In My Eyes : The Difference Between

Hardcore / USA
(1998 - Revelation Records)
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The last time that I faced you
I swore it was the last time
I'd tell you what this meant to me
But it's back again
I don't know what to do
You painted me in a corner
And I'm sick of dealing with you
If it's not yours it's worthless
If you can't see it, it's not there
You don't know how to earn anything
And I don't think that you care
I'm holding back with every ounce of control that I have
It's going to take more, than I want to give
But I'll do it!
Because there's an example to be made
And someone has to be, to be the better man
If it's not yours it's worthless
If it takes work, why try
You don't know how to earn something
Your foundation is a lie
Foundation is a lie!
I'm not afraid to listen
To someone I respect
You might learn something
If you took the time to reflect
We all need help at times
I'll lend a hand before a fist
Letting anger control you
Another point you've missed!

2. THE K.O.S.T.

Why is it you can ruin everything we've made with one touch
And all the effort you waste lashing out...could get something done
I'll stay focused, you stay lost
Take a look man
Consider the fucking cost!
This pressure keeps building
I don't know how much I can take
I have no intention of sinking to your level
Because my beliefs are at stake
I'll stay focused and you, you can stay lost
Take a look man
Consider the fucking cost!
It's not who's right or wrong
The problem's deeper than that
I know you don't feel the same way I do
But let's try to work it out!
You want to put me to the test
But there's more than pride on the line
It's a question of what path to take
And I've already chosen mine
I've chosen mine!
Consider the cost!


We shout our slogans at the top of our lungs
But in the end nothing's done
The game of pointing fingers
It's so fucking old
You gave up on what you said
The scene let you down so you move ahead
Just because you're gone
It's not fucking dead
We're all at fault but I'm not like the rest
(We still have faith)
Time's gone by I'll try my best
In the beginning we had the same goals
(We still have faith)
I feel the same but you grew so old
Are you trying to bring me down?
I've got faith but you turn it around
Negative feelings are all you give
That's not the way I want to live
We still have faith
We still have faith
You gave up on what you said
The scene let you down so you move ahead
Just because you're gone it's not fuciting dead
We're all at fault but I'm not like the rest
(We still have faith)
Time's gone by I'll try my best
In the beginning we had the same goals
(We still have faith)
I feel the same but you grew so old
So fucking old man


Whatever happened to integrity
To putting your thoughts into something you believe
I can't even count the amount of shit I've been told
It's coming to a head, how will I react?
This is one thing you can fucking trust
This is one thing you can fucking count on
This is one thing you can fucking trust
This is one thing you can fucking count on
Whatever happened!
Tired, I'm so tired of having to deal with all this shit
and the worst part is that I can't fucking get around it
Don't have to find the perfect words to say
If you feel it in my voice
You fucking understand!


I hear the threats and the criticisms but it's nothing to fear
They can take their shots but it won't cause me to break
Time will prove who's committed and who's a fake
My concern, keeps me alive
Sometimes words aren't enough
Sometimes actions fall short
Sets us apart
I can see your goal is to alienate me
But someone so much worse can't get my best
I guess you'll never put that negativity to rest
These words, they are my strength
Sometimes words aren't enough
Sometimes actions fall short
Sets us apart
Failure hurts but doesn't mean you tried any less
My will to try, my conviction
Won't settle for second fucking best
Sets us apart


It can't be said in one word
There's no simple answer
So don't tell me that you
That you have it all figured out
Because I'll always be searching...for the truth
The difference between that I care
So you have your answers now
and you feel they're better than mine
You look down on us all,
Afraid to let your insecurity show
But I'll always be searching...for the truth
The difference between that I care
I fucking care!
In every face I see
A reflection of the real me
I won't waste my time judging anyone
I'm sorry I choose to get things done!


You think I'm living in the past
Living out something long gone
But what's so wrong with believing what made me who I am
That's why I won't give up
Your criticism won't get in the Way!
I'd rather say something that means a lot to me
Even if it's been said before
Will you stand by what I say?
This is our time
Will you speak out on what you feel?
This is our time
We'll look back on these days as the best times of our lives
Why can't they fucking last?
These memories will outlive
The maturity that you seek
Losing touch in your adult world!
Growing older every week
When you think back to what you've lost
You might not even care
But I'll stay true to what I've said
Even if you're not tucking're not fucking there!
There's no shame in having fun and staying young!
Still you put me down you think you're something better!
I can't turn my back and I don't think you'll be missed
Because I'm surrounded by friends who feel stronger than you ever Did
Will you stand by what I say?
This is our time
Will you speak out on what you feel?
This is our time
This is our time!


You're telling me the things I want are so worthless
Well I'm telling you your ways will keep you down
I know you'd feel so much better...about yourself
If I put my goals aside...and followed you around
Even if I stand alone
At least my beliefs are my own
It makes no sense to me
Because you could do so much
Potential runs so high but still you don't give a fuck
You'd rather follow others beliefs and not care
Dwelling on the things in life that are not fair
Even if I stand alone
At least my beliefs are my own
My own!
Mistakes and faults are all you see
You're in no postion to relate to me
I made a choice and I knew I'd stay
Don't need your disrespect because you couldn't live this way
Because you couldn't live this way!


I've thought too hard about how things should have been
And maybe a handshake was as close as we were
But that's no excuse, I let it go too far
And I realize now it was never there
And I'm not surprised in the least
So why that stare?
Do you feel the separation?...Just a little too late
I'm responsible for the decisions I've made
And if I put too much on you, I apologize
But you acted so, damn superior
How couldn't I believe you knew so much more
And now I feel so much less...towards you!
So why that stare?
Do you feel the separation?...Just a little too late
It's not my fault!
I put myself in front of you
But instead of gaining anything
You just stole what you couldn't get
And now you look to me for never showed!


Growing up not slowing down
Time got your best just look around
But I've found something that keeps me aware
A whole scene of people with the couruge to care
Your youth is behind you
As if you were dead
Those times were good man
My best lies ahead
When I deal with you now
All I get is upset
You keep pushing me away
Something you'll regret
I know only a few have the will to stay sincere
Seeing different faces every fucking year!


I can't help but wonder
If we're listening or just singing along
I hold this all so close..does it compare to what I've felt
If you strip away what's not important
Will it still beat in your heart?
It's in my heart..more than ever!
It's the strength to carry on
The will to dedicate
All your thoughts, your energy to something so many overlook
If you strip away what's not important
Will it still beat in your heart?
It's in my heart..more than ever!
You just can't fake what I feel
I can see right through you
If it's just one thing that I've learned
It's not to get caught up in matters we can't control
I'll keep my energies focused on appreciating all that we have
There's nothing to make me second guess myself
Don't look back!


Every time I talk to you conversation drifts the same way
Things you wish you'd seen or wanted to do
There's always something in the way
We risk so little and regret so much
I don't lack the will to try
I have to do what's right for me
I don't mean to pass you by
I know I'm living up to what I want
I have something strong to believe
Making memories that last
Won't live in the past
Know what I need to succeed
It's not fame and fortune or mass appeal
Those promises are empty to me
It's earning respect and honor from friends
My sense of security
It took so long to find this all
And it can never be replaced
You can hold a grudge-suspect everyone
I'll trust an honest face
If I fail in your eyes, I might gain something you can't comprehend
Such a waste to never have a passion
I'll follow mine until the end

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