In Battle : Welcome to the Battlefield

Black Metal / Sweden
(2004 - Metal Blade Records / Cold Records)



Awake me...
Open my eyes, underneath a cloak of flesh
Carve my sins upon my chest and I shall wear them with pride

Burn me...
With a taste of death, with your poisoned fangs drag me in
Take a walk with me through the valley of death

Die... as you will...
I will transcend as a god
Burn... as you will...
I set the world ablaze

Release me...
Release me from the pain of life
And when all life ends we shall meet again
What a joyful sight it will be
To see the world crumble into dust

Exalt me...
In rapture raise me high
Above the retched filth of flesh
In the chasm of endless pleasure all shall chant my name


Dead forever, forever shall be
In my dreaming void agonized
Forever to soar in the open flesh
Drink the blood of the beast

Madness... in the realm of war

Dehumanized, take my hand with trust
I give you the weapons to kill
Demonized by the burning rage of war
I drag your soulless flesh to the core

I manifest my worlds, I bring flesh to bone
I crush the pillars of life
I bring fear, I bring truth
I bring damnation for the blessed

Millennium of chaos, millennium of death...
Suffering and pain
Years of warfare, years spent on the battlefield

The stench of decayed, dying flesh

A taste of death so sweet upon your lips
A world decomposed, infested with rats


Röken kvaljer kvävande, nät av ångor vävande,
Het, stark och frän… aska av döda kallna…

Knäppande och ringande i höga svarta hopar
Mellan frusna tract

Tåligt manligt, vakande kärlig sömm försakande
Av röda flammor flödande, gel jus ät snärens natt…
Länga är stunderna längt i ödestunderna…
Mil frän folk och hus…

Rävarna gä jagande, skallen gnälla klagande
Som hungergrät från skogarna och frusna hedna hus…
Rävarna gä jagande, skallen gnälla klagande
Som hungergråt frän skogarna och frusna hedna hus…

Snart ar morgon gryende, dä gär jättarna flyende ned till
Hanga hed där trollen under stenar bo

Där lungt bland enama, där är bon i stenarna,
Där blir trollen räddade, i djupa gömslen bäddade


Here we stand with burning souls
Together as one burning mass
I have gazed beyond the stars
And seen the depths of the abyss

I have walked through time and space
Forever watching the darkness spread
Now the time ahs come to embrace this
World with flames

Flames of the abyss burn
I'm the god of time and space... I am fire
Rise... scorch... burn... fire...
I'm the blackened flame... I am fire

Fire... fire of death
Burn and cleans this world
Fire... fire of time
Burn... reshape the flesh

Branded by eternal flames
On demon wings we come
Branded by immortal pain
From the abyss we soar


Transform, transcend...
Rise from the ashes of life
I bless the darkness as I bless the light
At the end of the line we are the same

Rebirth, reshape...
Make my passing come
I son of darkness welcome the fading light
At the end of the line we are the same


In life and death we praise our kind
Not to realize that we are sheep and nothing more
We shall fall from grace and we shall suffer ever after
Life is for the meek, we shall transcend

Soul metamorphosis
Soul metamorphosis
Life, death symbiosis

Mesmerized, terrorized...
Haunted by our existence
Never shall you be god
Never shall the wicked rest

I wear the flames of eternity branded upon my soul
I wear the crown of the wicked and I am everlasting


För den vinande nordan och vintern brodet,
För den gråtande Odins stjärna klar
För vårt hem och vårt land och vär bedjande moder
För dess dunkla skogar och istunga floder
Vi höja vårt stop

När sjöarna ligga här frusna och döda
Och yrväder dansa i moar och skog
Vi dricka och drömma om hatet som flöda
Och minna oss Surts solnedgång röd

För den hårdaste skaren och bittraste vinden
För dom dunkla väsen som slår ned sin skörd
För dukade bord, schamanens bröd
För sår fyllda kroppar och ond bråd död

Frenesi och stolthet i stjärnans timma
Vi hyllar att jorden är bäddad av hat
Vi reser oss upp under stjånor som glimma
De heligas natt fömimma

Våra stop vi höja… och Balder sörja


So, I'm the serpent now
In your perfect paradise?
I'm the flame that scorched the earth
I am fire death and pain
So I'm the one to blame for your ignorance?
I am all and nothing in a world of treachery

We are the spawn of the greatest of plagues
Come now rejoice... celebrate the world down fall
Crawl through the mud with your stinking cross
Kiss the pale cunt as your religion bites the dust
I'll be there for you when your faith runs dry
I'll be there to torch your filthy ass
No repent... no salvation...
The time has come for you to burn

So, I'm the master now?
Save your prayers...
I'm the one that brings the pain
I'm the one that brings the reaper
I'm the serpent here... bow your heads for me
I am all and nothing in a world of suffering

Celebrate the world downfall
Rejoice as the flesh as torn away

We are the serpents


Cold winds of death...
Encircled on the moor by the shadows of the dead...
Servants of the pain

Hate breed follow...
Follow the guiding darkness... follow me
Taste the blood divine

The blood divine
Make it rain from the sky
Engulf this world with desire, blood and death

Praise the raining blood
Soil the new rebirth... turn red

A sickening new master plan
A world of chaos... of divine pleasure
Chain me to the pain and show me the abyss
Make me into something that will last

Cold winds of pain...
Race through my flesh with burning rapture
Slice my soul in two...

The blood divine
Make it rain from the sky
Engulf this world with desire, blood and death

Praise the raining blood
Soil of the new rebirth turn red
Praise the burning flesh
Soil of the new rebirth... wither and die


Standing tall... stone-faced mountains
In the silence of the Fimbul winter
A blistering cold barren landscape
Awaiting the storms of the century

Standing tall... stone-faced giants
From the frozen plains of Nifel
In great numbers the Rimturs march
Marking the beginning of the final battle

Stone-faced mountains
Eternal mountains... all that shall remain
Stone-faced mountains
Raging war... none shall remain

Storm of the century...
Winds of death blow with fury
Welcome to the battlefield...
Welcome to the lasts of wars
Storm of the century...
Winds of war are coming now
Welcome to the battlefield...
Spawn of Loki... scorn of this world
Storm of the century...
Winds of death blow with fury

Standing tall... fiery demons
The grand doors of Muspel opens
The king of demons release the flame
And the end has been brought


Death god, king god, father of all
From the bowels of Ginnunga, create the world
The blood of Ymer flows through the land
As the king sits on the highest seat
In the morning of ages the oldest of gods
Lifted the land to the heights
From the flesh and blood of the old giant Ymer
The world of Midgard was form

In the well of Mimer... the power of wisdom lay
The sweetest of meads was given to our king
In return for the eye he gave

War god, king god, father of all
Nine chants of power, power of the runes
Nine nights he hung in the great tree of life
I know I hung in the windswept tree, nine whole nights
Pierced by my own spear and given to Odin
Myself to myself

King god
Hail and praise the king of Asgard
King god
Hail and praise the god of war

Death god, king god, father of all
From the bowels of Ginnunga, create the world
The blood of Ymer flows through the land
As the king sits on the highest seat
War god, king god, father of all
Nine chants of power, power of the runes
Nine nights he hung in the great tree of life


Indoctrination of damnation
Stand in line for the suicide machine

Mass produced hybrid humans
Everywhere we are bleeding

Everywhere we are bleeding
We are nothing...
Everywhere we are dying
To be replaced
Mass produced hybrid humans
Global genocide
The charge has been set
Detonate the mind bomb


Psychic nuclear winter
The apocalypse starts here
Physical supremacy
Infernal mutation
The first light of dawn
Shines on our creation
Now it's time for war
To kill the hybrid race


;歌词由 添加 Morticia - 修改此歌词