Hostility (USA-2) : Brick

Power Metal / Etats-Unis
(1995 - Century Media)
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(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

Speak to me your ignorance
Bore me with your lies
I'm quickly losing tolerance
You never realize
You talk your talk
But your woerds don't mean shit
you have no backbone
And you're yellow as piss
spine (4x)
Your mouth is on overload
Your brain,it works too slow
You make and break all promises
The shit pile overflows
You never look before you lead
You never think before you speak
Nosedive into an emply pool
A waste of sperm... you're weak
(repeat chorus)
Your're the one who burned me
You're the one who lied
So hard fo you to tell the truth,it's you that I despire
Speak to me your ignorance,bore me with your lies
I'm quickly losing tolerance,you have no fucking spine

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

Wind me up then let me go, youthink that I'm your toy
Order me with irin rule,I'm not your little boy
The things I do never please
Nothing I do is right
I try to find some happiness
But all wedo is fight
Our egos clash,we can never meet
We find no cummon ground
Sometimes it takes more than love
Happiness is rarely found
It's not like it was before
I'm gonna throw your ass right out the door
Hate to be together,yet we doomed from the vary start
(repeat pre-chorus and chorus)

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

Remamber when you laughed at me
and said I was a joke
You took a piss right on my dreams
my anger you provoked
You tried and tried to bring me down
but to no avail
You tred real hard to weaken me but once again you failed
I'll remanber when
I will never forget
Never again
Will I let the bastards win
Remamber when you called me scum
the lowest of the low
Verbal nonsense fuels my fire
and I'm realy to explode
But now that you're my friand?
Where'd you get off thinking that?
you'd better think again
(repeat chorus)
You tried and tried to bring me down
but to no avail
You tried real hard to weaken me
but once again you failed
I hope you know and realize
and I hope you sit and ponder
The shit that you have thrown at me only makes me
(repeat chorus)

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

Weakling,no self-control
In with the in-crowd,no mind of your own
Follow,another sheep
Head up your ass,afraid to speak
I'm above and beyond all that
Addict,junkie trash
Pushing your shit,tapping your vein
Depandent,unwilling to tink
For yourself,no mind of your own
(repeat chorus)
USEless,always were
Slave to the "H",forever numb
Loser,always will be
When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see?

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)
I could kill you without a second thought
I'd find pleasure from giving you pain
Don't fuck with me (4x)
I could rip your troat out,so you could never speak
I'd never hear another word from between your teeth
I'd love to rip your balls off ang make you half a man
I'd really love to ruin you, maybe then you'd understand

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

Every day I scream inside
And tear myself apart
I'll always wonder what went so wrong
I'll always wonder why
I sat there and watched you die
I'm so lost without you
I didn't get the chance to say
That I love you one last time
I never got to say goodbye
As I cry with tearless eyes
I stood there weak as I watchet you die
I never got to say goodbye
The years roll by and everyday
I think of wath I lost
The one thing that tears through my mind
Was it me who was at fault

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

I loved you,I cared
For you I bared
My soul fo nothing in return
I put my hand in the fire
And I got myself burned
Rape my mind
I trusted, I dared
The love we shared
Was it all joke to you? Or was it just a lie?
I played sucker to a bitch and now I wonder why?
I'll rise above, without your love
I'm better off on my own
I'm better off all alone

8-MORE AIR (for my to breathe)
(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

If every day's a hassle and life's too much to bear
If everything's a letdown and the world's unfair
Take a gun and blow your head off,blow your brains
Do whatever you have to do to end your fucking life
More air(for me to breath)(4x)
When everything's a burden and nothing's going right
Do yourself a favor,try some suiside
Inject yourself, abuse yourself,go ahead and die!
If you fucking hate yourself, go ahead and end yourself
Refuse yourself, abuse yourself,go ahead and end
When you've tried to cope with everything and at everyting you've failed
Self-destruct the only way to end your private hell
Take a gun and blow your head off,blow your brains
Do whatever you have to do to end your fucking life

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

Trust in your own judgment,let come between
Bathe in self-indulgence,in yourself believe
A man's best friend is himself
Fuck the opposition,you know wath's best fo you
Make your own decisions,it's up to you to choose
Nothing is impossible,yet nothing comes fo free
Bread down all the doundaries,in yourself believe

(lyrics:Dean Book,music:Hostility)

I can't take any more
Dealing with you id like putting salt in an open sore
I ain't in to self-abuse
Exactly the reason I won't talk to you
your're a rotten example of the humain race
way outta line and outta place
I'm not in the mood for what you're wabting to say
You're one wrong word from ruining my day
you go out of your way to annoy
My patience with you is a waste of breath
I'd much rather break your neck
(repeat chorus)
(repeat chorus)
Mr.know-it-all's done it aigain
You piss me off to mo end
Every word you say
Is ruining my fucking day

(lurics and music by paul stanley)

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