In Torment I Die : Universae Naturae Theatrum

Black Metal / Italy
(2013 - Self-Produced)
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Exiled from the World
Where the man's hate
Poisons Heart
And Releases Life

Distant Echoes
Of a time that was mine
They're Coming as I struggle
And fight, and I'm born again

And now, again in my place
Hate is what is released
It's mine

As the sun that rises
And give us life
My rage is a desert
Of salt and night

Here is the revenge
Here is the fear
No more hope
No more pain

But not for me
Coming back to life
I start from nothing
And create my world

Now I'm the first
Now I'm the one
Now I'm the god
Now I'm the nothingness

Into the darkest solitude
That the hate
Poisoning my man's heart
Has built around me


The last journey of my life
On a path stomped by many
And that will be walk 'till the end of the earth
From all 'till the last left

In my spirit the dark brights
Quiet as ever in this long time
That release its meaning in my passions
Now livid and far from my hearth

No invitation to pick the flowers of evil
No invitation to turn to the almighty

Who has kidnapped the sky?
Where are the reassuring illusions
That flirty with my days?
Desperate silence at the gates of nothingness

Lies and deceptions of a moment
As ever loved in this place now
Bare of everything, ikncluding time
That remains only an empty word

Only the tragic and unconcious loneliness
Embraces the falling limbs of the man who i was

It doesn't remain a long way
Everything goes off and leaves into me
Desperation calms down, too
Silence at the gates of nothingness


When I think to you
I Feel the sorrow to rise into my mind
When I look into your eyes
I see the broken dream of my life
Dance with me tonight please
Make me taste the pain just one more time
I'm the eternal flame of your sins
That light your path tonight

You know I'm loosing myself
You know I need your desire
You know I'm screaming your name
Darkness will take me away

Let me came to you
It's too late for change my life
My time is gone
Make me feel the pain bound me to your cross
And make me know the suffering

I don't see no future for me
I Still will wait for you in my dreams
I become the slave of my dark soul
I know just this I'll die alone
I want to fly in the next dimension
Delete my life destroy my memories
Forgive myself forsaken you
Then close this door
And reborn in another place

Now don't tell me lies
The truth is so bright
Reflected in your eyes
I know I'm insane but
Who can say if I am the crazy or them
When I think to you
I feel the sorrow to rise into my mind
When I look into your eyes
I see the broken dream of my life


Locked among the screams
Of dark and distant shadow
Claching Echoes
Lead you in the hate

You think no more on what you have lost
The unknown is waiting
Wicked figures announce
At the fragile door of your mind

Your whole life
Held in a dream
Without beginning
Whitout end
But full of sorrow
That slide out of your hands
Love too
Frized in the heart

Where nothing is real
Where the void fills everything
In the distorted silenced
Of what belongs to you
And of what you have left
You see a love shadow
Disappearing in the darknes
And it leave you alone drowning in it

Close your eyes
And listen to my voice
I'm here with you
But I you can't see me
I'm the cold that embraces surround you
I'm the breath you haven't
I'm the things you've lost
I'm your eternal crying


Born from the wind
That bring my soul
Away from the others ones
In the dulles void
With a shadow into the heart
Through death
I long for a beauty
Further and further

The snow under the moonlight
And the black sky
Mould the world
Where my look gets lost and hope too

Their blood will flood in the nothing
Will gurgle from its glass black crystal
And It will be soaked up
From time with mine
This is my god's death
This is mine and the death of everything

Born from the wind
That bring my soul
Away from the others ones
In the dulles void
In the land of shadows
Where hate gets lost in itself
And love becomes despair
I walk in darkness

You can't come out from the shadow
You can't live forever
Betrayed, I follw my wind
In a void without salvation


Nightmarish visions of an unknown world
Never my eyes had seen the horror
My untouched limbs snap and burn
In a delirium of infernal voices

I'm not the only one suffering helpless
Countless faces twist about me
In the pale light of an alien sunset
I want to get out of a tunnel endless to me

Chill and hot clide away
My senses chenge in colours I don't know
My stretched lips emit no sound
Intent on tasting my naked lunch

Orgies and violence 'till the horizon
A sharp disgust goes through myself slow
Turns me into an objesct and I consume alone
In the strange time of an absurd reality

In this perverse oblivion I slide drowning
I have no holds to keep me in this nightmare
And i fall into the most frtighening
And dark unknown of madness
Pushing me in her arms

The freezing darkness burns my soul
I don't repudiatemy self and I slide again
In this black inevitable nightmare
That can only go worse from this moment

Other times I hoped
Other times I understood
This is the end
And tomorrow over again


Follow me
Into the land of shadows
I know you'll follow me
To the land of pain
So close your eyes and dance
With your soul
So open your mindto the light
Of Loneliness

Can you hear the sweet laugh of angels
Can you feel the breath of the night

The pleasure of loneliness

Show me how you
Tthink to stop this madness
Close to her you can
Taste the tears of Agony
Red rose of sin
Is blowing for you
So open your mind
To the light of Loneliness

This is the pleasure of loneliness
There is no place
Where you could be so fine
This is the calling of damnation
There is no place where you
Could be yourself again

Leave your sorrow back to you
In this place you're not alone
Kiss her lips and leave she takes you away

The pleasure of loneliness


Universal order ruled by nature
Scream your prayers to your queen
There're neither gods or thrones

Universae Naturae Theatrum

All my hopes in the other world
Have already departed from me
As a beautfull butterfly
Departs from a withered flower

With its flight it spread its seeds
Of a brand new shining life
The perpetual circle continues its direction

Heaven and hell become meaningless
I removed the fog in front on my eyes
A cruel world, merciless and beautifull
A show waiting for me to begin

The violence of your creation
Stronger than the one of every god
Shows itself in all its power
And Enreptures me in an absolute ecstasy

Universae Naturae Theatrum

lyrics added by tango666 - Modify this lyrics