Hoth (USA) : The Høth

Melodic Black Death / USA
(2012 - Self-Produced)
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Out in the depths of space
Is a terror of great might
Nine-hundred meters of writing hunger
This leviathan will eat your ship
The exogorth lurks in the dark
The great Slug preys on your flesh
Eating all things man and machine

Space Slug
Interstellar Gargantuan beast
Space slug
Leviathan of the cosmos
Space slug
Lurking in the asteroid belt
Space slug
Interstellar Gargantuan beast

Patiently waiting to bring your end
Since the dawn of all time
Men have perished in the maw
Of the mighty galactic space slug
Your doom will be wrought by this ancient terror
Waiting in the dark to consume all life

Space slug
Space slug
Space slug
Space slug

This is no myth
The end is at hand
Say your prayers
Say your prayers


Wind blowing through your bones
Blood freezing in your veins
The frozen wastes calling your name
You will never leave this place
The ice will freeze your soul
In this remote corner of space
I will never let you leave
From this frozen tomb
Soldiers frozen in the snow
Their sacrifice means nothing now
I am here for young Skywalker
Come to the darkside now
Won't make it past the first marker
Destiny lies in the snow
The frozen wastes of Hoth
Winds howling for your doom


Executor, chasing your souls, intergalacticly
The last thing you see, you will not live
Blood will flow across the stars
Imperial might, bearing down on you
River of lead turned to glass by the mighty guns of Executor
You will not live to tell of me at the helm of Executor
5,000 turbo-lasers at my command
38,000 storm troopers await my bidding
Blood will flow across the galaxy
At the helm of Executor
The dark side is strong
You stand no chance
Evil prevails, for as long as I hold the helm

Solo, why do you test me, Solo? Why?
At the helm of the Executor


Beneath the sewers, deep within the Death Star
Exist terrors with appetites, insatiable
Tentacles are wrapping around your ankle
You will be pulled under and torn asunder
Devoured quickly
Flesh ripped from bone
Excruciating pain as you are digested whole
An unmarked tomb
A watery grave
Your last living seconds will be spent in agony

Drowned by the Dianoga,
Pulled under the surface
Strangled by tentacles,
Bone ripped from body

Mightiest of the cephalopods, a carnivore
Scavenging for souls, chewing on old bones
One eye ever-seeking, always hungry for more
Camouflaged killing machine, squid of nightmares
Devoured quickly
Flesh ripped from bone
Excruciating pain as you are digested whole
Your last living seconds will be spent in agony

Drowned by the Dianoga,
Pulled under the surface
Seven tentacles drag you
Beneath the putrid water

Consuming the living and the dead,
Its hunger has no end
Tentacles, ever seeking
The Dianoga has no remorse
One eye, watching, unblinking
Beware the trash compactor
Your doom there awaits
Perpetual, inescapable
You can't avoid your fate

Drowned by the Dianoga,
Pulled under the surface
Keep out of the sewer.
Lest you become its next meal


Dathomir, in the Outer Rim
A planet swathed in mystery
Where great beasts roam the lands
Looking for prey, hunting their kill

If you should chance to find one
And you live, to see the morning's light
Consider yourself lucky to tell the tale
Of the beasts of Dathomir

Taken from its pristine jungle home
Forced into a dark desert cave
Beneath the palace of the Hutt
The rancor is full of rage

These claws will tear your flesh apart
When you fall into the dusty pit
The rancor wants nothing but to kill
Vengeance consumes the creature's mind

Mighty behemoth of Dathomir
Boil your blood and fill you with fear

Mighty behemoth of Dathomir
Boil your blood and fill you with fear

Mighty behemoth of Dathomir
Boil your blood and fill you with fear

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