I, Valiance : I

Deathcore / Australia
(2018 - Self-Released)
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Тексты песен


My mind slips, Do I flip, No I don't cause it ain't shit

The moon shifts, Reality begins to rip as my mind trips

The world around me is changing
I see something, Something from hell I can't describe
Something words can't describe
It only really watches me at night

Is the earth really rotting beneath me?
Does mortality burn when flames hit?
Is the edge of the earth this dangerous?

The sun rolls over and the moon cosumes the sky
The day turns to night and the demons that dwell come alive

Daylight is over, The moon commands the night
I watch the world shape shift, Turn into a pit filled with bile and lies

Daylight is over, I can hear the cries
From a crowd of victims begging for help in this rancid life

We are locked in a cage
I, myself have been enslaved
But not through chains, Through the luxuries of life you wish to obtain

Moon flips, Days shift

I feel it all come back
The racing panic and near heart attacks, yeah

The walls inside my room are melting
The demon behind it laughing
I am slowly pulled back to normality, Watching the worms dance within the ceiling

The walls inside my room are melting
Spider webs are forming
But the spiders don't exist, It's a shame, They refuse to live inside a world of pain.


Moons full at the witches den
The slime are out to eat
Indulging in shame, Filth and decay is what they crave

Place of forgotten dreams, Come and devour me

I sit in the corner watching snakes speak in tongues
Words are spoken of the night that will become

The pills go down, The room explodes with ecstacy
The serpants dance to the vibrations of a beat

Intoxicated, Heart racing they can barely breathe
The night goes on in these moments of eternity

Delving deeper into the depths I descend into the witches den
The place where nightmares tread and the dust they snort hasn't killed them yet

The deeper down you go
The filth will feed and the room explodes

The wolves are crowned on thrones
As they watch the crowd taste the gold

Nights of immortal lust
Careful what you trust

He is exists beneath, His flesh of rotting meat
Eyeing off the queens in ways people should never see

Another night he cleans, Another soul he claims
No one knows his name they know the words his victims say

As the night goes on he slips through the crowd looking for one
With the stench of death around him

Dragged through the crowd
With his hooks in her flesh she can not get out

Screams smothered out
By the beat of the music playing loud

Another soul lost to the underworld once again
The witches den


Wrote this song, Scratched it wrote another one
None of em measured up to what I want
Fuck this shit, I'm over it

Hit the bong, Ideas slowly come along
Then I just veg for for too long
Fuck this shit, I'm over it

Wrote this song, Scratched it wrote another one
Found what I was looking for

Yall ready for this

An idea that came to me, Set me free from the bounds of the
That I cannot see, It lives in my mind restricting these

Creative impluses, Minds fucked but it speaks aloud
I couldn't give a fuck if you slowly drowned or when you look me those eyes of doubt
Creative impluses, Minds fucked but it speaks aloud
I couldn't give a fuck if you slowly drowned or when you look me those eyes of doubt
The creative process, Numbed down by doubt of your fucking self
Rape that shit on the fucking ground and become something that could be profound

These fiends will never see what we could be

These fiends, Will never see, What we could fucking be
These fiends will never see what we could fucking be
They dream of a world that gleams selfish love and get rich schemes

I feel hate, inside me, Evolving

Free yourself of doubt, Free yourself of boundries
Live free in the moment, Live Life profoundly

Two faces, Behind this fask, But you'll never fucking see it man
I am sinking in a pile of quick sand, Travelling the world in the back of a shit van
Scraping along as I write some song
Slowly I withering away and then Im gone

Live free, Just be, Ugly, With me
Show the world you can breathe and seethe
Let it all go in a moment of peace

Have I gone too far, Am I who I always was
Or did my mind let me travel too far
Am I still lost in this labyrinth of thoughts?


Eyes and sharpened teeth, smiling at me

Wake up
Sweat is dripping out
Can't really see through the blur now
Just another fucking nightmare, Put on a fake smile and pretend I don't really care

Why can't I stop thinking of it?
I'm kind of worried if I'm honest
Vivid imagery branded into my mind for the very first time

The sinister look within its eyes
Creeping up my mind

Set me free, Let me breathe, The one beneath

My eyes tear open, To the sound of its voice
I see it in the corner watching me tonight
Drooling its venom, Whispering hatred, I'm paralyzed
It speaks to me

I watch you day to day, Fake smiles and waves
Such a fucking shame you choose to live your life this way

I watch you day to day, Fake smiles and waves
I think it's time for change so prepare yourself for something strange

I feel that lump in my throat again, Waking up to cold sweats choking down pathogens
I woke up feeling like a new man, Swinging off that rope provided by a hangman

Free, I am free I am, I am free

I'll take a piss on your parent's grave, Shank you to death if you get in my fuckin way
I'll shove a blade up your mother's sucker, Hate to be a dick but now my knife is the motherfucker

Free, I am free I am, I am free

I know it exists beneath me
But I love drinking his spit give and the confidence to not ever give a shit

I feel my soul corrupting
I want to bury the world in a pit and smother it in mounds dirt and shit

I am free, I am free, I am, free now motherfucker

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