Hexen : Heal a Million...Kill a Million

Thrash Metal / USA
(2005 - Self-Released)
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Low and Behold...
The media is in unrest and the public is in tensions,
All because they silenced him too late,
Apprehending the members, presuming their power,
Living in fear and a paranoid state.

A False Identity,
Nevertheless they're still after me,
I was framed yet they have me on tape,
Erase any hopes to escape,
Erase any hopes to escape...

Peace...at a price!
Lives are sacrificed,
Helpless and laced with hate,
In prison for years, that's the meaning of pain.

With words as their weapon they stir shit in this scare,
Intensifying conspiracies to save them from despair.
Now they've got a corpse lying on the capital's steps,
Preamble to the crisis that's in store for them next.

Spying for a foreign power convicted of treason,
A New McCarthiest era twice in size,
Now it's up to them and their discretion,
Before the whole system is paralyzed.

Blind...leading the blind,
They've done it once; they'll do it again,
Speak just one word of it though,
If you're wish is to be dead,
If you're wish is to be dead...

Seditions in Peacetime; gotta watch what you say,
Before they show up at your door and drag you away.

A clear and present danger, that's so far away,
While the proven guilty are sentenced to stay,
Resistance to the law is put to the test,
Next in line for persecution and arrest.
You're next for arrest!

Silence his screams,
He's inducing a panic,
Formulating a fervor,
In pursuit of the moles and spies,
Seditions in Peacetime,
Six feet under are those who'd protest,
Freedoms completely restricted,
All those who died... consider them blessed.


Gather the galleons of war,
To ward the empire of the sea,
In search of the serpent to kill,
And claim their victory,
Savages embarked on a mission,
Mead and meat keep them alive,
Where once they pillaged with zero compunction,
The new expedition's arrived.

Slay the extravagant creature,
Dreaded serpent of the sea,
To cut off its head and present to the king,
To be granted exemptity,
Around the corner of Bermuda,
In the distance behind that wave,
Peaked a head from beneath the dark,
A presence of death it gave.

Our captain with the might of his life,
Called us each to our racks,
Position the anchors and fire the harpoons,
For now we're under attack,
Within a moment's notice,
The entire crew pulled as one,
And hauled the behemoth closer,
Foolishly predicting that they had won.

But an arm swung 1000 feet up,
Then came down screaming from the sky,
And as if the ship was dynamite,
Exploding into pieces they died,
Long gone are the brave fools,
But back on land their lesson is learned,
Never disturb what exists beyond,
Your comprehension and strength or you'll burn.


One man had the money,
Had the resources and the time,
What he also had was repulsion,
Disgusted of this world and mankind,
He constructed himself a spacecraft,
Aiming to leave all the tears and wars,
Escape this harsh dimension,
And rest in the peace of the stars.

But little to this man's knowledge,
The enemy lie not where he was from,
It lay where he was going,
Seducing him to come.

This enemy was his redemption,
Awaiting with a patience of none,
As if it were a being with intentions,
Turned him into zero where he once was one,
And now the man is weeping,
All alone in the void of space,
Yearning for home he's dying
The grass turned greener when it showed its face.


Of one purpose we fought hand in hand,
My only brother in combat as war scorched the land,
Abandoned me with nothing to fight all alone,
The treachery you gave me I'll never atone.

I bear little or no life now that the war is done,
But this war between us has only begun,
The hate built from vengeance my soul was possessed,
Now only your death will put my soul to rest.

Don't speak to me of forgiveness it is for the blind,
Wolves and lambs can respect no truce of the mind,
Who would've thought tonight we'd face each other enemies,
Today old friend, you pay for your mutiny.

It's not enough to die, desecration is a must,
I want whomever that views your remains to vomit in disgust,
Mutilated and slain the vendetta is done,
Mutiny and betrayal’s now written in blood.

Mutiny and betrayal.

Mutiny and betrayal.


Across the veil in the womb of the dark,
A structure was built from bones,
Bones of the maniacal, insane, and cynic,
To silence their screams and moans,
Housing the land's B-population,
Of fungus and filth they were born,
A place where they can meet and serenade,
Dwelling at night, asleep in the morn.

They would dance, and play, and sing,
Then frictions would violently grow,
Beat each other even to the death,
Rape women like venomous whores.

Blood flows from bedlam walls,
Sanctuary for the diseased,
Institution for the demented,
Architectured for suffering.

No authority regulates the premise,
The asylum lives off of their pain,
Surrounded by sewers, miles from nowhere,
Radiant through the pitch-black rain,
As it stood 100 years before,
The building still stands today,
There's no place else the sick can go,
And drift through life day by day.

So, how do I tell do you ask?
Stories only the patients there keep,
Well, I had escaped for I was not ill,
But it still haunts me in my sleep,

Blood flows from bedlam walls,
Sanctuary for the diseased,
Institution for the demented,
And their souls will never be free.


A bridge was burned once again,
It seems that is all I know how to do,
Back to where I had started from,
On the brink of total ruin,
Well it's too late to go back anyway,
What I consequently lost,
Eternal hardships from mistakes,
And sorrow is the cost,
Life took upon a new task,
When the hope inside me died,
My eyes looked toward a day that,
I'd see that I have survived.

But the future threatens me inside.

Always taking one step forward,
While falling two steps back,
Not appreciating what I had in life,
Was all I ever lacked,
With dead ends at both turns,
Which way is left to go,
With doubts eating you inside,
Fears of failure haunt your soul,
Buried in confoundedness,
Is my permanent state of mind,
I can choose to run away again,
But there's no place to hide this time.

As the future awaits...

Obscure always was my direction here,
It'll condemn me until I die,
Despite obligations to persevere,
Was it worth leaving life behind?
As hard as I try to remove the past,
Wash dismal memories dead,
Only desolate horizons lay,
In the twilight up ahead.




The sun has set on diplomacy,
Winds of threat now blow,
"Freedom" was always the persuasive lie,
Fed to this world out of control,
A new power built under apparition,
Blueprints of the war arise,
Its turn at imperialism is coming,
Very little to my surprise,
Coalitions against each other,
Bombing satellite countries,
Then sudden quiet throughout the masses,
The allied powers have been brought to their knees.
We will conquer.

Such a display of belligerence, only the warheads can define,
In order to enforce the motives of a nation so malign,
Slaughter who do not follow, no choice is placed in their hands,
As this world is taken hostage if not met by their demands.
A country that withheld two other,
Potential dictators of the earth,
Seizes all the lands that it once sought,
Invading more that it accredits worth.

Countless bodies struck down in cold blood,
Shockwaves of the eagle's hammer the world it floods,
Legions of unnamed corpses now rotting to the bone,
- The consequence most common to who would dare oppose.
You think you have the numbers,
But they exceed the reportings and files,
When mercy defines complete defeat,
Zero is the surviving percentile.

Rendering armies blind in the midst of the last fight,
A worldwide eye for an eye the sound of death raping the night,
Obliterated are the cities under a ruthless sky,
All resistance is finished and millions have all ...died.

But the third world war has only begun...

A shout for the end of worldly peace,
A cry when nations fall,
Earth's walking towards destruction,
By dawn we'll heed the call...

The Dawn of destruction is upon us.

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