in isolation

Try as you may, you can’t deny your bills of mortality
Eventuality… your time is near
Your expiration date is here
Pay the debt to nature
And go the way of all flesh


An ancient congenital victory
Envisioning scope with perfect clarity
An exceptional breed
Carefree among corpulent concerns

Deciphering expressions flawlessly
Expertly reading emotions
The enticing commander
Milking every proclivity
Caressing civilians’ dispositions

That captivating smile
Flying false colours
A decoy; a mock operation
Perfidious ruses of war
This camouflage contrasts his cold stare

Strategic conscriptions
Effortlessly persuading souls to enlist
Engineered logistical manoeuvres
Stealth tactics engage the troops

The futility of resistance
Chain of command cashiers insurgents

Cheerfully, he calculates a chilling mission
A puppeteer mastermind and ruthless ruler
Not bound by conscience; the ultimate freedom

That empty visceral hollow
Harbouring extreme precision
A calibre of efficient accuracy
An exceptional breed
Superiority excelling triumphantly

The hunter scopes to exterminate his prey
Unleashing a perpetual parade of blasting bullets
The technician of death has found his calling
Slaves marching to the beat of his gun
He detonates a spray of shells and shrapnel
A rhythmic vital organ explosion
Bursting hearts; shattering spleens
Blood pulsates; a thrilling frenzy
The rush of apoplectic excitement
Amused at inexorable casualties pulverised
An endless fanfare of convulsing pellets

An ancient congenital victory
Envisioning scope with perfect clarity
An exceptional breed
Carefree among corpulent concerns

That empty visceral hollow
Harbouring extreme precision
A calibre of efficient accuracy
Superiority excelling triumphantly

Executing targets with maximum penetration
Glory sans honour; raise a flag for the western ideal
Pathology achieving citation
A hero’s welcome


Take life to give life
Whelp to take life
Swimming in bloodbath
A shark is born

A reaper with no remorse
Designed for population control
Blood, flesh, and bones to fertilise
Conquering stagnant preservation
Teeth of wisdom

Jaws of life, jaws of life
Jaws of life, jaws of life
Jaws of life, jaws of life
Jaws of life, jaws of life

Nature’s cycles of disorder
Devouring the weak
Swimming in bloodbath
Carnage is born

A reaper with no remorse
Designed for population control
Blood, flesh, and bones to fertilise
Conquering stagnant preservation
Teeth of wisdom

Jaws of life, jaws of life
Jaws of life, jaws of life
Jaws of life, jaws of life
Jaws of life, jaws of life

Death for progress
Kill for life
Swimming in bloodbath
A reaper is born

Jaws of life
Jaws of life


Down a rabbit hole
Curiosity opens a can of worms
Playing God, the watchmakers wind
Pandora’s bequest lives on
False creators discover dissection
Ripping wings off butterflies
Virgins just ripe for raiding
Torture justified by greater purpose
Disconnected impositions
Intellect beyond the point of no return
Mindless formulaic calculations
They can’t see a whole greater than the sum of its parts
Learning more, but knowing less
Knowing too much but never enough
Each answer brings more questions
Creating more problems than solving
Theory overshadows reality
Worshipping a false prophet
The human empire ransacking
An invasive species conquering nature

A sea of brain dead zombies consume
Shallow mass media drivel
A new Manifest Destiny rising
Following indulgent shepherds
To insalubrious extravagance
Don’t pay now; but pay more later on
Babel towers much too high
A catch up game; but time waits for no man
To shoot oneself in the foot
A virus too potent kills its host
No one hears Cassandra’s screams
Surpassed tipping points
The tragedy of the commons
Approaching maximum entropy
Counting down to our extinction

Noxious emissions
Morbid polymer plasticisers
Choking toxic fumes
The party’s over; the end of an era
Flood and pestilence
The Great Death all over again
With a pesky swarm in lieu of lava
Second, Third, and Fourth Bowls are poured
Drought and utterly burned with fire
The globe becomes a furnace
Merchants cry as they see the smoke of Her burning
Their vision blurred by detail
Now they can’t see the forest nor any trees
They shall be cast into the sea: shall sink and shall not rise
Choking plastic oceans; Lakes of Fire
Rapture is come
Humanity is just a blip
A boom bust cycle

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics