In-Conquered : Nor Rivaled, Nor Equalled

Black Death / USA
(2020 - Vision Of God Records)
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The beginning is our birth, and we are born into division
The unfortunate consequence, of the gardens collision
With the uprooting of self-centered ambition, and selfish persuasion
We had it all up into the moment, when there was sinful affliction

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand... and if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand... and if satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end...

The fall... a path that's already paved
The fall... the choice of direction could enslave
The fall... eternal void could forever be fulfilled
The fall... the Holy God could show you what He has willed

Walking a life of darkness without Holy navigation, a fog of deceit and stagnation
Truly the dead is walking on the Earth, as we were brought into sin at birth
Enduring storms that never cease to calm, and walking into seasons with the cruelest climates
Idolizing demigods that are manmade, The Sun will scorch the lost without the joys of shade

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles
Contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught, avoid them for such persons
Do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites and by smooth talk and flattery deceive the hearts of the naïve

...Fail within the wilderness
...Every step enduring chaos
...We are only but a vapor
...That will only stand the test of time

Life can feel endless with each day compromised with toil
Each breath taken, each pain-staken, one more suffocating than the next
Enter your desires and build your empires glorifying sin
A life given purpose, chance and choice who shall win?

...We must seek what is right, Gods undying light
...We must seek what is true, to gain perspective and be made new
...We must initiate the move, through this nothing else to prove
...We must seek Jesus Christ, the Alpha, the beginning and the end

The negation..for what is right..the obsession..for what is wrong
If you follow this path it will be forlorn for eternity
The positive, for the negative, a negative, for the positive
If you follow the path most followed it's for the kingdom of thorns


Treachery a condition of the lost, the embrace of the damned with any cost
A sickness with deception, conspired against the resurrection, the shunning of our Lord Jesus Christ

If you could understand your treachery
And what Jesus Christ as done for thee
The blind and Lame to talk and finally see
No more condemnation, strife or misery

Judas betrayed Jesus, the serpent betrayed Eve, Satan's final attempts to try to achieve
His damage plan, his dark hand, however Satan stands on sinking sand

Jesus knew the levels of treachery
Every tongue confesses and every knee
Bow to the ground of the Holy entity
Satan's plan nullified and void for eternity

...Took the shame for you and me
...Took the curse for you and me
...Took on death for you and me
...Took the nails for you and me

Bitterness of rotting meat, to hell, so sweet, an indulgence for the demons
Jesus said there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth" another level that can only be beneath
Treachery, hostility, volatility, hate, pain, wrath only to be gained by those
Who deny the almighty Son of God, the King, Jesus Christ


So do not fear... for I am with you... do not be dismayed
For I am your God... I will strengthen you... and help you
I will... uphold you with... my righteous right hand

The lost you're never far from home
Hold Jesus' hand you'll never be alone
Turn your eyes to the almighty Lord
His angels will protect with their spiritual sword

When He comes home... He calls together his friends... His family and his neighbors
Saying to them... rejoice with me... I've found my lost sheep
I tell you... that even so... there will be more joy in Heaven
Over one sinner who repents, thou over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance

Do not be lost in your past, start anew in the light that is vast

Vile, wicked, thief, debaucher, wretch, immoral, venomous, sinner

Deliverance, redemption, restoration, liberation, release, free, forgiveness, salvation

The time is now... find your way back home
And to the lost... Jesus will embrace you
No time like the present... to repent from sin
And you shall be found... in Christ there is no loss


You've never gone too far that God can't cleanse you, revive you, forgive and give you a second chance
Year, months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds... time escapes, every captured moment evaporates

Will you hear our cry oh Lord?
Jesus Christ how could you love me?
I should be sent straight to hell!
Where Satan, the lost and evil dwell

The answer to the questions is salvation
A gift that's offered to every nation
No one will ever be turned away
Close your eyes, bow your head and say

Jesus Christ, I need you
Please hear my voice
I have spent my life waging war on Heaven
My sin so great I feel I have no hope
Jesus Christ, please forgive me
Please wrap your arms around me
Keep me, guide me, shield me, protect me
Please never leave me, nor forsake me Amen...

For by grace you have been saved through faith... and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God
The gift is free but bought at a price for thee, as Jesus Christ was nailed to the tree
His blood was spilled at Calvary, the glory of the new covenant for all to see
All hail, all praise, all honor the King
Beaten, brutalized, spat upon, mocked, and ridiculed... Satan's plan absolutely failed
All bow, all believe, the resurrection, Gods plan achieved


"Awake, O Sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you..."

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked...
Nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers...
But his delight is in the law of the Lord
And on his law, he meditates day and night and believes

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in season
And its leaf does not wither... in all that he does, he prospers
The wicked are not so, but one like chaff that wind drives away!

There the wicked... will not stand in the judgement
Nor sinners in the congregation... of the righteous

Arise from your old grave and journey into the light
Walk upon the greenest pastures with Jesus Christ
Each step you walk, each breath you take, your Christ's forever there is no mistake


For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves
It is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast

Could not earn, only learn, and discern the awesome of gift of Jesus Christ
Darkness of hell, never to dwell, nor his spell, for we're heirs of the Kingdom

Satan you're not welcomed here, you no longer control my life
The utter disgust I have for you, you are an abomination
No longer do I serve the Antichrist, I only serve Jesus Christ
One with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the trinity of light

Now that we are born again, our true life has begun
Something so epic, something majestic, something so perfect
Open your mind, open your hearts, open your eyes, open your ears
Let's rejoice in Jesus Christ and the Almighty Father

The salvation, Godly nation, Christ's invasion, perfect equation
I forever, I surrender, in peace, Christ in me...

All you mockers, villains, venom and blasphemous of the name of Jesus Christ
You've been warned, you're no match for the cruelty and fires of Hell


"Have I not commanded you?"
"Be strong and courageous"
"Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go"

"Fear not, for I am with you..."
"Be not dismayed, for I am your God..."
"I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"

Our God is righteous, our God is fearless, our God lacks nothing, our God is everything

In an acrimonious world, encounters of dissension, levels of chaos are high, fear is the new norm, so many unanswered questions, reveling in hypocrisy, loss of comprehension, humanitarianism is lost

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you..."

"The Lord your God is in your midst"
"A mighty one who will save..."
"He will rejoice over you with gladness..."
"He will quiet you by his love"

"He will exult over you with loud singing..."

Our God is omniscient, our God is omnipotent, our God is omnipresent, Jesus is the promise...


Jesus said, there is a path, that leads to life
There's also a path that leads to destruction
God sees you, He hears you, and He'll answer your prayer
And the throughout, the rest of days, we wait patiently...

For you Jesus
Waiting for you Jesus
Waiting for you Jesus
My light, my guide, the Bride

God has a path for each and everyone
Some take the left, some take the right
Let the Holy Spirit guide your life
Let the light of Jesus keep you from strife

Seasons change, the storms will come
There's perseverance in God's Kingdom
Through prayer and petition all is right
He'll never leave our side, day or night

Pray... to God... to know
God's plans for my life, for the rest of my days
Read... study... obsess...
Over God's Word, the blueprint of our lives
Follow... navigate... ponder...
The commands he puts in your heart, branded in your soul
Seek... find... observe
A community of believers, a community forged in Christ

The most important part is to obey the truth of God
Nothing of God is farce, nothing of God is a lie
The path for the saved is narrow, the path for the lost is wide
The journey is never easy, but worth everything as we wait...
For you Jesus
Waiting for you Jesus
Waiting for you Jesus
My light, my guide, the Bride

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