Homoferus : Herocly

Symphonic Black / Norway
(2012 - Self-Released)
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The gate is shut,
I feel the breath of eternity,
Everything is quite simple,
I’m walking on the stars.
I’m led by angels with burnt wings,
They are singing of troubles to come,
Their faces are twisted with pain.
Who said that saints were happy?
I’m filling with cold,
Scraps of phrases, fragments of feelings
Are left behind.
There is no place for them in me.
I’m soft pliable wax,
They will mould a new sun in me.
Hello, Universe!


You're standing at the line,
Looking back at the world
That you were building.
The master of the universe,
The King of the Kings,
You declared yourself
Almighty perfection.
Look at your world
With blind eyes of loneliness.
Your empire’s turned to dust,
Your mistakes have cost
Thousands of lives.
Your own death
Will be the final payback
For the things that are
Impossible to correct.


I gather the corpses of illusions
And bury them in my soul.
The first shoots appear
On their graves-
It’s hatred that’s taken its roots
Into my heart.
The metastases of anger
Spread all over my body.
They stifle me.
The thirst for your death
Became my blood.

I don’t know what fear is,
I don’t know what weakness is,
But I know what hatred is-
It’s a monster living inside me,
Hatred is me.

I only live in the hope
Of your destruction,
You have awaken
The instinct of a killer in me.
The spirit of revenge
Is driving me
Forward and forward
On your trail.
Can you feel the freezing breath
On your neck?
It’s not the wind, it’s the breath
Of your death.
My breath.


Her father is Fire,
Her mother is Night,
She’s made of desire
To kill and to fight.

She grew in the darkness,
Her passion is war,
She’s got many trophies,
But she craves for more.

Iron Butterfly
Is flying to the sky.
Her motto is so simple:
“Destroy them all or die!”

She looks like an angel,
She looks like a child,
But this is the danger-
She’s cruel and wild.

She’s got pretty eyes
And an innocent face,
But be careful,
Avoid her iron embrace!


The heart is a stone, fire burns in your soul,
The soul is worn out, nervous rest.
You’ll cripple the body like nothing else,
This life’s fallen right to the bottom.
And the flow carries you to the ground.
There are neither friends nor enemies.
People gnaw, they want more,
Want the show, want to see evil.

Lethargy is all your life,
In the sea of pain you dive.
Exaltation, suffocation,
And you hate your own creation.

You’re standing on the arena as if in hell,
Blood is flowing from deep wounds.
You closed your eyes for a moment,
The audience shouted with all their might.
The fight with yourself is lost,
All that you want is eternal peace.
Surrending to the will and force of fate,
You heed the wish of the fervent crowd.

Lethargy is all your life,
In the sea of cry you dive.
Devastation. No resistance.
It’s the end of your existence.


The wind opened wide the door,
You are lying on the floor,
Bloody tears on your face,
You died out in my embrace.

You are like a piece of ice,
Frozen wonder in your eyes,
Like a flower is your smile-
Sweet and perfect , and fragile.

My dirty goddess,
The Queen of night,
The source of passion
And mad delight.
You gave me freedom,
You gave me strength,
You gave me wisdom
And your last breath.

That love dance of yours was last,
And your life has passed so fast…

Now for heaven you will leave,
You are dead.
But I shall live!


Indifferent gazes,
Hardened faces-
They care for no one.
Stupid, self-sufficient,
They think only about themselves
Considering themselves almighty gods.
Good-for-nothing, shallow,
Wretched dolls, puppets,
Obedient servants in the hands of

Demon of anger, demon of pride,
Demon of power, profit and envy,
Demon of violence, demon of bloodshed,
Demon of lies, fib and hypocrisy,
Demon of meanness, demon of lust,
Demon of fear, conceit and distrust.

Children of vice, lost souls,
Gathering of filthy sins,
Heap of rubbish demanding worship,
Dump of brutish thoughts.
Mannequins, half-people,
Candidates for eternal life in hell,
Living sources of death and evil,
Obedient servants in the hands of


My life is always just the same,
It’s like a dream or trance,
I’m sitting by the fireplace
And watching shadows dance.
They look at me, they smile at me,
They know I’m all alone,
And every night they dance and sing
This strange, bewitching song .

Join us, dance with us,
You will find your paradise.

…Your belief was in vain,
We will help you stop the pain,
Leave your life, it’s just a shell,
It was always just like hell.
Get your freedom. Be with us.
You will find your paradise.
For your eternal glory
Kill this useless body,
Destroy your former self…

…So now I’m a shadow myself.

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