In The Face Of War : We Make Our Own Luck

Hardcore / USA
(2006 - Detournement Records)



This song is for those have
Continually supported us in all
That we do
In all of our successes,
And in all of our failures


Words spoken in hearts and minds on late night drives
When nothing is alive except for my imagination
And how far it takes me and how it breaks me
I rehearse the same old lines
The ones I said to make you mine
The ones I said that day we met
The one you didn't say when you left
But it's only in my mind, you won't hear them this time
Because you're far away
And you can't hear what I don't say
Sometimes it's easier to talk to the you that's in my head
Because you don't get upset, and I don't say things I Regret
But only in my mind
It's not fair to expect that of you
Because I don't expect that of me
So what does this mean
And what will it be
We're not who we were, and we're not what we want
But who will we be, is it worth waiting on
We will not sit down, there's nothing to talk about
It's much better now as a one-sided conversation
It's all in here, it's all inside, it's always perfect There
And so it will always stay


We will never lose our passion
There's so much out there worth fighting for
And so much right here worth dying for
The rules haven't changed, only the way that we play the Game
And though we're growing older, our intensity remains the same
In a time lacking of honest passion, no one should be Blamed
For trying to return to the world a piece of its lost hear
In that effort may we not forget where we came from
To not return to what we did wrong and make the same Mistakes again
There's so much out there worth fighting for
And so much right here worth dying for
The rules haven't changed, only the way that we play the Game
And though we're growing older
Our intensity will always remain the same
We will not go quietly and we will never lose our passion


It seems like only yesterday
That bike riding, ninja turtles and grape kool-aid were Day to day
But it's been so many years and a few things have changed
And I'm fortunate that I'm still here
I used to think that graduation, starting college, finding love, growing up, getting jobs, getting married, and Having kids
Was something that I would never do
And honestly I haven't started yet
But I see it all around me, and it's scary
And I don't want to face the truth that maybe one day
I'll grow up and be a man
And it makes me think of that beach boys song
Because I can only be young once
And I'd hate to think that I could get that wrong
So what do I do with my time left
Because I'm certainly not getting younger by any standards
But I'm hardly growing older, definately not growing up
So what am I, who am I, and who will I become
Will I be a good man, good to those I meet. good to those I know
Nineteen, twenty
Will I live my dreams, the ones from childhood
The ones from today and ones yet to come
Will I have a full life with love all around, with nothing To want
Twenty-two, twenty-three
But what if I fall short, what if I don't make it, what can I fall back on
Who will be there for me
And who will be there for you


Here we are, here and now, for the first time
Ready to take over, no longer the next in line
We've waited far too long for our chance to come
We haven't gained a thing if waiting is all we've done
We thought we thought when we were young
There were always better days to come
But now we're older, we have changed
Why do we still feel the same
Because tomorrow is always a day away
Here we are, here and now, for the first time
Ready to take over, no longer the next in line
There's so much in our hearts that longs for something More
With all that we can do what are we waiting for
If all we have is this moment in this day in our lives
How can we make the best of it if we don't even try
When life's been full of failure and nothing comes our way
What makes us think it will be different today
But this is our time and we're ready to begin
If we don't do something now
We may never have this chance again
We want something more


Don't dare me dude, I'll do it dude
I'll mix these drinks into a suicide
A suicide? a suicide!
I'll mix those drinks into a suicide
How am I supposed to choose??
I'll just end up confused
I'm so through with it
I think I will commit a suicide
Don't dare me dude, I'll do it dude
You cannot make me decide
I refuse to have to choose, I'll mix these drinks into a Suicide


I've been down before with nothing but regret
But with all that's come my way it hasnt stopped me yet
It doesnt mean its been easy, but i wont use that as a Crutch
But maybe there were times that it would have been better To have given up
Even when the chips were down, and we couldnt catch a Break
We couldnt give in with so much at stake
Sometimes patience isnt a virtue, its an excuse
We can't always wait, we make our own luck
And we've made it this far, but we have so much more to go
And we've grown this much, but we have so much more to Grow
It's time to start a revival in our hearts
A rebirth of passion
A rebirth of dedication
To our lives and to our dreams
To never abandon the hope we have in ourselves


I've been trying to find something to say
It's not working out the way I planned
And now I'm in the same place I've always found myself in
Apologizing for my mistakes, not learning from them
What do I know of regret, what do I know of remorse
Admitting to my bad habits, not turning from them
What do I do when nothing is going right
I use some elaborate word to cover up my being unsure About everything
It's just my defence to stop from letting you in
It's so much easier to go on living without ever thinking About
What else there might be besides what these eyes can see
We could live our entire lives
Without holding one serious thought in our minds
And what a shame
What a shame because we're capable of so much
We only have ourselves to blame
So what do you think, where do you stand
Is it the same place that you've always been
It is time for change, is it time to grow
Who you might become you will never know
Who is that someone that you've always tried to be
What stops you from making it a reality
So why try to hide it, why try to fight it
Where is your heart and what's inside it
What a shame if you never know


This song is for all of those who have opened up there Homes
And make us feel so welcome when we were on the road
And shown us generosity like we have never known
Through your lives you've taught us better ways to live Our own
These times have taught us so much
As much as we hope that these days will never end
One day we'll have to pack our bags and say goodbye to our Friends
But we will never leave without a promise that someday we will see you again
Until that day you will be with us in our minds and in our Hearts and always a part of who we are
To all our second homes we could not do this alone
We owe so much to everyone who has helped us on our way
But we have so little with which to repay
We can only offer this song and these words that we sing


Faded photographs without picture frames
Scattered on the floor among other things
That make up my life and who I am
The broken pieces put together again
Memories put in boxes, packed up and hid away
Notes scratched on paper
The words I couldn't actually say
This is my life, a constant cover up
For all of my love for the things I've lost
And now I'm moving on, not hiding from what I've done
And now I'm moving on, with a good idea of what I want
And now I'm moving on, and I know I'm not the only one
And now I'm moving on, I've just begun
Now they've faded further, I can't make out any shapes
Their meaning has been erased
Memories taken from boxes, unpacked and thrown away
No feelings left on paper, not afraid of what to say
And now I'm moving on, I've just begun
This is my life uncovered


Look around from face to face and see the reasons that we Came to this place
We've all been drawn together by one common theme
By one common need
We feel empty
We feel lonely
We feel useless
We feel powerless
We feel as though are lives will amount to nothing
Is this all there is?
We want something more, is that too much to ask for
Because we don't know if our lives make any sense
It's all part of the holes in our hearts that we don't Know how to fill
We just want something real
We've been told there is something wrong with us
We've been told we need some sort of salvation
But there is nothing in ourselves that we need saved from
So we'll always be waiting for recovery to come

;歌词由 添加 rambo53 - 修改此歌词