Imperial Dusk : Satanic Emperor

Black Metal / Brazil
(2011 - Extreme Records)
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I praise the God of nordic dawn
I am a warrior walking through snow
I am a viking, a native fighter
My heart is cold; I belong the Nordic night...

Times of war...

I know all these landscapes of winter
My sword, my hammer, my axe full of power
The noble blood runs through my veins
My beloved land of Scandinavia...

Times of war...

Barbarian realms of frozen beauty
I'm proud for born in a land so majestic
I am a wolf barking through forest
I am a great falcon flying free...

"Living in the Dark Forest
The Way of the viking is my path
I belong the Sacred Order
Lost in the wind, I search for my people
My tribe is the tribe of the brave
My enemies search for my soul
From Heavens comes my supreme power
Who defies me will be smashed"


I see through the shadows
I roam through the trees
Into the Dark Forest where the madman lives
I served Thor
Odin was my God
But I heard tell about the Supreme Invisible King of Kings...
(King of winter and Thunder Lord)

Beasts of darkness and winter
Whispering call my name
Black spirits of shadows
Diabolical hordes filled with hate
Legions of Amon and Baal
Black goat worshippers...

Malefic entities
Want to enslave our people...

They want to kill me because I am the inherit of a Kingdom
A conspiracy to kill me commanded by the old religious leper and dethrone my Father
Wanting impose his false religion
Built his damned temple in our land to steal and destroy our culture...
(Decrepit pope of Roman bastards)


The warriors of the Sacred Order are searching for me
The Ancient Forest of Elves
I'm hidden and lost
Hurt in battle against the worshippers of dead gods
They want to burn our land
Rape our women and kill our children to end the Nordic lineage...

The circle of the Sacred Order
Don't break the circle...

They come from their castle in the land of eternal darkness
Beyond the mountains of souls where the fire constantly burns
They use too hard black armours and kill everything in their front
Roman legions show no mercy
Coming marching
I can hear their drums roar...

Mounted in wild beasts that eat human flesh
Winged inflamed dragons that come to destroy
They don't want the peace of nations
They want to turn all in darkness they serve their enthroned grandmaster
The tyrant emperor


They meet in the Dark Forest "where the spirits of trees whisper"
The warrior of Great Sacred Order and the dead gods worshippers
The horns are playing like trumpets
Each horde scream a battle cry
With deadly weapons in hands they run to kill or die
The battles begins
Many will die!
I'm behind the trees watching the fight for my cause
My enemies want to cut out my head
My friends want me to command the throne
Is so bloody the battle
Many die for oppressed cause
One of my enemies sees and chases me
But someone occults me from his hungry eyes...

The man who saved my life is "The Madman of the Dark Forest"
Judged as wizard unfairly by malicious people who don't know him
He is a great and good man who saved me and brought me home
In a hut occulted by trees
My enemies search but can't find me...

I'm protected by the magic of Thunder Lord


Talking with the old man
So good and wise
He told me his history
He was a great knight
Came from a past of glories
He fought for his land
He met my Great Father
He fought at his command
He said - "I know all these blessed lands
Germany so proud
The Viking lands of my past I saw the dark kingdom arise
But you have to fight to destroy it
Take your mighty sword in hand and go to conquer your realm..."

"Yes I have to fight
Don't care if I live or die
But I have to try
I can't fear my enemies of hell are open to them..."

With conspiracy and traps of the lord of idolatry could kill my father
Serve and protect the most weak is my duty
The vengeance belongs to my Lord and they all will be destroyed
Disgraced ones
They'll repent for have born


We sing the hymn of victory
The glorious hymn of the winners
Proud we march to Asgard
The almighty army of the brave...
We are the warriors of ice
Powerful sons of the Immortal One
Power, glory, majesty, victory
In the name of the Enthroned
Our hymn of victory!
We carry the flag with the blood of those who gave their lives in battle by the force of Metal we were free for it we will live...
Until the last trumpet be played we'll sing battle hymns and celebrate the Supreme Immortal One
Our chalices are filled with the good wine...
Our tables are filled with, we're by side of the Enthroned, serving at His crown
For Him we'll give our lives, He carries the scepter of justice, our alliance is made, He gave us rings to seal the pact
In our chest the heraldry of the Sacred Order of North


Riding through extensive snow
Running wild
With my horse I fly as the wind
Ih ave to see with eagle's eyes 'cause spies roam searching
My soul
Disguised can be anyone

Four black horsemen persecute me
I step down by my horse and face them and defeat them all...

A long journey to ride
A dark path to follow...

Nothing can stop my journey
My fury is like a terrible storm
My people need me more than ever

I can't desist
I can't fail
I pass through distant kingdoms
Stranger lands I never saw barbarian realms of fire and steel
I summon them to fight with me...

"The enemy is very strong and vast
They declared war to the man of peace
All of us must unite our forces and fight the black hordes of the great papal beast
A great bastard goddess to war but with us is the Almighty Supreme Lord of war
If we fight with faith
We'll win by the Invincible One...

Come join us brothers to the battle to set free our beloved lands
By the force of Metal, we'll conquer the freedom...


The satanic emperor is the cruel reaper of souls
A black priest of satanic blood rituals enslave and kill to reach his goals that are implant his kingdom of idolatry
Domains all realms on earth
Steal the richness of all lands he invades with his disgraced church...

He is called "the holy pope"
His putrid carcass sits in a throne of gold
He brings the image of a black goddess and wants to force all bow before her
He wants to end our culture
Our purity
Our traditions
Go away with your putrid "saints"
We spit in the face of this black goddess

We have the honour
The courage of our ancestors
We will not take this
We'll break this images and expulse the invaders
Nobody here will worship your gods
Even we have to fight till death
Satanic emperor go out of your lands
Your kingdom has fallen!

Bring away your idols from our Nordic lands
Mercenary Roman dogs of hell
We have already our Almighty God
The King of winter and thunder Lord


The pagan warriors wait for the gates of Valhalla
Pray for Odin and Thor
Nordic gods of their past
There is panic and terror for all inflamed arrows begin to fly
All run to the combat
I know that many will die...

The massacre begins
We're minority but we prevail
Brave Armies of North
Germanic Warriors I hail
They fight for their land
They fight for their people
This war has to stop
This will be the final battle...

I lead the Army of the Winners
In my flag I have the Lion of North
Our hordes begin to prevail and their black goddess saint begins to fall and cry blood
Humiliated the beast is dethroned
Their castle is burned and destroyed by the fire of Sacred Order Horsemen...

They go back to hell and their kingdom falls
Peoples are free from the curse
From their cages
Another time of peace and liberty begins for all

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