In Loving Memory (ESP) : Tragedy and Moon

Death Doom / Spain
(2008 - Self-Released)
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The world under my feet spins around my bed
As I rest in this jail my mind seeks for death

I can't move, I can't talk
I can't see, I can't love.

I can't feel, I can't die
I can't breathe, I can't cry.

Anger within.
Sorrow is me.

Unplug me from life, just let me die.
Switch me off. It's time to lay

I can't move, I can't talk
I can't see, I can't love.

I can't feel, I can't die
I can't breathe, I can't cry.

Anger Within.

Inside this lifeless coil
Nothing more I feel
Only waiting for death
I can live again.

Wrath is burning me
Rage explodes inside
Faith is not my crime
Pain not Jesus is my guide


The Devil's waiting for you to break
When the mist surrounds your heart
He subdues the souls to dark
You cannot hide to the fog that purifies.

In the mist of your thoughts
You fight against your soul
In the mist of your mind
Face your fears, lose and fall

Locus ubis abdi non est
Nebula pervenit timor prodet
Tuam mentem protegis
Tamen corpus tuus pabulum erit aeternitatis

You dive into midnight mist
Brave and bold of yourself
But its coldness breaks all your shields
Plunges you into obscurity

In the mist of your thoughts
You fight against your soul
In the mist of your mind
Face your fears, lose and fall

Nowhere to run or escape to
The mist is here, the fear appears
Lock down your mind
To this coming terror world


Cold days ahead
Faithful moments to forget
Under a veil of nihilism
Nobody acts and help.

My entrails shuffle in pain
My tears soak my skin
Efforts done in vain
Here, awaiting for an end.

Please, stop this suffering
Put an end to this killing
Because my death brings us to the dark
And my life is all the light you'll ever see

Ego, terra, mater tua sum.
Tu, filius meus dilectus es, quaem tantum amo
Sed etiam, actus tui improbi sunt,
Et oculos meos secant.


Extremus illae spiritus.
A woman dying in love
Her bride looks satisfied
Ecstasy arises and explodes

She knows the truth
Her real nature
She can't down it for longer
Her love consumes her body

Extremus illae spiritus.
A woman dying in love
Her bride looks satisfied
Ecstasy arises and explodes

Her lips in silence
Are acts of love
But the pain she carries
Hurts like evil in heaven

When the first drops of red
Dye the immaculate white dress
The black ones becomes blood

With the sound of screams
Playing like bells in her ears
Passion and lust are unchained

This is the better way
They will stand forever
United, loved and in peace
Mors principium est.


Life denies me a breath of air
I'm alone in this immense sea

I have no age, but I'm old
My entire life has been so, so short

Since I was born I died
Every day, in silence

Mankind rejected me
All my life in the shadows

I think I was born
To die this day

Why should I wait?
Why should I live?

My existence runs to the white light
Now I'm craving for your mercy
I want anything from you except one act
So, please do not resuscitate me

The white light on the sky
Grips my soul, my mind
I’m flying through the ether
I’m reaching to thy side

My trip is ending
The white light becomes red
The devil is at my side
Where the hell am I?


Fear everytime I see you
Horror everytime I feel you

Trapped in a black hole
Prisoner of a scared soul

Thinking of ways to finish
Craving for an end to this

Forced to be slave
Tears made me brave
Fear slave
Tears from the grave

Desire's born from this doom
False hope that now grows

Once again wounded inside
My being consumed as I die

My last wish
Is to rest in peace


Lifes enslaved by egoism
Jewels engraved in death
People's sweat is blood
And soil soaks on it.

Bitter reward discovery
Brings suffering and blood
Miracles don't exist

Only scape is death.
A bullet will end
This shame.
With the new day
Crimson skies fall down
And the greed renews its crime

History remains the same...

A gem filled up with pain
Shines like a black star

How much bodies will break
For a desire without end

Red drops everywhere
Black tears out of there


Thousand winters ago
The Moon needed love
She undressed her silhouette
Lust was unchained.

Tragedy and moon.
Shadows and light.

Phobos cried for her love
And she was pleased,
But the sun wanted her heart,
Disaster came to planetary.

Tragedy and moon.
Shadows and light.

And the war started
Suffering the light's revenge
All the planets and moons
Were submitted into the depths of hell.

Horror and fear, shadows comes.
Black hole, the one that will prevail. Pray loud.
Phobos, destroyed by his rage .
Snow will cover all the earth. Ice age.

Tragaedia lunaque
Una incorruptorum amantiorum fabula
Mundi res gestale
Amoris perpetui monumentum

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