Hexen : Cinders of Zarathustra

Thrash Metal / USA
(2007 - Self-Released)
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When the days begin to lose color,
And your will has fallen weak,
You will question all as well,
And just as well you will seek out your -
-Words deprived of meaning,
No matter how sincere you speak,
But now I understand,
What it means to live life bleak.

No more color,
In lack of mental light,
Transformed this world of vivid dreams,
Into stills of black and white.
Confusion and malice,
Taints my palette gray,
You can't fix the errors of the past,
It's always much too late.

Words fell short of meaning,
No matter how sincere I'd speak,
Dwelling on hurtful memories,
That persist on lingering.
No more, there's no color anymore,
Only lifeless streams of thought,
That stretch from the deepest infinity,
Into the minds of the distraught.

The basic tenets of nihilism are now enough for me,
I'm sorry to displease you but I shun this fantasy,
The more you realize the more you drown in grief,
Brings me to the age-old question...
To be or not to be in this uncaring universe of negativity?
Nothing matters now; I've lost to curiosity.

So now I sit and wait,
Suspended in time alone,
Didn't want it to end this way,
By now my mind has turned to stone.


Across the veil in the womb of the dark,
A structure was built from bones,
Bones of the maniacal, insane, and cynic,
To silence their screams and moans,
Housing the land's B-population,
Of fungus and filth they were born,
A place where they can meet and serenade,
Dwelling at night, asleep in the morn.

They would dance, and play, and sing,
Then frictions would violently grow,
Beat each other even to the death,
Rape women like venomous whores.

Blood flows from bedlam walls,
Sanctuary for the diseased,
Institution for the demented,
Architectured for suffering.

No authority regulates the premise,
The asylum lives off of their pain,
Surrounded by sewers, miles from nowhere,
Radiant through the pitch-black rain,
As it stood 100 years before,
The building still stands today,
There's no place else the sick can go,
And drift through life day by day.

So, how do I tell do you ask?
Stories only the patients there keep,
Well, I had escaped for I was not ill,
But it still haunts me in my sleep,

Blood flows from bedlam walls,
Sanctuary for the diseased,
Institution for the demented,
And their souls will never be free.


The sun has set on diplomacy,
Winds of threat now blow,
"Freedom" was always the persuasive lie,
Fed to this world out of control,
A new power built under apparition,
Blueprints of the war arise,
Its turn at imperialism is coming,
Very little to my surprise,
Coalitions against each other,
Bombing satellite countries,
Then sudden quiet throughout the masses,
The allied powers have been brought to their knees.
"We will conquer!"

Such a display of belligerence that only warheads can define,
In order to enforce the motives of a nation so malign,
Slaughter who do not follow, no choice is placed in their hands,
As this world is taken hostage if not met by their demands.
A country that withheld two other,
Potential dictators of this earth,
Seizes all the lands that it once sought,
Invading more that it accredits worth.

Countless bodies struck down in cold blood,
Shockwaves of the eagle's hammer the world it floods,
Legions of unnamed corpses now rotting to the bone,
- The consequence most common to who would dare oppose.
You think you have the numbers,
But they exceed the reportings and files,
When mercy defines complete defeat,
Zero is the surviving percentile.

Rendering armies blind in the midst of the last fight,
A worldwide eye for an eye the sound of death raping the night,
Obliterated are the cities under a ruthless sky,
All resistance is finished and millions have all ...died.
But the third world war has only begun...

There's a storm coming in,
Hatred carried by the wind,
A war that no one will win,
Soon the war, it will begin.

A shout for the end of worldly peace,
A cry when nations fall,
Earth's walking towards destruction,
By dawn we'll heed the call...

The dawn of destruction is upon us…


Now I lay here,
Surrounded by darkness,
And I really don't know,
Is this reality?
Or is this just another dream…

I saw his face on every channel,
His slogans in all the papers,
I heard people repeat his words,
I saw them shouting, his flag in their hands.
I saw him make you promises,
I heard him talk about life,
But I saw his fingers too,
They were crossed behind his back.

Darling...of the TV screen,
Manipulator...of the purse strings,
Master...of the spoken words,
Jackal...with connections.

Worshipped...by the masses,
Leader...with ulterior motives.

(The jackal haunts the depths of the forlorn,
Little did you know, this was planned before you were even born.)

Darling...of the TV screen,
Manipulator...of the purse strings,
Master...of the spoken words,
Jackal...with connections.

Worshipped...by the masses,
Leader...with ulterior motives.

His slate as clean as snow,
Covers over his dark past,
To be in league with workers,
Pictures he loved to see.
But I read in his eyes,
Façade was reality,
He played his part to the end,
Shot...left in shambles.

Darling...of the TV screen,
Manipulator...of the purse strings,
Master...of the spoken words,
Jackal...with connections.

Worshipped...by the masses,
Leader...with ulterior motives.

Worshipped...by the masses,
Leader...with ulterior motives.

Palabras añadidas por xavier74 - Modificar estas palabras