Ignea : Dreams of Lands Unseen

Metal Moderne / Ukraine
(2023 - Napalm Records (AUT))
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Zeal and ardor, fiery stones
The matte atonal prayer
Sand grinding teeth
Dry throat, cracked lips
Thick air
Drawling sound
Is shaking the ground
Forget your stupid pride
Turn back and run from
Butchering sun
Come to the dark side

Hear it, sacred chants of the rivers
Rainfall in the twilight
Chilly shadows of pine trees
Feel it, sharp ice peaks of the mountains
The Carpathian wonders
Wind is dancing through fingers
Calling you

Sweaty rivers, multiple layers
Of heavy-bodied rags
Seems like the closer we become
The more estranged we are

Hear it, sacred chants of the rivers
Rainfall in the twilight
Chilly shadows of pine trees
Feel it, sharp ice peaks of the mountains
The Carpathian wonders
Wind is dancing through fingers
Calling you

I beg

Ходили в дюни, ходили
Ходили в дюни, ходили
Ходили в дюни, в дюни

Hear it, sacred chants of the rivers
Rainfall in the twilight
Chilly shadows of pine trees
Feel it, sharp ice peaks of the mountains
The Carpathian wonders
Wind is dancing through fingers
Calling you

Ходили в дюни
Ходили в дюни
Ходили в дюни
I beg
В дюни


Where living have half as much as the dead
And streets won't accept any trace of the sunrise
Beauty is paid for by suffering
Even a greater distress is compassion to misery

Blinding eyes of metal beast
Bringing graves and illnesses
Devilish and sinister
Shut your eyes

Frankincense running in their tears
So hopeless are days of the fatalists, fragile
Camera Obscura is innocent
Capturing faces of gods I would never do, or would I?

Blinding eyes of metal beast
Bringing graves and illnesses
Devilish and sinister
Shut your eyes

Souls are ruined at a single glance
You can shoot a man without a gun
No way back, once it's done
Shut your eyes
Shut your eyes

From your fears and prejudice
Apathy and weaknesses
Superstition, ignorance
Run away

No more gongs instead of your heartbeat
You're the ones who made you maledict
Put angst on film strips
And relieve
And relieve


Неначе у золотій клітці
Охоплена гамою барв
Не стерплять ми бідні зіниці
Щодня - небуденний чар
Міцні татуйовані лиця
Боронять минуле своє
Прощальне слово "верніться"
Спіткає усюди мене

Там де жодних листів не буває
Скільки років кому не питають
Полюю на кадри світу, що зникає
Далекі обрії кличуть і манять

Тремтіла, ламалась, благала
Звивалась фільмова тасьма
Дно пропасті - карна виправа
Розсудить пралісна імла
Коралеві скелі і мури
Квітковий вівтар на ножах
Теперь мене звати Теура
Тепер я - багряний птах!

Мої світлини не в змозі передати
Неземної краси і омани
Люди там не живуть - виживають
Далекі обрії ваблять, жахають


Tossing misguiding maps
Butterflies in my guts
It is I, your lifelong vagabond

Hearing from every town
Stay with us, settle down
I have nothing, to no one I owe

Strong voice and airy lungs
Three lives are not enough
To sing of all the wonders I've seen

And you will never guess
How close I was to death
I met my temper touching my dreams

Spicy coffee and snakes
Petal snow, sparkling blades
Chinese drama, and Maori growl

Dozens of languages
Hundreds of dialects
I speechlessly soak up them all

Daydreamer and a traitor
An idol and a stranger
A voyager and a selfish freak

I cured the Slavic pain
A pointless tragic flair
We are the ones we choose us to be

Для бонзів і факірів
Я - казка з України
Прикраса до обідів світських

Від краю і до краю
Я не шукаю раю
Бо мандри найдорожчі мені

Коли сонце зійде
Не затримуй мене
Якщо хочеш побачити знов

I am off to new realms
New horizons and hells
Yours truly, vagabond

Маю - нічого
Винна - нікому
Маю - нічого
Винна - нікому


(Shaping dreams about unseen lands)

Soft locks dripping water
Salt shelled on the lips

My passion for the sea
Craving for the sea
An incurable disease
Let me drift

Ironware and the motors are growling
Guiding light is a blast from the past
Massive craft, so immerse, alabaster
Three sirens howl

Skyline-bound and shoreless
Tailwind in exhale

My desire for the sea
My hunger for the sea
An incurable disease
Let me fleet

Shaping dreams about unseen lands
Where the waves are taking me
Guardian of the ships
But I'll pass the lively harbours
Over grounding
I will choose the sea

Condemned to be sailing
Joy anchored with grief

My craving for the sea
Longing for the sea
An incurable disease
I'm marine

Solid decks glow like blades in the sun rays
Compasses push the luck of trapped
Waterline is absurd decoration
Full steam ahead

My longing for the sea
Craving for the sea
A contagious disease
Don't you see?

Leaving dreams about unseen lands
Where the waves would carry me
Soul of the marine
For to all the tempting harbours
As long as I breathe
I'll prefer the sea


Hysteric laughter of the flood
To thirsty howling in the desert
Attractive smells of toxic plants
They never mention in the textbooks
Forty exhales, the lungs are torn
And cliffs are sparkling underwater
The viper eaters take a bite
Forgetting they are not immortal

How many moonlights will I last
Pushing nomad's luck
Embracing thousand lives
Dancing on delicate ice
The risky ventures left for me
I'll accept and smile
Time is the only danger I cannot defy

Breaking taboos on every step
The local gods are losing temper
Misleading rules bring disrespect
For them, we'll always be intruders
Malaria in gassy trains
But views are splendid, aren't they?
Remember his long Eastern stare
This ride just cannot be one-way

Catch me if you can


Born to the sound of the raging sea
I drank the stillness
Songs of the shore sounded perfectly serene
Echoing in my shell

Yet I am just a myth, exotic plot line

May the sky be flooded at the bright crack of dawn
And may the horizon lose a battle to the storm
Don't you hide behind your sad and violet eyes
I'll fail to forget you even in the afterlife

Cherishing smells of the wildflower beds
Grain of rice in my hand
Our collision omened our end
And so it begins

Reflections of the moon are pointless to trap

May the sky be flooded at the bright crack of dawn
And may the horizon lose a battle to the storm
Look at me with violet watered eyes, one last time
I'll fail to forget you even in the afterlife


In heavy fumes
The visions I admired
Homesickness I have lost long time ago
Smell of the fresh bread
Richly embroidered shirts
The apple trees I used to sleep beneath

In vivid slumber
I didn't dare to move
This hissing was a melody to ears
Obliviate me
And feel my solitude
In frigid land of opium and rice

The more you fight
The more I insist
Spider's delight
Watching your tangled wings
Long inert life
Or two charged years
What do you choose
What do you inbreathe?

Your desperate obsession
Was led by excessive
Through dense vapour
Understand my unattainable
Asian soul

Black drops of poison
Became a remedy
The bitter smoke became my friend and foe
And twelve pipes later
No trace of ashes left
You will burn like fire in the wind


Лечу додому
Немає втоми
Немає сил
Протяжний голос
Матовий спів
Ув'язнений в перах моїх снів

Облиш тримати за лапи перелітних птахів
За мить почнеться далекокрилий новий політ

У хвилях
Вирує мрія
Збивають і
Ревуть вітри
У синьооке море
Далеко не всі моряки

Облиш стріляти у серце перелітних птахів
За мить побачиш лискучий незбагненний зеніт

Шукаю утрачений зір
На просторих дзеркалах навколишніх гір
Найбільше живу очима я
Коріння вертається цвіт
Та мандрівні коралеві журавлі
Не створені для осілого життя

Лечу додолу
Немає втоми
Нема жалів
Лавову воду
Пустельний світ
На спалені сили мої

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