Heretic Cult Redeemer : Heretic Cult Redeemer

Black Metal / Greece
(2013 - Iron Bonehead Productions)
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On dark paths there are trails
That illuminate existences of guilt
With open eyes you proceed but cannot see
The shadows hidden that open the scabs

In the beginning you start, without knowing,
To overpower wooden ideals
To fill your soul with hollow hope
And shun the quiet guilt

When the sun goes out and the sea hides
Then victims and immolators you will all be in one voice
That begs God to save it
While death in the corner snickers

And when the blizzard and the fiery rain arrive
And your fate succumbs to the thunder
You will crawl to evade evil
But the horns announce the murder and ruination


The arc of death
Rising from the gut of the giant sun

Hovering with fiery rays carving seals
Of dark codes in a droll matter
That locks the universe inebriated with digits and crooked
Harmonies of black litany that crawls amongst dead aeons
And drags a primitive howl

Dismantled the earth, its husk inside out, its scathes and jugulates
It floods the rivers with blood and impregnates the sphere to its medulla till its burst
And diffuses acuminous daggers in a circle of death that tightens the noose to deluge

The Being growls and spews fire the seed sprouts into a malevolent curse
That putrefies all existence
When desolation destroys the kingdom of freedom

Nemesis Erevos Genesis


His spiritual body was clear crystalline doused in the same light
That flowed from the throne of Greatness. His hands stretched
As if he was embracing something as if he was embracing the land
That the Creator offered Him,
The infinite world
Symbols of power and force decorated his fingers and before him
Spread the most gallant wings that the battalions of angels ever gazed upon

A fiery lotus clothed him from his legs to his waist.
And from there on two giagantic flaming veils.

On his head like another crown of glory and honor two soft white wings
Shaped the form of the son of Dawn.
His figure was crowned by thousands of stars thousands of angels.

With horns and drums they announced the entering and exiting of the great chief.
He stood unrivalled in total peace.
To the skies I ll rise on my throne

I'll rise higher than the stars of God.
I'll take my place on the mountain in the north where the gods forgather
I'll rise above the clouds and with the grandest
I'll be paramount !


The immaculate virgin walks amongst dead flowers
And the earth breathes sulfur
The seven psalms sound offering deadly angst

Concatenation !

At every trail an ancient oracle reveals
The opposite of right
The black procession shows
The final path

Concatenation !

The throne awaits
The bride spreads the magic melasses
And rape will be the grandest of deeds
Innocent blood will bring katharsis
And the deadly romfea will lurk through the ages of ages
Bells announce the kingdom of the lizard

Ochra spirocheti infects the pantheon of heroes
A slap in the face for the poimnion

The dark contract opens
Along with the gates of the putrid earth
The dark marriage blesses
The congregation of the holy and cholera

The oldest of times shall rise !

Red hermaphrodite archangels, misereable and impious
With eyes removed and chests torn open bellow in anguish

Concatenation !


The time has come as a lie and humorous is the dawn
The hours blindly swirl and the road may return

A peasant lies bound tightly on scorched earth
And the circle of death opens to the participants of the city

Haunted fears petrify me
Desolate ages before me
Pains rooted deep in bodies of shroffs turned into carcasses
Rusted lust how many vultures can it take
Rodent scars from an ancient illness the scavengers in herds

Trembling I spoon my eyes never look up where the birds
Squall and sow plagues

The world suddenly freezes and images of fire spewed by the centuries
Vomit the blood of eternal woe - Destiny of death


God-Man in a vessel of death without future
Baptized with evangelic melancholy
Enslaved !

Forced to confirm my freedom
With the paradox of judge and defendant

I condem this nature with such neglect
I was born to suffer
I condem them to die with me
I will die to prove my non belief

My new terrifying freedom
Dust boils from the cursed walk of the damned
Dust and sweat

Incoherent messages and subterranean sounds
Lead to the center of the spiral
The omega point
True land of deliverance
A monstrous torturing passage
To a mysterious unknown

Salvation ?


The ancient abyss spews fiery lava
The bodies of the damned skinned and their pelts are Offered as gifts to the demons
The trail leads to the inevitable

Incorporeal souls pass through the melting pot of the cleansing circles

Leading to nothing and commencing once more, adrift, if you will,
In the endless movement of dark matter
Everything is created there pain, desperation, lament, Horror, murder, blood !

Unearthly howls from the cone of Death

Come and receive ! Light !
The all powerful shines on his throne
The followers redeem the divination
Resurrection !

Two large angelic wings bring back the auspicious winds
Incense fills the air and candles burn

In the land of the immortals
Ardent eyes lurk, wait for their prey
Sin before the gates
A circle of death, a vast circle
Seven massive circles
Pain, horror, blood, katharsis

Unearthly howls from the cone of Death

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