Imago Mortis (ITA) : Mors Triumphalis

Black Metal / Italy
(2001 - Drakkar Productions)
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La neve mista al sangue
Che cade nelle notti d'inverno
Ricopre di un manto di odio
Questo suolo oscuro.

Nessun fenomeno al mondo
Potrà fermare la sua venuta !
Il vostro destino è segnato
Sarete tutti carne per l'Inferno !


The wolves howl their hunger
From the high ground to the lowland
Snow covers the ground
Of this forgotten earth

The cold penetrates into my look
The moon illuminates this night
The blood flows, it is alive !
Raising vapours towards the sacrifice

Solitary spirits
They are grazing in silence
The wind blows recalling
The pain

For you Lord of the Shades
For you Death
For you I will immolate my wrists
For you Cernunnos God of the woods

Warlike Astartk to me faithful
Don't shed your blood this night
I will return on the usurped throne
And then my revenge will be completed
We will upset the crosses of the invaders
The ancient kingdom of the pain will triumph


Black riders move towards south
Among fogs and vapours of the big lowland
Only the moon illuminates their walk
Towards the castles of light

Their dark canticles cover the ruins
Their hate sows death
Suffering and pain
Death to the christian invader

The catastrophe rises from the black passage
The echo of the horns plays again in the valleys
An enormous mass moves definite and compact
The last eclipse is begun

The legions of destiny
Burn with impiety
The legions of destiny
The secret of the ancient strengths

The shields clash
The swords cross
The skulls shatter
Under the hits of axes
The dripping blood
Bathes the ground
Red-hot arrows
They dart from long bows

Brutal instincts animate
The messengers of darkness
Torn bodies being stacked
While the shouts of the defeated
Tune up a sweet melody


The time is reblowing in the centuries
Bulging the insignia
Hold between the hands of steel
Of the strengths of darkness
That restart the eternal struggle
For the dominion of eternity

They encounter the days and the nights
Paying the tribute of blood
In every moment of the battle

They encounter the days and the nights
They massacre the comprehension
Joys and pains

Hate and love
Live and kill
And remember that
The peace is never existed


It burns in your eyes
The black flame of hate
It burns in the sky
Your accursed fate
It looks at my eyes
Child of the evil
Of this night
You are the sovereign

Fallen Angel
It invokes your Legions
It is the last day
In the sign of the eclipse
Cold is your blood
Heat is your heart
Fierce your order
Invincible your sword

I invoke you lord of the deep Abbadon
Lord of the darkness I am ready !
With me I will bring the wind of death

I invoke you lord of the abysses Leviathan
My waves are broken for you
With me I will bring the Cataclysm
I invoke you lord of the tears Moloch
I am ready to your innocent blood
I will bring with me suffering

I invoke you sore of the cities Halpas
Mon will be dusted after my passage
With me the storm of fire

I invoke you demon of the revenge Arioch
I will devour the hearts of brothers
I will bring with me the fall of hate

I invoke you king of the storms Vine
My is the fury of winds
I will instigate the night

I invoke you infernal keeper Behemoth
My voice will sing your glory
And my arm kill every creature

I invoke you lord of the war Abigor
I will actually lead the legions to heaven
And the world will know the death of God


Sui castelli in rovina, sulle buie foreste
Soffia un vento di gelido inverno

Benevento, fonte del male
Trono antico di arcana sapienza
Bacio di strega all'ombra del notte
Sortilegio d'amore di feste perdite

Eterno sole di Longobarda stirpe
Culto segreto tra i rami del buio

Unguento, Unguento
Mandame a la noce de Beneviento
Supra add aqua et supra ad vento
Et sopra ad omne maltempo


Mors certa Solum Tempus Incertum Est

Muore il sole dietro ai cipressi sulla collina
Piange il cielo fra le luci dei ricordi
Cade fra le foglie l'abbraccio della fine dei giorni
Le antiche ombre venerano la religione dei morti

Cavalca la luna nella notte,
La vedo arrivare dal bosco
Cadono le foglie sul suo mantello,
La sua falce taglia il vento

Accarezza il mio viso, of Antica Madre
Conduci le mie mani verso la Tua fonte
Assorbi la mia vita nel Tuo cammino
Sorrido alle illusioni di poterti sfuggire

Anima liberata dalla materia
Si perde questa notte fra le urla del vento
Volano le Sorelle verso i fuochi
Occhi della mia morte




La Morte in cadenza
Battendo col piede
Una tomba

Suona a mezzanotte
Un'aria di danza
Sul suo violino

Soffia il vento d'inverno
E oscura è la notte
Dei gemiti escono dai tigli
Gli scheletri bianchi
Se ne vanno nell'ombra
Correndo e saltando
Sotto i loro grandi lenzuni

Ognuno si agita
Si odono risuonare
Le ossa dei danzatori
All'improvviso cessa la danza
Tutti si spingon e fuggono via
Il gallo ha cantato...


We wander uneasy among the fogs of the north
In search of stately abodes
In the hearts of blonde young girls
We sad spirits, we warlike eternities

On the frozen lakes among the immense forests
When mother night spreads his mantel
Our rides
Caress the eternal silence

Merciless destroyers of vain hypocrisy
Sweet lovers of lost dreams
We demons of the north
We demons of the north

The frozen tears that descend
From our faces revive like hoarfrost
In the morning, when our limbs
Rest tired at the feet of the oaks

We demons of the north
Of souls the preachers
We demons of the north

Lyrics geaddet von Apophis2036 - Bearbeite die Lyrics