Horned (FRA) : Perpetuate Misanthropy

Hardcore / France
(2015 - Self-Released)
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From the depths of the satanic South
Witness the birth of the glorious Lord
Behold the era, the satanic reign

Hail the gorgeous monster, the Goat
He who appears from the deepest thoughts
His hoofs will walk the earth and He will rape every fucking pious
A worship made of the blackest words
So maleficent, so impure

I feel like a messiah emerging to spread the word:
Praise the God with Horns

Foresake the name of the Lord / HAIL !
Forecast the reign of the Lord / HAIL SATAN !
Forget the name of the Lord / HAIL !
Praise the God with Horns


I am the voice of the ones in the background
To unveil the truth
I am the choice of necessary evil
Emerging from the depths

Rotten inside, I am
Filled with beliefs, treacheries and lies
I am sick of these prayers slithering in thee
Cauterizing the wounds you fucking made to me

I am the voice of vulgar helpless heretics
Born to hate and perpetuate misanthropy
Fear me : I promise you the worst
Keep in mind that I’m more than words

Join your hands, close your eyes
Pray for something to save you

Abandon yourself to the black firmament
Than fall into the entrails of the earth
Fear me: I promise you the worst
Keep in mind that I’m more than words


Don't reject the Devil trying to devastate your womb
And let the Apocalypse birth through real pain
There will not be an immaculate conception
While the sheets made of grass are painted with blood

You should forget any notion of pleasure
And hear the sound of tearing you apart

Even your god can't stop this unholy rape
And you will remember the pain
When you will bear the infernal fiend
And the horns will come out first
And the first scream will be a bleat
Covered by yours

Welcome the Goat of Degradation

Fairytales are for children, lullabies for cunts
Trust the evil, this is the true anthem
Trust the evil / Hail the Goat


Contemplate our bodies licked by the pyre
In these holy flames we burn
Condemned, silenced
But we keep our worship to the God with Horns

Chosen to early quit this life
We are surrounded by screams,
Surrounded by your religious threats
Guilty to open the calcined Gates of Hell
So we embrace their torches with a smile on our face
We are the satanic heralds

Black mass, horned priests
We are heretics

Brace yourselves and enjoy your last breath
We’re born in black, we’re the Sons of Baphomet
You can hate us but don’t forget we hate you first
Behold ! We’re the Children of the Malignant




Contemplate your Bible drown in piss and shit
And feel my heretic rage upon thee
I’m hate, I’m disgust
I am nothing but your end

Live and bleed for your fucking god
While I finally open my eyes


I dream to dismember the Christ
To take his mother and fuck her ass
Bring me the head of the bastard son
Then I’ll believe, then I’ll trust again

Belief, sickening elder / I piss on your majesty
Your grace, peel off the wound / Enjoy your agony

Do you remember when God abandoned you ?
This is your fucking god and I'll hate Him as He hates me

Devoted to the blackness
Wills of consuming churches
The propitious place to witness
The death of Christianity

I will cum in the Christians' mouths
Waiting for their hosts, they will gag


Under the black sun I prowl
There is no sympathy for the ones who care the cross
I march upon fucking misery
Where belong all the fallen and the damned
Rejoin the cadavers
I am the herald, I am the bringer of believers
And I bathe in the blood of the Christians I’ve slained

Realms of supplice rituals where flies are devouring
Your flesh is now their fucking property
Smokes of grim engulfment surrounded by the laughs of the dead
Your life desolated through this endless calvary

You won’t be spared, the worms will feast with hordes of flies
Decomposed, welcome the reign of pestilence
This is the end of your fucking existence
Here I am, sovereign of disgust and decay
Facing the afterlife with the Reaper on my side
Decomposed, welcome the reign of pestilence


I plead for the skies to remain blackened, tenebrous
I sink in the lies of a faith irreligious
Wake up : there is no fucking god
We are living in the consciousness while you’re waiting for miracles

Forsake your faith and idolize the Snake

The Serpent was the first to be honest with us all
Pioneer of sins, slithering sovereign
King of Deceit, come vilify me

Fucking Adam, fucking Eve
Forgotten by their creator, forsaken in a tomb made of lies
Fucking Adam, fucking Eve
Guided by the hiss

They speak with forked tongues
They spit their truth like venom
There is only one cult, one rule :
Idolize the Snake

You're counting on your god, motherfucker listen :
There is one and only sovereign.

Lyrics geaddet von Arachnid - Bearbeite die Lyrics